is this the most redpilled show ever? they call (((them))) out constantly and tell the truth about blacks
The sopranos
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You CIA? Watching it right now. Spoopy.
You only focus on the blacks?
That fucking show is still my favorite.
>is this the most redpilled show ever?
The show has kike propaganda in almost every episode. Watch Columbus and tell me the show is redpilled.
>tell the truth about blacks
Tony not liking niggers is a convenient way for Meadow to act as a Marxist mouth piece David Chase. Just because characters on a show/movie doesn't like niggers doesn't make it redpilled. Tony ends up softening his viewpoints on a lot of different things including blacks towards the end of the series.
A lot of you are so used to seeing whites act like cucks in the media that anytime one deviates from that makes something automatically redpilled. Yeah it's a really good show show but I wouldn't call it redpilled.
through David Chase*
This guy is on the right track, all tv is bluepill to some extent.
Meadow is portrayed as a naive spoiled brat. Neither her or Tony were in the right that time.
Can any tv show really be described as redpilled? MDE doesn't count since it was a deliberate redpill dropping suicide bomb that would never get renewed
does it mention CIA at all
>Marxist mouthpiece for David Chase
Where do you get the idea that Chase is any kind of Marxist?
Forget about it
Aside from the obvious political messages he pushed in the show he's made comments in interviews that suggest that he has leftwing viewpoints. On a side note he's extremely fond of jews.
I say tree maybe four outta ten
Except any lefty talking point she threw out was never properly argued against. I get that it's just a mob show but if that's the excuse then social shit shouldn't have been focused on at all.
What are your criticisms faggot?
Meadow is a product of her environment an American teenage girl of course she's gonna be liberal. And it's explained that the reason she's so muh rights is because she always saw Tony getting arrested by the FBI when she was a kid. But then you get his mother who drops comments about psychology being a racket for the Jews. But Tony visits one throughout the show (though she is Italian not Jewish). Then you've got Hesh who is jewish and Tony clearly trusts yet sometimes makes comments about him being a jew. They play both sides. Meadow dates a black dude (who acts totally white and is half jew lol) but then Tony is racist straight to his face. And Meadow ends up with another Italian I think in the end.
>AJ dates a puerto rican girl with a son
>proposes to her
>literally wifes son
No, only FBI I think. Don't think CIA have ever dealt with the mafia.
>tfw Sopranos is my favourite show so in depth knowledge
>I get that it's just a mob show
Confirmed for not understanding the sopranos
Her bike was literally robbed by some nogs and she accused Tony of being racist for ironically saying he was surprised.
Exactly who did you expect to argue against her? did you expect the show to freeze and David Duke to walk in to break down her arguments?
Jews were at least given a somewhat negative portrayal, but it was mostly from his portrayals of utter disdain for middle-upper class America where this shone through.
Yeah I know it's such a deep and profound show isn't it you fedora tipping nigger
cia are married to the mafia dude.
I meant in terms of going after them and locking them up that's done by other agencies.
The timing and quality of the show left it almost completely void of the brainwashing numbing shit we are fed on the regular.
The bottom line was it didn't matter what race or religion the person was. The black guy whos father was organizing the protests vs. Mazzerone eventually sold his own people out (including his father). The Jews were generally whiney bitches and his portrayal of sub-urban America hit the nail on the head.
Israel/Palestine was mentioned a few times but only through the eyes of Hesh. Can't say I expected much less in that regard.
Red-pilled is a stretch. But it does have its moments of fresh air.
>did you expect the show to freeze and David Duke to walk in to break down her arguments?
Don't be ridiculous. There's plenty of ways they could've written it to show both sides of whatever social issue she was spouting off about.
>But then you get his mother who drops comments about psychology being a racket for the Jews
Oh you mean the mother who was portrayed as a borderline personality psychopath that tried to kill her own son? That's my whole point. They gets some of these characters to say certain things but the viewer is supposed to go against whatever they're saying because of who they are.
Tony literally says you're far more likely to be robbed by a black according to statistics.
That's pretty much a Jow Forums response.
Not sure what you want here.
I dont know on the 3rd ep now just started last night, dillon.
Solid take. Oz is the only redpilled show on HBO, it shows the reality of prison life, and specifically focuses on an experimental cell block run by a shitlib that forces diversity instead of segregating races as is the norm in America, with disaster and degeneracy constantly ensuing as a result. All the poz in the show comes at you through a singular character, who's a homophilic liberal just like the cell block manager and who you would expect to be a pussy.
Yah, not to mention that nogs who are violent are more often than not portrayed as victims, but it doesn't really dwell upon or glorify their victimhood.
It's a more sophisticated portrayal than what disney or marvel are doing with kangz but once you unravel it their portrayal leans towards victimhood in a hollywood manner. The use of blacks is often meant to magnify the evil and vicious nature of the Sopranos but the show wants to have the audience cheer for the bad guy as a guilty pleasure. A generation that craved power but didn't have it in them to be the bad guy like arty bucco.
I give the series the most points for being art, i woukdnt put too much into its meaning, kinda ruins it.
This, the show centers on Tony being the last of a dying race, and Chase deconstructs Italian tradition with psychotherapy and other pomo methods.
I don't remember him saying anything about statistics but if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I know Meadow uses socioeconomic reasons to justify them committing crime in one scene. Like I said earlier Tony ends up softening his stance on a lot of things towards the end of the show and I think the viewer is meant to consider that.
Yeah but that's really the only way to say those things
Well I might be wrong too about the statistics part, but only that.
Read my other post about the black strikes. He pretty much showed them selling out their own people for money.
True but it doesn't change the fact that anyone who doesn't browse Jow Forums is going to associate what she's saying with the fact that she's nuts
Written and directed by a bunch of Jews, ofc it will be redpilled, goyim.
Until they find out Freud was a jew then they realise she's right
Ah I see, you're a retard who can't deal with subtlety and needs everything spelled out for him.
The Sopranos is a shit soap opera that only ever became popular because it was a new level of violence for TV.
Every one of the characters is a dumb jerk who has no motivations other than "I'm selfish and I want things, I'm angry when I don't get them". Christopher shouts early on that "I got no arc!" and he's right - none of the characters do. None of them grow. Many regress. Tony turns from mediocre mob boss to a parody of a mediocre mob boss.
There's no good writing. If you just listen to the dialogue, it's endless hours of "Fuck you. We gotta get that guy. No, fuck you, I say what goes here. No, fuck you, Tone!" Then Gandolfini does his patented "fat guy breathing" acting technique and everyone claps.
If you look into the creator of the show, David Chase, he's a bitter old asshole who is actively hostile towards anyone asking about his critically-acclaimed popular show. The entire point of the ending was to be a big "fuck you" to anybody who liked the show. "We're not supposed to like Tony," he says. But you're supposed to identify with the protagonist - why would you keep watching if you didn't care about them?
They couldn't even make an HBO show sexy. 99% of the young girls were 4/10s, the non-Carmella women were 2/10s, the background whores were just bolted-on tits. The "Tony and Melfi dream about each other" scenes were cringe. There are better sex scenes in The Wire, ffs.
Watch it again and take a shot every time AJ gets yelled at. You'll be in a coma before episode 4. It's a soap opera.
Go fuck yourself. You're bringing nothing to the discussion and are just triggered because I insulted your precious show. It isn't about me. It's about people in general watching this show and what they are meant to think just like anything else that gets put on TV.
This fag probably has a bigger blacked collection than Milo. Get a grip shitlord.
Very edgy you little shit
>Christopher shouts early on that "I got no arc!" and he's right
Chris is a druggie fuck up that's why he regresses he can't stop taking smack. Though I found the whole thing where he tries to be a movie writer pretty hilarious.
Do you watch any media at all or is it just Triumph of the Will on repeat? You sound like a very annoying cunt to be around.
What is MDE?
This discussion is about the Sopranos so I don't know what any of the stupid shit you've posted about so far has to do with anything. You sound like you are your cunt mother should be set on fire.
Million Dollar Extreme. He's talking about the shitty TV show they did called "World Peace" that got cancelled after one season because it got bad ratings and nobody liked it.
Yes, I said it. Revisionists claim it was always popular but in reality it only became a cult classic after it had been cancelled.
Ridiculously hyper-analysis complete.
>is this the most redpilled show ever?
It had relatively alright ratings, it scored higher than current flagship Mr. Pickles and was just under Eric Andre and Decker. It was cancelled for (obvious) internal conflicts.
>Don't think, goy, just consume.
The Jew has trained you well!
Shit like this isn't redpilling a single normie. Mouthfoaming about JOOOS and MUH RACE is all normies hear. If that guy in the clip was subtly suggesting those ideas over the course of months, maybe then a few of those ideas would take root in her mind.
>t. someone who submitted three people from bluepilled into 1488
That is why Mossad killed him in Italy.
>Tony not liking niggers is a convenient way for Meadow to act as a Marxist mouth piece David Chase. Just because characters on a show/movie doesn't like niggers doesn't make it redpilled.
No just no nigger. Tony doesn't merely dislikes niggers arbitrarily. Niggers are shown as un fucking likeable. When meadows bike gets stolen and she admits it was a nigegr who did it it's the triumph moment for tony because he fucking KNEW IT. And he doesn't get soft on them either. Towards the end of the show he takes his son to catholic church and the ghetto so that he knows the difference between hard working people and niggers. Yeah sure Tony is revealed as a shitty person but his views on niggers were NEVER challenged properly by the show. The show screams niggers gonna nig louder than fucking nu pol.
Yes because every waking hour you must be in a state of deep thought.
No enjoyment.
Just deep hard thought 24/7.
As if that would make a fucking difference in the world.
Married with children was pretty redpilled.
You want it deep hard from the BBC
Apparently you do as you brought it up.
But hey you eurofags like it don't you?
Rick and Morty
I like watching
Watching it go in your ass?
>Yes because every waking hour you must be in a state of deep thought.
This leftist "you said a thing! you must obsess over that thing!" logic won't get you very far in life
>"R-r-reasons to hate the Sopranos Goyim!"
>All of the women aren't bondo splattered whores
>Cares about sex scenes on TV
Jew detected.
>If that guy in the clip was subtly suggesting those ideas over the course of months
kek what a virgin. You must be some gay cuckster who hangs out with similar gay cucksters.
No I like watching BBCs going into skinny whiteboy asses.
Why are americans so gay and cucked?
hey that's my hobby.
Yea but Meadow is extremely annoying and the audience always sides with Tony.
Based american bro gets its. Those fucking Europoors aint shit, they shouldnt even be breathing on my planet
interesting thread so far, did not expect it to evolve into this
So getting fucked in the ass is gay now?
you must be pretty young. media and culture before like 2014 was riddled with casual racism and didn't make something "redpilled"
probably the best show ever tho
your mom gay
I mean, to be fair, I had leftwing viewpoints too back when the show aired.
she gay as hell
who else went on the sopranos location bus tour in new jersey?
i went to the bada bing, and met the actor who plays vito.
Was he wearing leather chaps and chains like on the show?
You saw the fattest gayest worst character. Did you suck his dick?
Meadow was portrayed as a naive and hypocritical girl.
>Everything in this house comes from the work I do. So take your high moral ground and sleep at the bus station for all I care!
There are very few redpilled shows, as in big productions, for very obvious reasons. When Deadwood's David Milch had to do an apology in front of a crowd of screaming Jews, is when it came closest. Even that situation wouldn't had arisen weren't Milch not ethnically Jewish himself (as in Deadwood would not have ever happened).
he was driving his family SUV and following the tour bus to sell signed photos and memorabilia.
furios character is awesome
could be better if they continued the story
>control f
>0 results
You all fail
In Italian-American lingo niggers are called moolies which is short for moulinyan which is the Italian word for eggplany
Basically you are all a bunch of fucking spear chucking porch monkey moulinyans
>The strippers with bolted on tits
That was the whole point. They were into tacky shit. Their homes, their jewelry and style and taste were all tacky as fuck. It was intentional.
have a gabagool my man to calm urself down
"she musta crawled unda thea foa woamth!"
that intervention episode was amazing, when they all start punching chrissy ic ouldnt stop laughing.
Yeah right, the lead character didnt even have the makings of a varsity athlete...
Jesus Christ. What a greasy bastard.
Yes it contained many redpilled moments BUT (and its a big BUT) the parts with the Jewish gangster partner of Tony were downright obnoxious, literally +60% of them contained pro-Jewish/pity-the-Jew propaganda, downright disgusting.
Also, Tony kind of looks like the Archie Bunker character (All in the Family was supremely effective Jewish endoctrination) in the sense that it injects in the sub-conscious of people the notion that "yes, this is what many people believe in but this are outdated believes from outdated man...move on."
I used to be kinda a criminal, to be specific I sold drugs. when they aired this show I didn't have the time to watch tv. at that time the albanians were pretty active, so they told me watch that show user it's pretty realistic, so I did it was almost over then. it's pretty based tbqh. I think this is the last good show I watched. no breaking bad was based as fuck too, not realistic though but funny as shit. if you want ultra realistic shit, you should see the danish movie pusher. I can't describe it
franke, you are my friend what?
you need to see this movie, it makes it go cold down your spine
nice attempt at a screencap worthy post
buuuuuut it's vapid
sopranos is amazing and will never be forgotten like your garbage post
Shame about Meadow fucking a Jewish nigger and AJ hooking up with a Puerto-rican la goblina, and trying to raise her kids like a good cuck that he is.
Hahahaha this!
franke do fucker meg, do er min venn vad?
this serb plays this on a bitch creepo there. I am actually surprised he didn't make it big in hollywood after this, he is the worst creepo in the movie(s)
Not movies, MOVIES its a triology with the second one being the best.
Absolute kino, Very accurate of everyday crime shit in europe.