Stop being controlled and manipulated open your mind and wake up

Stop being controlled and manipulated open your mind and wake up

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But i like sleeping. Ignorance is bliss. Don't shake me please

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I am awake and it is hell.
Is there anywhere in the world you can still be a soldier of fortune, I wanna do COD IRL life is pointless.

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I'm way past all of these.
I am a male with a cut penis, I get about the same amount of pleasure fingering a girl as fucking her, please tell me some nice bite sized wisdom on why life is worth it?

>Stop being controlled and manipulated open your mind and wake up

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Believe it or not God has a plan for you. If your are willing

I know all this but it doesn't change the fact that I am broken and wanna die.
Thanks for your intent Ausbro.

Who even makes these cringe pictures? We still aren't anywhere near having robots bring us. mcdonald's, so why did they even add that detail? They could have just shown the family eating mcdonald's without the robot and that would have illustrated the point just fine, but no they wanted to be deep or whatever. Fucking faggots

>step 1 of plan cut off 80% of the sensitive parts of my penis.
Fuck I can't wait to read more.

I am to much of a coward to just KMS, wouldn't mind joining the military or a PMC though but I really do just wanna fucking die, maybe this is why smoking and drinking are popular...

Time to heal then mate

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Stop bumping this thread with shitty facebook memes and leave


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Not exactly the kind of thing that can be healed dude.

>Believe it or not God has a plan for you.
I love how christcucks are saying this as if that is supposed to mean anything - 'Hey mr. Jew, Herr Goebels has a plan for you' doesn't mean it is good for him.

I wonder if God's plan for Ebba was to be run over by ten ton truck just so that a bunch of autists on the fringe of the net has a gore pic to post and share.

Maybe because that's the logical conclusion of the current culture you dumb brainlet. Go back to mindlessly consuming like a good goy and tell the Demiurge it can lick my nuts.

Maybe you're a faggot. Open your eyes. Suck a dick.

I doubt there's a masterplan to dumb people down. People are just stupid and like stupid, simple stuff and believe anything they hear from other stupid people so they all uphold the stupid. Manipulation of the masses is nothing new, a vast majority of idiots neither.

Jose M. Delgado

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>lack of sexual pleasure in my penis due to lack of nerves can be regained by performing fellatio on another man's Penis.
Fuck this is either retarded or genius, no wait it is retarded.
Based European Filipino.

Why would there not be?
Why do schools Pavlovianly condition children to function in the modern world?
People are dumb and have been made dumber it is a vicious cycle.

Yeah if I could just close my eyes and grunt and regrow it that would be sweet but that isn't how shit works.

No its a lot of hard work and you have to work at it everyday

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It is literally impossible.
I can gauge my skin to form a new mock foreskin but I'll fee 20% instead of 10%
Fucking whoopee, I still am doing it but honestly, I just wanna have a purge/race war/apocalypse.
I hate my life.

Get yourself together mate, I think you need to detox. Discipline yourself into quitting aimless web browsing, do nofap and start a meditation routine. Fill your day with reflection, expression (writing, drawing, painting) and reading. It sounds to me that you lack direction in life and you're just aimless.

This. Water fasting is a great way to clear the mind and detox. I keep a journal and try to reflect on my thoughts and emotions as much as possible. I also focus of product shit rather than just entertainment when I'm not doing real world stuffs.
Your dick isn't the only thing that matters. Try doing something for someone else to get over yourself.

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I was literally doing all that before I realized what I am missing, direction and aim are cool but what is the point?
I'll never feel conceiving my own kids, I was robbed of the chance to be a man but am still expected to be one.
>Try doing something for someone else to get over yourself.
I literally saved another human being's life a few months ago and still don't care.

>Water fasting is a great way to clear the mind and detox
True I did 40 days a while back but I would probably KMS if I did it now.

I used to be 380lbs and realized one day this was part of the Jews plan so I discovered Jow Forums and /out/ and my life changed for ever

Stop making fun of boogie. He is trying his best right now.

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Stop feeling bad about yourself and get a goal, aim or direction to strife for. If you keep asking what the point of it all is you'll get stuck in a loop of and achieve nothing.
See it as a sandbox vidya game, if the game has no missions, achievements, highscores, whatever it would be a boring peace of shit game you would want to quit. If the game does have it, you can atleast feel a sense of progression and accomplishment.

Lol okay retard.

Diet Coke gives you allergies?

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