Asaleum Alekum and good evening sir. You may walk through this Muslim area, but I'm sorry to inform you...

Asaleum Alekum and good evening sir. You may walk through this Muslim area, but I'm sorry to inform you, your homosexual friend may not.

> wat do

Attached: pow.jpg (900x750, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"Neviem, o čom hovoríte."

First of all my name is mohammad mock me all u want white boys, I come from turkey.

U want to k ow what i think of white people? There egocentric, selfish and greedy. You fucking crackers colonized africa and other countries, you spread ur shitty fucking white diaspora then u begin to mock us because we are not a pale face demon. You sick twisted fucks. You are the most self absorbed pieces of shit to deal with. You have foreigners come to your country and u moan and fucking moan forgetting u colonized the fucking world not to forget u pale faced demons are allowed to immigrate to any country u like without a hassle. Ur heartless, ur ugly as fuck and u all stink of fucking shit! Yes seriously. You sit there on ur computers u fat fucking demons but u wont say it to my face, because id stab u to death. U fatass self entitled whites are fucking pieces of shit. Rollon the take over europe u white fucks. I cant wait for non whites to turn the tables and show u what its like to be non white. Fuck you and fuck europe we are fucking going to kill u fat sacks of fucking shit mark my fucking words and kiss my turkish ass u fucking filthy dogs.

Attached: (268x268, 27K)

Turn around and kill my gay friend, then while the muslim celebrates with me stab him in the back.

sorry OP, guess you're not allowed in this thread anymore

the muslim will kill you as well because you are not muslim. gg faggot.

Fuck off you filthy pak rat

Let's start a conversation with you brushing your teeth first... The ones you have left. Your butt hurt leads me to believe you might be one of those shitskins who got his teeth knocked on the bricks when I lived in the Netherlands. You ever met a Texas boy?

But I have no friends; certainly no homosexual ones.