So, let me get this straight: instead of allying with white nations to conquer the Muslim world...

So, let me get this straight: instead of allying with white nations to conquer the Muslim world, exterminate niggers and colonize Africa completely changing the world order Hitler just wanted to murder fellow white people (Jews are included)? What the actual fuck?

Attached: Young-Natalie-Portman-actresses-893502_399_472.jpg (399x472, 135K)

Still wrong.
No shekel for you!

He actually never wanted to go to war with either France or the UK and you can make the argument that Operation Barbarossa was more about material necessity due to the British naval blockade crippling their future war material potential due to massively limiting their ability to acquire key resources and even then fighting a literal imperialist internationalist repressive communist state which very obviously isn't in the interests of white people generally isn't really "anti-white" but okay.

>He never wanted to go to war with France or the UK
Mein Kampf explicitly states that he wanted to conquer the Alsace-Lorraine regions. Also, I hate to tell you this man, but Hitler was kind of a liar and said whatever was politically expedient. He also said he didn't want to go to war with Poland or take the whole of Czechoslovakia, but he kinda did.

Slavs are cucks, what's new? But imagine how many white Europeans died because of Hitler.

First of all, Jews only consider themselves white when it's to their benefit.
Picture relevant - it makes the case by example.
Second, he got involved in Africa because the UK was using it as a colonial base and Italy wanted to conquer it but was getting it's ass kicked by the likes of Ethiopia.

Attached: Jews white and then not white.jpg (974x928, 281K)

>Mein Kampf explicitly states that he wanted to conquer the Alsace-Lorraine regions
He said he was going to reunite the German people and Alsace-Lorraine was German with German people, taken as war booty after WW 1

Second, Hitler was not a racist. He was a "stop-fucking-us-overist"

Attached: Hitler rejects racial hatred.jpg (934x927, 189K)

>let me get this straight: instead of allying with white nations to conquer the Muslim world, exterminate niggers and colonize Africa
Yeah he was opposed to all that which is why the Jews declared war on him
Is this your first day?

We know the why of Operation Barbarossa because of "Hitler's Table Talk".
Stalin called up Hitler and said he was going to take Romania and that there was nothing Hitler could do about it. Germany needed Romania because of the oil fields.
Hitler even said that if he had known Stalin had all those tanks, he would have let Stalin take Romania.