Boomer hate thread. Fuck these pieces of shit.
>muh boat
>muh bacation to the Bahamasat age 81 on dialysis
>muh home equity
Boomer hate thread. Fuck these pieces of shit.
>muh boat
>muh bacation to the Bahamasat age 81 on dialysis
>muh home equity
>user, can you help me attach a file to an email?!
Like and Retweet if you've heard this at least a dozen times
> Anonymous (ID: 5VJLIQPd) 04/18/18(Wed)10:35:49 No.168610107▶
> (OP)
>>user, can you help me attach a file to an email?!
>Like and Retweet if you've heard this at least a dozen times
yes dude, or my favorite
*opens email client or any application*
"Ok what am I looking at here, what's going on" nigger
The worst generation of history
>visit uncle
>ask if there's place in his business
>"lol user you couldn't work for me you need more experience first"
>watch him work on laptop
>wants to copypaste something
>selects text
>accidentally leftclicks
>selects text again
>misses final word
>unselects entire text instead of using shift
>finally successfully selects the full line
>moves mouse to copy
>looks at left button before clicking
>moves cursor outside of box in the meantime
>has to select line all over again
>manages to correctly copy it in one go now
>pastes it in word file
>copy pasted entire format of line including background color and font size
>can't find out how to change it
>removes copypasted text and types it by hand
>different formatting is still there
>closes and reopens word file and types it by hand in the end
>"we really can't hire people who don't know what they're doing user I'm sorry"
heh, this amuses me. The song changes, but the melody stays the same. You do realize that IF humanity survives long enough, and you manage to live long enough to reach their age, the generations that come after you are going to say the EXACT same things about you and have the same hatred and vitriol for you, right? And they will feel they are right about you just as you feel you are adamantly right about the boomers.
Tidy your room, get your hair cut and get a job or it's the military academy for you sonny Jim.
Not true. My grandparents, all four of them, were of the Silent Generation. I have no complaints about them. The Boomers are unique in history for their level of faggotry.
Be a little more grateful for the people who made this country great
>Burger boomer christcucks