Howard Schultz says Starbucks manager showed her own ‘unconscious bias’ — and possibly ‘racial profiling’

>Howard Schultz says Starbucks manager showed her own ‘unconscious bias’ — and possibly ‘racial profiling’

Or maybe they shouldn't have axed for a bathroom key without being a customer

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Howard Schulz wants to be president and just willingly injected himself into a dindu controversy

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>Throwing the manager under the bus so you can save your own hide

This is getting out of hand. The chick did nothing wrong and yet she's being chastized for not giving the keys to the bathroom then blowing their dicks clean.

How is this not a modern day witch hunt?

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lol the barista that called the cops was a nigger though

>inherent bias
>not treating niggers like KANGZ

I would fucking sue the fuck out starbucks for them saything this shit.

I'd drag the jews out of their homes in the middle of the night and string them up. Because I'm not a faggot like your nigger ass.


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...and that's a good thing

Oh... well, there it is.

>hur dur let's all pretend that pattern recognition isn't a thing
racial profiling saves lives, it's absolutely necessary

Daily reminder that we narrowly missed him being the Secretary of Labor.

>can't see a class war when it's right in front of his face
>t.temporarily embarrassed millionaire neckbeard

What's the quick rundown on this, why do I keep hearing nogs mentioned with Starbucks?

No. Just wait

I'm gonna kill you FUCKERS during shtf

I already have a head start because I've been out here for months now

You on the other hand are still in mommy and daddy basement eating hot pockets and sipping on chocolate milk making fake star bucks cupons for the "lulz"

Who you think is going to survive ? Me or your fat asses hahaha

I'm gonna be farming you fat fucks and pimping you out at gun point with several of my other homeless fri3nds who are waiting for the emp/apocalypse

You think we're just homeless for no reason ?

Shit is gonna get real in the next ten years

And now your 4 of clubs is considered and enemy in my eyes

Watch out for me in Denver
I know all the fallout shelters and hiding holes

Don't come here for help or with a 4 of clubs , it's shoot on sight for me now

Good luck in Denver anons
It moves I'm shooting it

You can blame all the people calling me a heroin addict in this thread for it

Stop and think for a minute how ridiculous this shit is.

The CEO of a huge coffee shop corporation comes to personally apologize to some niggers for getting expelled after chimping-out, and some kike lawyer is complaining that it wasn't good enough.

The "adults" of the West are emotion-driven retarded children.

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Nigs chimped-out because they weren't allowed to use the bathroom for free. (I'm guessing that location only had an employee bathroom or something.) Or some shit, whatever.

Anyways, they chimped, so now Jewish lawyers are swooping in like sharks to chum and forcing Soycucks to do a bunch of cucked shit.

A couple of coons loitered at a Starbucks and it's their policy to kick out people who do and as usually they got uppity so the police had to come remove them. Of course the played the race card so the PR department is making a lot of their employers spend an afternoon some time soon to do racial sensitivity training to save face.

America is fucked. In Australia you can't use any public restroom unless you're a customer. Of course you could politely ask and thatd likely let you use it.

Litigation in America is crazy

Two bucks at Starbucks.

The ex-manager should sue Starbucks for slander.

This really is a clusterfuck now

So the new frontier of civil rights is that niggers are allowed to use bathrooms in coffee shops without being customers?

Fucking hell it's stupid

>Howard Schultz
Literally who other than a literally Jew?

>entitled dindus enter cafe
>do not order anything, they are meeting a friend there
>ask to use restroom
>company policy = no restroom unless you buy something
>nigs throw fit, the extent of the fit is unclear but they are niggers so they were atleast loud
>soyboys and womyn behind counter get uncomfortable
>ask them to leave, nigs refuse, they call cops
>cops arrive, they are obligated to remove nigs
>suddenly everyone in the room is a practicing cobstitutional lawyer
>complain that nogs rights are being violated by cops, talk over and prevent cops from explaining why
>cops politely ask nigs to leave at least 3 times, they refuse
>cops detain nigs, cuff them, escort them away from building
>no charges filed
tl;dr niggers ruin everything they touch

That employee can now sue the CEO for slander.

Fuck Starbucks anyway. Goodbye Orangutan!

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This. Give that kike a taste of his own medicine.

fuckin loser heroin addict.

Don't compare animal right people to those that support niggers.
Animals are innocent.
Niggers are not.

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>entitled dindus enter cafe
>realize they can inconvenience normal people going about their day
>t. $10/hr soyboy says nothing no space for people to sit
>t. $10/hr soyboy bitches MUH RAYCISM
>Video tape being arrested so (((they))) can push more muh raycism

All this while normal humans are just trying to get a cup of coffee and go about their day.

In the US you need to be a known person for slander. Doesn’t work if you are John Smith the soyboy barista.

It’s because they believe they are entitled to everything. They’ll keep demanding gibs until we raise up and tell them to fuck off.

>"Where speech is directed at a person who is neither a public official nor a public figure, the case of Gertz v. Robert Welsh, Inc. (1974) and subsequent decisions have set forth different standards. The Court in Gertz determined that the actual malice standard established in New York Times v. Sullivan should not apply where speech concerns a private person"

Understood either way, he’s probably already getting shekels to take his public lashing from (((Schultz))) and go away.

If I were the manager I'd sue the hell out of Starbucks, they gave her the policy she followed and then hang her out to dry.

The retail store I work at had to make the restroom employees only, because homeless people used the stalls to steal stuff and shoot up heroin. It’s fairly common practice. This is just getting news coverage because they’re niggers and Starbucks immediately buckled like idiots. If they had just ignored it this story would have disappeared. Never buckle.

If someone powerful slanders you & it's all over the media & you can't get another job because your reputation has been ruined, then what ?

Implying they arent pandering to the soycuck base. Meanwhile, opportunistic schultz tries to make a quick shekel for his presidential bid.

He misstated the law. Theres definitely a case. Private people don't have a platform to defend themselves like schultzberowitz

Jew here. If you really want to make this campaign effective, you have to hit it from both ends.

Let's make Starbucks the drink embraced by White Supremacy.

This is a good idea.

>Woman manager and black barista
This keeps getting better

>suddenly everyone in the room is a practicing constitutional lawyer


Imagine getting fired for doing your job and kicking out someone who is disturbing business that isn't a customer just because they're one of the left's pets

Please take your pills.

>america's nightmare
>doesn't give a fuck

His name is schulz.
Did u really need to verify it on wiki?

Why don't you do that and post video here? Show us your edge.

Reminder that jews are responsible for the nigger "uprisings" in the US

Bullshit. There's grounds for a case. Just watch.

Conservatives of different races typically don't mix. Sometimes they do: arab/med or western-euro/slav. Cultural compatibility is important, and you are a nigger, the least compatible of all the races.

What the fuck you just say nigga?

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I hope they didn't publish her name. Wouldn't calling her racist be libel?

everyone deserves the bathroom key

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schultz is german or jewish?

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You're lucky, toothpaste. I report all Euro posts on here with actionable intelligence to your respective hate crime groups online. I can't find yours.


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They already have

Oh no no no. And this kike bastard is going to force hundreds of thousands of US citizens to undergo political reeducation for this shit.

Fucking fuck.

nope she was white, and fat. Daily mail released her identity

>Early morning in muttmerica
>Mutt slowly wakes up from xir double king sized bed
>Turns up his smartphone
>Looks up for the morning news
>Everyday half of the news feed is made of racial controversies
How americans can tolerate this shit?
I would get mad in half a day.

their argument is if they were white they would've been allowed to.

We must give this young black men a leg up in society after how they have been treated and-


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Thanks Obama, you fucking nigger.


ive been putting up with this shit for years. and youre right. its why i cant even fucking listen to a day of NPR without shouting and feeling my blood pressure spike.

i hope it goes the way of disco and gets laughed at and turned into a meme. the racial identity bullshit has become so engrained into people now that its honestly dividing us so much.

>wait in building
>people notice
>get told to leave property

its like satire, but it isnt.

It's the same every fucking where pajeet, but we're talking about murica and the nigger protected class.

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>>suddenly everyone in the room is a practicing constitutional lawyer

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proving how ignorant they are of the reality of other races.

i cant even do my job without people asking me why im here and what im doing.
yet blacks can simply shrug off any inquisition into their actions by accusing the questioneer of racism.

i feel bad about it, but id really like to see the black and latin communities get some sort of kharmatic payback for their recent divisive bullshit.

Starbucks’ new Shaken Watermelon and Passion Tea is as colorful as it is refreshing. Made with watermelon juice and the brand’s signature Passion Tea,

this wont work because blacks dont drink tea for fear of being seen as a wuss. trade out the tea for md4040 and youll have a hit

This is a real thing from Starbucks.

its not an unconscious bias. the fact of the matter is over 50% of niggers are criminals.

Literally on a 2 week vacation and you just described me. Lazing at home and this shit is all I do.

I really need to put the phone down before I go Dylann Roof.

the MEDIA feeds on race baiting. its so blatantly obvious. anything to do with niggers or mexispics is a LEAD story. if a nigger or mexispic dies, HEADLINE. lolberals cling to these stories to feel self important so they can post on their facebooks and instafucks to get SUPER cool likes and seem TRENDY. LOSERS!

I wish we had a right wing version of NPR but Breitbart has so many ads and is sensationaist.

>shouldn't have axed for a bathroom key

Is this a thing? What are you Burgers doing to the English language now?

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There are no federal aws about public restrooms. If there's a law it's a state or municipal ordnance. Other wise it's just company policy.

same. i dont even want a right leaning one. just ONE FUCKING SOURCE for 24/7 news from around the world.

i dont give two pieces of puppy poop about the investigations, or starbucks bullshit, or activism or any of that shit. especially not when missiles are flying, people are sick, and countries are making power moves.

npr is such a blatant piece of rhetorical shit made to condition non-thinkers, and i die every time someone professes them as a reliable news source, or even a good news source. the single saddest part is they have radioIQ which is good for news once the bbc hour comes up, but the morning hour is such an assblqst of bullshit virtue signaling that its honestly disheartening.

id like to see npr get into some hot water. i hope one day to listen to them squirm and sweat and try to pretend that they arent one of the scummiest stations out there.

such a love hate relationship

AMERICA is fucked. in Canada anyone can use a stores restroom as its the law

You're leaving out that they had been there without buying anything for 1/2 hr to an hour (depends on who's version of events) before asking for restroom. Then because it wasn't an emergency call it took the cops close to an hour to get there.
So none of the 'constitutional lawyers' were even present when the subjects started swearing and shoving chairs about, which is what warranted the call to the cops in the first place.

>i hope it goes the way of disco
Love the metaphor. Unfortunately i feel it’s more likely to go the way of a rock concert in Vegas.

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go to google news... one of the top headlines is about some fucking NO NAME professor of probably fucking retardology, being happy RACIST barbara bush is dead. WHY THE FUCK IS THIS FUCKING NEWS?

answer these fucking questions

That's the common ghetto pronunciation.

I think he’s just writing what the negro would have said. For some strange, unknown reason they can’t say “ask” it’s always pronounced “axe”


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