Anyone else see the irony here?

Anyone else see the irony here?

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>Ignore data and science
These are the people that believe there is zero genetic difference between an Aboriginal and a Han Chinese

Nothing new. Hardly worth comment. One literally has to be a retard to be a libtard. People with minimal cognitive ability can’t be deceived as mercilessly as libtards.

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We live in an age where all the "right thinking" people believe many things that are obviously the exact opposite of reality. When I slowly try to reason with these people I hit a brick wall as soon as I arrive at anything outside The Narrative. It's so frustrating.

>democrats have become zealots. Ignoring date and science to pursue emotional ideological agenda. Using fear to prevent progress. Guns aren't genociding the country, Trump isn't a nazi and the patriarchy doesn't exist.

Race isn't even real I mean biologically speaking we are a lot more similar to each other than any other mammals are to their own species. Stop LARPing Racists BTFO

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Dredging the slums of Asia Africa Arabia and Latin America and dumping them on US schools, hospitals, roads, environment, labor force is the policy of treason. US is largest debtor nation in the history of the world. #mass immigration.

Hey Rabbi, Watch doin? Race is a social construct to you guys but only the Jewish race exists huh. The goyim are superior, double digit Ashkenazi niggers.

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LOL. Retards that live in urban death traps think they have a high IQ.

Sorry to hear about your cognitive defect.

>leftists have to edit red panels because they can't create their own memes
That's just sad

>Brings up cities having higher IQ then rural and suburban areas
>Forgets to mention the gap is smaller then that between races and that a state's IQ directly correlates with how white it is

>city people have higher iqs
>inner-cities schools are literally hell hole pieces of shit with the worst performances


>city people
You realize cities are overwhelmingly nigger filled right?

the funny thing is I think theres a weird demo split
dumb whites vote right wing for retarded reasons
smarter whites vote left wing for retarded reasons
the smartest whites are ethno nationalists and probably dont vote

The educated white vote went right last election

not in the US?

>and corporations are not over taxed
Kek absolutely no agenda there

I think you misspelled left

>whore of babylon

google it

they get their authority directly from the beast

>And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.