Gone are the glory days of the American mall. The once great institution is falling on hard times...

Gone are the glory days of the American mall. The once great institution is falling on hard times. Brick and mortar retail sales are down. Stores are pulling out. Malls are collapsing into black holes. Even the real estate under them is loosing value. How did this come to be? Why aren't consumers shopping at the mall anymore?
>over 77 million square feet of retail real estate has closed this year and that 2018 will easily pass 2017's record of 105 million square feet closed

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Death to Wall marts you mutt.

Amazon is the best way to buy dildoes for camwhores.

the Amazon Jew

I went to the mall to buygopnik pants and they were 70% more expensive than Amazon. Fuck that, I'll only go back to eat lunch ch in the food court, but I'm not buying anything else.

The goal of the Jew is to destroy all real life interaction. Hook you to a device, a screen. All your interaction with others will be virtual.
Then it can be managed and controlled.
Already most social media will not allow you to talk about wrongthink topics.
It's scary how far they've come.

>Why aren't consumers shopping at the mall anymore?
Because why would you? Anything they have you can buy online. Only store worth going to is specialty stores like an LGS or local vintage game store.

Is it bad to pimp my own writing here? Well, anyhow, I wrote about this:

a "whites only" mall would do very well if whites knew they would only encounter other whites there

Werent malls just a scheme to evade property tax?

Have you ever been to a shopping mall recently? Filled to the brim with niggers who like to yell, start fights with each other, and steal. Bad for business. Shopping malls were doomed from the start because they were built within reach of public transport. Niggers board the buses in hoards from their downtown habitats and disembark at the shopping malls to spread some multicultural magic.

No it won't you retarded stormfag. Mall stores can never be as competitive with their prices as online stores, like Amazon.

That’s a bingo

How old are you, user?

you're probably right. most malls in Canada are actually doing quite well, at least the ones in affluent neighbourhoods or attract affluent shoppers. and a lot it has to do with it being a fairly pleasant, monkey free experience. other reasons why malls work here are Canadians are retards that pay retail + Canadian markup prices and our domestic online shopping is still pretty gimped and lagging behind the US. buying international online gets slapped with duties, taxes and brokerage.

I’m not buying clothes or shoes I can’t try on, guitars I can’t play before buying,you would be crazy to buy a lot of things sight unseen. Kids today don’t seem to want anything offline


>tfw I actually have good memories of this place. I would not consider visiting now

Because going out in public sucks malls are busy and annoying

Yea I really miss paying more for shit




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Amazon and ebay. I honestly don't have a problem with this. Shopping malls and big box stores were a blight on America to begin with. There will always be a place for brick and mortar stores for things like cars and other things you want to put your hands on before you buy it.

Whites only establishments exist. The price points of the merchandise is definitely significantly higher than elsewhere, but that's the price you pay to shop in peace.

I even do my grocery shopping at a high priced store. Just whites and Jews in there. Never seen anyone darker than their tanning bed made them.

Malls became loiter spots for subhumans. Not gonna shop somewhere where I have to avoid sea after sea of niggers and spics while they look for ways to steal from me.

>How did this come to be? Why aren't consumers shopping at the mall anymore?

They really just need to be converted into residential spaces.

>Malls became loiter spots for subhumans.

I would like to go back to a time when malls were loiter spots for 80s teenagers.

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OH NO MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS OH NOES! BETTER WATCH OUT! Fucking retards dont understand how this is a good thing mom and pop businesses will come back.

malls don't make sense anymore. before shopping was an event and price comparison was a lot higher. you HAD to go somewhere retail. the convenience of the mall and the social aspect was there.

a few factors killed malls
1) The rise of the internet. you can order shit online, and even if you pick it up at retail, you can price compare a lot more easily. this leads to downward pressure on malls. stores have costs to run, and indoor mall rents are $$$$ because you have all this open space in the mall that you have to maintain, heat, and light.

2) Target and Walmart started going aggressively at toys, electronics, and other big purchase categories. now you could get a lot of shit at standalone stores for less money and less walking than the mall. other stores like Best Buy killed big ticket items like TVs for department stores and electronic stores at malls

3) In addition to ecommerce (online shopping is cheaper often with free outgoing and return shipping), discount clothing stores like TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Kohls and outlet shopping killed the clothing end.

So where does that leave everything
>clothes: cheaper at outlet stores, online, or discount retailers
>kitchen shit: cheaper online, available at walmart/target or bed bath & beyond and simil0ar
>TVs, electronics: Walmart, Best Buy, or internet
>tools: harbor freight kills on the low end, on the higher end specialty stores do better
>Movies: Rents are far cheaper detached from the malls
>food: Rents are far cheaper detached from the malls, people generally go to malls to eat as part of shopping for other shit, not standalone
>toys: Cheaper online and walmart/target
>shoes: Cheaper online or detached
>most other shit: cheaper online or detached stores

a few of the largest malls like Mall of America or King of prussia can make it work because they're so big as to be purposeful destinations, especially for foreigners visiting the US, but the heyday of malls in suburbia is dead

Fuck off, Jeff.

Malls are a boomer tradition, boomers are dying.

Millennials aren't interested in shopping amongst sharters and niggers.

The consequences are obvious. In the future all shopping will be done through a handful of online megacorps.

I don't buy it. I mean, who do you think owns all that fucking real estate?


I like your writing, been a fan ever since I discovered your blog several years ago.

Are you me?

i forgot to mention in the social aspect, the internet killed the mall as a place to meet up and hang out. now you didn't need physical places with regular visits to coordinate with friends, people texted and later used smartphones and facebook/email/messaging apps to coordinate plans. once the need to meetup was gone and shopping at other places were cheaper, malls lost relevance

malls were a scheme to make shopping destinations where people would spend more because of all the stores being localized and passing different storefronts and being drawn in

canada's parcel postage rates are so high, online selection is less (Amazon.ca is a joke compared to amazon.com), and you universally charge GST/PST/HST on online purchases (in the US the buyer only pays sales tax at the time of sale if the retailer has a physical location in the state, meaning a lot of online purchases in the US aren't charged sales tax). malls do well in some rich areas in the US (Galleria, King of Prussia) but these are exceptions and not the norm. we also have easier buying internationally online.

A) outlet malls (outdoor with tons of outlet stores) are a thing
B) discount stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Kohls
C) a lot of stores offer free online shipping
D) a lot of stores have just moved to strip malls or standalone buildings because the rent is so much cheaper

>fuck off jeff
honestly out of the loop on this one, what the fuck are you trying to say

No, its just dominated by high-time preference non-whites. We live in New Hampshire. My gf had to spend some gift cards on a border town with Massachusetts. Here was her experience:

>not one person was heard speaking English
>non-whites everywhere
>food court people didn't give a fuck and took too long for her to be notice there was a customer

My LGS doesn't carry Baneblades, though...

+1 Thanks user! I've been a little slow lately with the move out of California, but I'll be getting back in the swing of things soon!

He meany local gun shop, not local game shop, user.

that hairstyle is not aesthetic

None of it is aesthetic. Probably a midwestern mall

Amazon has free returns

... oh...

See this is where I get confused, I live in northern Virginia and every mall in the area no matter what time I go is packed to the brim with people

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not universally for all categories. if a product is defective or wrong item shipped returns are free, but not for wrong size or changing your mind.

I know exactly the place you are referring to and that is an accurate description of it. All the undesirables spill over from Mass to spend their EBT, deal in drugs, and generally shit up the mall. The only reason I go there is if I feel like taking a trip to a zoo that doesn't charge admission.

>Why aren't consumers shopping at the mall anymore?

No one has money.


>go to store
>have to deal with shitskins


Walmart happened. Strip malls as opposed to indoor malls rose in popularity, because people were too fucking lazy to walk inside a mall to a store. Then, the Internet happened. Nobody is going anywhere anymore. Even bars are suffering. Booze is cheaper to buy and drink at home, and you can get sex on Tinder. We have been conditioned to stay at home unless you have a job or go to church. Welfare is taking care of the job coaxing people from their homes.

NOVAfag too. Northern Virginia is an exception due to the high concentration of very wealthy people who view going to places like Dulles town center or the recently built One Loudoun as more of a recreational experience than a pragmatic means of obtaining things you need. In areas like Fairfax and Woodbridge where the niggers and Spics are concentrated they go because they're too stupid to use Amazon and because stealing is easier.

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I’ll go to Potomac mills to hit the brooks brothers/Columbia/Oakley outlets but that’s about it for malls for me, unless I really need something last minute or it’s something to heavy to ship cheaply.

Because they're all El Salvadorians and Poos who think malls are a status thing.

T. Southwest Virginian.

Rockingham Mall. We have a winner.

Potomac Mills is an outlet so for some reason it attracts a lot of traffic for the whole area. I’m sure that will fall soon.

>not just saying it’s defective

They don’t actually test it, user.

tfw you can no longer smell commerce in the morning

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I hate shopping anywhere that isn't mom and pop shops. Nothing is worse than having to spend an extra 20 minutes at the counter while the clearly doesn't want to be here teenager reads of their script of trying to get you to buy another pair of pants, current sales that are going on and their rewards card when you just need that one thing. I had to go to Hot Topic the other day to get my niece some stupid Steven Universe toys and those fuckers would not fucking ring me up till they got a full fucking answer of why I didn't want a rewards card or tshirt. The manager even stepped in and joined her and I almost stole the fucking thing cause I was already late from them not ringing me up. Maybe that's why niggers steal everything.

It would do well, but because of the "whites only " novelty, not for being a mall.

I remember always going to this one mall once or twice a month with my family. I always thought it was neat and cool as a kid. We always used to get these soft pretzels. Aunt Annie's I think they were called or something like that. They were so good. My dad used to take me in game stop or eb games, you know, back when you paid 50 or 60 dollars and get the full game on disc. My mom used to take my sister to her little stores as well. Good fucking times, I miss it. Unfortunately, as time when on, more and more niggers started infesting the place. Fights every weekend, cops always there etc. They wouldn't even shop, they would just stand around to intimidate people.
Today it's a no go zone for whites. That was probably my first redpill on niggers at the time. I always used to see them tense or flex up on innocent people. I became "racially aware" at that point in my life.
It's funny because I remember my grandfather saying to us, "there goes the neighborhood". I didn't know what he meant by it as a kid. But now that I know, I smile and reminisce.
Congratulations monkeys, you created a white supremacist.

>Maybe that's why niggers steal everything
this only applies to a small amount of people, but another reason why some won't go to malls is because they literally can't (no car/license, disabled, etc)

BAKA that's RACIST! WIPIPO gonna pay to keep my mall open

It was a glorious time user

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For sure. Any mall or outlet mall is bound to stay open in the NoVa area. Based upon the data I've seen, I predict that the target demographic for malls will shift away from families of a more modest culture or economic status. The California type transplants who have nice cushy beltway contractor jobs and their kids will still go there for a nice family outing and spend tons of money. Also like says, the minorities will go there to pick up their brands so they can peacock and pretend they're not the imported peasantry.

How did one company so evil manage to destroy an American institution& get its progressivism brainwashing devices into the homes of millions in one fell swoop?

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who the fuck makes these threads?
nobody wants fucking malls, you fucking middle american piece of shit.
they are fucking hideous and the total opposite of what you find in a healthy society.
Gone are the glory days of actual cities where you didnt have to use a car to commute 5 miles to work. Gone are the glory days where the car was a luxury and a tool, rather than a tool of enslavement.
fuck malls, fuck strip malls, fuck tract housing, and fuck you.
we dont need these hideous, soulless shrines to consumerism.

Lazy fat fucks would rather buy shit online so they don't have to walk from their car to the store.

The Mall. They were too white so have to go.

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I agree with you somewhat, but it's hard to take your contrarian anti-consumerist rhetoric serious without cringing.

That's why millennials are stupid and can't see the consequences of their actions
We will be living in RoboCop Detroit soon enough

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Stupid people let them

not contrarian, im just not a soulless midwestern consumer drone.

not every return, but sometimes they do check as a quality control measure. people get bitten, sort of like the fake questions on Google Rewards surveys that ask you if you've ever been to Kelp's wildwater slides, asks you (from a list) your favorite attraction, and then question 3 says the theme park doesn't exist, how do you feel about lying to google (Free text response form) and then you get banned from paid surveys

amazon made ecommerce stupid easy and had the customer service to back it up, they just keep reinvesting the money to become more and more of a juggernaut

they're weakening though, walmart is giving them serious contention on the ecommerce front with $35 shipping threshold for free 2-day shipping instead of $49 free shipping that takes a month for shit to arrive

Gone are the days where I don't have to ride a bus with filthy niggers every day just to get my my culturally diverse school

thank god I can now afford to live in the suburbs and not have to see the ghetto trash that robbed me every fucking day simply because i did not look like them

If malls didn't have to account for dindus stealing, they could afford lower prices.

Support capitalism!
Post your beloved local mall!

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This sounds like a psy-op by State sales tax for online vendor advocates.
Does the US have a executive branch propaganda bureau to sell the new tax proposal?
or is it all just private superpac style political action groups who do this?
I do hate that Circuit City is out of business. they were way better than Best Buy.
I am not sure what to think about this online tax business. I do know that NH and FL will probably not have to worry about it.
Maybe this is an argument to remove sales tax altogether - that would also level the playing field.
Maybe tax on the manufacturing side like with alcohol.

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Ordering online is cheaper, and other than bookstores all the brick and mortar stores are filled with rowdy minorities and workers who couldn't possibly care less about their job.

Social atomization basically.

>Why aren't consumers shopping at the mall anymore?

The same reason Starbergs will be out of business within a decade.

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Oh yes you're so enlightened because you don't buy branded clothing and eat at fast food restaurants. Tell me more about how much capitalism has cheapened human existence while using your corporate computer you hipster luddite. Go be a teenager elsewhere.

>Why aren't consumers shopping at the mall anymore?
Niggers. High prices, too. But mostly niggers.

>How did this come to be?
swarms of shitskins making whites feel uncomfortable + the internet

It was a magical time.

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Mom and pop stores won't come back

>Boomers leave behind gorgeous downtowns throughout second half of 20th century
>flee main streets for interstates
>desert art deco buildings and grid street systems for hideous modern malls and haphazard suburban neighborhoods with no rhyme or reason to their layout
>Millennials come of age
>start "restore downtown" movements, malls close due to amazon
>buy old Victorian Queen Anne's, Craftsman bungalows, and various other beautiful old homes
>rip up carpet and linoleum to expose beautiful quartersawn oak

anyone else's town following this trend? I live in a small town in Arkansas and am fixing up a bungalow i bought for peanuts. All my neighbors are in their late 20s/early 30s and have kids

Malls are consumerist churches, that's it

>I mean, who do you think owns all that fucking real estate?
The Chinese.

The investors you're talking about are boomers and some genX.

Millennials aren't old enough to be ruling yet.

Thanks for modern Christianity, boomers. You really did (((them))) a favor.

Who let the Chinese into the US property market?


millennials are 81-96. they are buying up houses near me

greetings from /p/ol/

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You missed the main reason which is niggers.

Depends on where you live, but it's not an issue at all in my area. The malls are just depressingly empty.

>All my neighbors are in their late 20s/early 30s and have kids
tfw mid 30s and not even with a gf

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Am I supposed to care about suburban strip-mall wastelands becoming ghost towns?