When people of color move into a community, white people tend to move out...

When people of color move into a community, white people tend to move out. This phenomenon—known as “white flight”—is well-established in sociological research. It has, however, been much harder to come to a definitive conclusion as to why this happens.

On one side of the debate, researchers say that white people leave increasingly diverse neighborhoods for racial reasons. These white residents, the argument goes, are extremely sensitive to the racial makeup of their neighborhoods

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A new study concludes that racial reasons lead to white flight. Researcher Samuel Kye analyzed both working class neighborhoods and middle class suburbs for the report, recently published in Social Science Research, in order to provide a more accurate assessment of whether socioeconomic contexts or the growth of minorities independently trigger an exodus of white people.

The report not only tied the persistence of white flight to race, it found that a large amount of white people leaving a neighborhood is more likely to occur in a middle class one, rather than a poor area.

The study used US census data from 1990 to 2010 to examine white flight among suburban neighborhoods in the 150 largest metropolitan areas. Kye developed a criteria that identifies all neighborhoods that have lost a critical percentage of white residents, and distinguished between neighborhoods experiencing white flight from those undergoing a decline in the overall proportion of white residents due to rising diversity and stagnant white population growth. The study defines white flight as what happens when an area loses at least 100 white residents and at least 25% of its white population over 10 years. Kye found 3,252 instances of white flight from the 27,891 suburban tracts in the sample.

Race was not only a strong predictor of white flight, but occurred to an even greater degree in middle class neighborhoods than in poorer neighborhoods, according to the study. The findings challenge the belief that white flight occur as a result of socioeconomic reasons as middle class neighborhoods do not display the disadvantages in neighborhood quality that drive out white residents.

White flight is often reduced to a black and white issue, but the study showed that this phenomenon continued to occur even when it’s Hispanics or Asian residents diversifying middle class neighborhoods.

The study found that white flight becomes more likely in middle class neighborhoods when the presence of Hispanics and Asians exceeds 25% and 21%, respectively. Overall, areas that saw white flight lost on average 40% of their white population over a decade.

This is a troubling pattern for the future, Kye notes, adding that white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”

>people of color
I don’t mind the gooks down the block, because I know they won’t break into my home.

Whites can’t have their own neighbourhoods, only PoC can.

>(((Social Science)))

Well since all white people are racist by nature this makes sense. The only reason anyone would move put of the ghetto is because they hate black people.

>be a nigger
>rob white people through the government or at gunpoint
>they leave

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>It has, however, been much harder to come to a definitive conclusion as to why this happens.
I understand wanting to be politically correct and not offend anyone, but come the fuck on. Like gee, what a fucking mystery. I wonder why they fucking move out.

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Less whites means more diversity and that's a good thing.

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Wow, it's like white people don't like loud music, garbage, crime and people standing in front of their home shouting all the time.

b-but white flight is raycis..

If anyone has any questions about why white flight happens, all they have to do is spend 10 minutes at the Popeyes off of 6 mile road in detroit.

>Whites move in
>Whites move out
White flight

Maybe everyone should just stay the fuck out of our neighborhoods and we will stay out of theirs.
They can have their "safe space" neighborhoods and we can have our "dangerous" and "racist" neighborhoods.

I mean it's for racial reasons but what is the reason

>Blacks make the property value plummet
>everyone leaves
How is that not a Racial reason?

Grass is green
Sky is blue

>complain about “gentrification”
>complain when whites leave too
Maybe white ppl arent the issue.

Sure let me live in a decayed building with drug deals and loud nigger music at 2am when I am trying to get some sleep. Sounds fantastic.

And when whites enter a 'diverse' area its called gentrification.
Protip - niggers are locusts. they dont know what they want, but they want it all. they consume and consume and produce nothing.

ipso facto if it's based on race there is no valid reason
everyone selling drives the prices down
it's a combination of factors

it's seriously infuriating.

The Plural state creates unequal economic opportunity because people naturally are tribal, thus don't share their resources.
The absolute state of White liberals.

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>use photo depicting monkeys to illustrate story about racism and white flight.

Why do niggers do all of these things? Especially shouting in their front yard.

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>Stop gentrifying our ghettos!

What did black people mean by this?

> white flight becomes more likely in middle class neighborhoods ... when the presence of Hispanics and Asians exceeds 25%
>defines white flight as what happens when an area loses ... at least 25% of its white population

are the people who write this crap somehow retarded or don't they read what they write?

it's as simple as safety. Blacks commit too much crime. white neighborhood = safe.

>This is a troubling pattern for the future, Kye notes, adding that white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”

Nice ephemism for,
> We need whites to create a civilization for everybody else while at the same time we insult and tell them that they stole everything in the colonization period.

There is some kind of tacit weird right to have "access to white people".
No, access to white people is not a right. Fuck off.

they're propagandists and get paid to little for quality control

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I don't understand why they even want to move into our neighborhoods. They moan and moan about white people calling the cops on "innocent" black people that are walking around "white" neighborhoods. Some go as far to say that calling the cops on black people endangers their life and is "violence" against them.
So why even bother moving in? Why bother going into said neighborhoods? Just stay within your safe space.

>This is a troubling pattern for the future, Kye notes, adding that white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes
> not enough whites, shit neighborhood
TLDRed for you

>it found that a large amount of white people leaving a neighborhood is more likely to occur in a middle class one, rather than a poor area.
Because poor people can't afford to move out, wow so complicated to infer.

Is anyone surprised? Is this even news?

they are low IQ apes.
this has been known for centuries.

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>be me
>live in nice house in nice neighborhood
>some faggot realtor buys property at the end of the street and puts three houses where he should have only built two
>rents to niggers
>they sling trash in their yards, leave their carports open to show all the shit they have crammed in, won't mow their lawns
>their trash blows over into other yards.
>end of street makes the whole place look like trash
>faggot realtor buys more property within walking distance
>builds section 8 apartments
>niggers beging to roam through neighborhood, loiter, drop trash
>break-ins begin
>I move
>nice house in nice neighborhood
>some other faggot realtor buys land and builds section 8 apartments within walking distance of my new house

I'm looking into moving to an area with zoning laws and a gay HOA just to avoid this bullshit from happening again. Low-class niggers ruin any decent neighborhood. It's not racist if it's an actual thing.

Anyone know of literature that discounts sociology. I really believe that the field as a whole is not up to snuff.

>I don't understand why they even want to move into our neighborhoods.
because not even niggers want to live around niggers

Blacks hate nigs more than they hate white people. They may not admit it, but they vote with their feet.

LOL people of color is a politically term, I can't take these faggots seriously at this point. If speaking technically black isn't a color at all because its at the end of the color spectrum.

>white people move in = gentrification = racism
>white people move out = white flight = racism

>>This is a troubling pattern for the future, Kye notes, adding that white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”
>>whites have an aura of +10hp and +20gp
>>white people are racist because they won't let me parasite off them

I find it hilarious that liberals do not know what diversity means. They think it means non-white.
>Look at this DIVERSE photo shoot of female models!
>they're all black
>only diversity is one of them is fat

I don't like when shitskin culture starts dominating an area. Not because they make it more "vibrant" but because they start loitering and leaving trash everywhere. A lot of them look like hoodrats.

>living next door to niggers
>what is the reason
it's a mystery user

What city?

>a gay HOA just to avoid this bullshit from happening again
as much as people bitch and moan about HOAs. they can do some good shit like keep riff raff out & hire private security. you just have to find one that isn't stacked with bored old people.

No shit.

How it works. Well to do white people into an area and suddenly that area is on the upswing. Better schools, more job opportunities, lower crime etc..

Then a few blacks, for whatever reason decide to come.


Go white people, and some move. The balance hasn't been disturbed as most white people stay. Then a few more black people move. More white people move out and crime goes up a touch and apartment complexes become known as bad areas or no go zones.

Soon enough, white people are leaving in droves but blacks are still moving in because the city theyre from is an absolute shit hole.

The town goes to shit, jobs leave and we're back at step one.

I saw it happen first hand. I used to live in Lansing, IL. We had like 5 black people in my grade going into middle school. Middle school to high school got to a point where like 30-40% of the school was black. My parents moved us to Indiana pretty quickly.

I looked last year and the high school I went to is like 75% black now.

Fucking Chicago niggers ruined the city.

>if white people gentrify ghetto neighborhoods it's racism
>if white people leave ghetto neighborhoods it's racism

That's a great catch 22.

Water is wet

>this is our vibrant ethnic quarter
>paint literal monkeys on the doors


The report should go into greater detail on statistics of crime and property values once the whites pack up and leave

Yeah Wtf. Diversity is code for whites carrying subhumans.

I wonder if there are any alternative explanations. The article's seems to be saying:

Minorities move into neighborhood -> white move out.
But holds that white racism is the causal factor. I wonder if it has to do with decreased property value, increase in crime, or another reason.

>In 1971, the American economist Thomas Schelling created an agent-based model that might help explain why segregation is so difficult to combat. His model of segregation showed that even when individuals (or "agents") didn't mind being surrounded or living by agents of a different race, they would still choose to segregate themselves from other agents over time! Although the model is quite simple, it gives a fascinating look at how individuals might self-segregate, even when they have no explicit desire to do so.

fun fact: even having a slight preference for 'white culture' or living close to your friends is enough for white flight to occur.

>It has, however, been much harder to come to a definitive conclusion as to why this happens.
lol, that is certainly a hard nut to crack xD

Someone used university funds, which are often provided via tax dollars, to explain the ineffable mystery of why white people don't like living with niggers? Is this real life?

No, you fucking idiot, "white flight" happens because the fucking crime rate increases alongside diversity. The same thing happens with affluent black families and businesses who don't want to replace their fucking windows every week.

>It has, however, been much harder to come to a definitive conclusion as to why this happens.

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>Kye notes, adding that white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.
Obviously these white people are moving because they found a better place to live. These key predictors about a reduced quality of life can only mean one thing. It means non-white people have a worse quality of life unless they can infest white people's area and leech off from their incredible ability of building a competent civilization. It is clearly a problem for these non-white people when white people flee and they have to personally take care of making things worse.

There are streets in London that might as well be downtown Mecca, why would anyone want to stay on a street where the majority of people don't speak English and the people that do won't talk or socialise with you?

Guess what? Blacks also leave increasingly diverse neighborhood and try to make it into a whiter one. I wonder why.

>white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”
What exactly does he mean by this? Is he saying neighborhoods need white people to be successful or am I misunderstanding?

They realize property values are about to drop. And the neighborhood is about to get loud and dirty. White people have manners

>hipsters move into shitty poor area because its cool
>get their shit stolen a few times, get robbed a few times, get jumped a few times, and deal literally every single day without exception with blacks harassing them verbally, especially if they are female
>cant vent about this at all because of the social climate they and their friends are in and actually shit on themselves for being annoyed by such things
>eventually have enough and move back into the suburbs

this is what happens all the time, the only difference is they mostly dont want to admit that ghettos and black neighborhoods fucking suck shit and the people there are obnoxious assholes.

What a lot of people describe as racism is really just pattern recognition.
"Pattern recognition describes a cognitive process that matches information from a stimulus with information retrieved from memory. Pattern recognition is not only crucial to humans, but to other animals as well."

> These white residents, the argument goes, are extremely sensitive to the racial makeup of their neighborhoods

They're extremely sensitive to living around obnoxious, aggressive niggers.

For the same reason they migrate by the millions to our countries. It's like a parasitic relationship. They resent the fact that they have to chase us around the world to suckle on the tit of our tolerance and generosity to avoid their natural state of brutal anarchy and crushing destitution.

The govt had a history of placing poor blacks in middle class areas which lead to white flight that turned white neighborhoods into run down black neighborhoods.

>negroids move in
>crime and drugs skyrocket
>white people leave
>why does this happen?
gee I wonder

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all those words just to say people tend to form cliques

>live in nice neighbourhood with friendly, non-confrontational people, where you can walk the streets without fear of being accosted, even at night
>shitskins move in, start acting like shitskins, people can't walk the streets safely anymore, fear for their and their family's well being, move out to area not yet infested by shitskins

Not hard to understand.

>racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”
niggers living amongst niggers lowers their life chances. that's why we need to sacrifice whites' lfie chances so our statistics look better and we can be good liberal goys

"Woke" liberals are always the first ones to put their homes up for sale the instant a porch monkey moves into their neighborhood.

I do not like being told what to do, but this looks like probably the only way to ensure I don't get driven out of my neighborhood by trashy people. I had a bad experience with a bunch of nasty old people in an HOA petitioning for people to stop putting out bird feeders, "because the birds are noisy in the morning and wake them up." Assholes.

white people dont want to be harassed, robbed, or raped?

DEY IZ RASIST!!!!!1111oneoneone

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I've lived in both very White areas (90%+) and very Niggrish areas (65%+) and the difference is huge. In the white areas I didn't need to lock my doors, could keep valuables in my car, crime was pretty much non-existent. Black people don't work, they suck up all the welfare so they party outside on the street and play rap from their ghetto blasters late into the night everyday.

I believe that both are true, white people leave because of the racial differences and economic consequences from JaQuan breaking into cars or having shootouts in broad daylight along with the increase in littering and pollution and other violent crimes. I fully think both are true. Good.

Embrace being racist.

There's a reason white poor people choose to live in tiny cramped trailers instead of significantly larger apartments and homes in urban and poor suburban areas.

Ayyy white boi you dun gonna be running out of spaces to hide from us soon enough! We are many and you are few, we will diversify you wherever you go stay mad.

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>blacks move in
>loud rap music, nigged cars

no wonder people move out

Statistical analysis can lead to silly conclusions. When your whole job is about reading excel spread sheets about families you can conclude that a man with a family history of cancer can reduce his chance to get it if he only moves into a neighborhood of people with no cancer history.

Basically they mean that poor niggers personal lives are improved if they live next to richer neighbors. Other than by stealing it makes no fucking sense. But averages are nicer to look at than outliers.

>not buying the unused land to deny (((realtors))) from forcing you to live next to apes

It's impossible to be a white family in a majority minority neighborhood and feel safe. You're going to be the only house with a lawn mowed, no trash lying in the driveway, and a house that isn't falling over. You're an obvious target for break ins and your joint will be scoped out 24/7 until it happens.

>Still non-whites
I feel bad for you OP, everyone should be able to experience living in an ethnically homogenous neighborhood.

In today's news, study finds that sky is blue.

I want to abandon my neighborhood and it's not about race, it's about low-class druggie losers. I can't even walk to my own car without someone trying to bum a smoke off me.

Most academics will privately tell you that these fields are not legitimate and don't belong in universities. It's just marxist bs. Communists infiltrated schools decades ago and have aggressively consolidated power for ideological reasons, pushing pseudo science and degeneracy.

t. work in academia

Other than a 3% uprising, what can actually be done about this obvious truth that is having a light shined upon it more and more?

Reminder that the government subsidizes this on purpose. They won't quit until half of every town and city is full of section 8 housing. This is why civic nationalism won't work. The government will ensure that the crime and poverty and shitty schools come to your neighborhood.

I actually live next door to a black family. no problems. this is all based on behaviour and not racism

exactly: it's neither economic, nor racist. just human.

Or the shitty poor area gets so many moving in that it becomes nicer and it prices out the shitty people who are forced to abandon the neighborhood.

Which brings on the complaints about 'gentrification'.

Does the reduction in white population happen after the increase in minority populations or not? If so then the numbers are pheasible but if not this entire article is retarded

Why are there blacks in Britain?

property value will hit rock bottom ones niggers move into the neighborhood
inb4 common sense is raycist

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We brought them here on ships, remember? We blessed you guys with them too.

more like
>we need whites to pay taxes to fund our local social programs and infrastructure