Why do millennial neo-boomers like Amazon and Jeff Bezos so much?

Why do millennial neo-boomers like Amazon and Jeff Bezos so much?

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>Get rounded up like cattle
>Be obedient right until the bullet blows your grey matter apart
Is the instinct for self preservation that strong that they'll just do whatever for even a few seconds more life instead of fighting back?

Employment is voluntary and optional

Prison is not


>t. Neo-boomer

because they spent their allowance money on amazon prime, like the smarks that they are

They're probably grateful its just a headshot instead of being the poor fucks who get set on fire

>employment is voluntary

>housing and groceries are not


>one of the biggest corporate structures in the world requires strict discipline to function

Color me shocked. If you don't like it why not, you know, find another job?

Literally nothing wrong with this

Bring back the Workhouses, I want to kill parents so I can take in their orphans and pay them in food

I worked in a sorting facility for a few weeks for a quick buck. It was a rough deal.

The 2 major issues were the tracking and ‘flex’ hours.

They tracked every step i took, and would occasionally have some high school drop out roll up to me to talk about my ‘scan rate.’ You’re expected to on average scan and place 3 packages a minute. When I started i did about 2.2 a mintute because I lifted the heavier items. I was being a good employeez After a while I just said fuck it and only did small packages and my scan rate jumpped to 3.5 per minute. Not the bedt way to run an opporation imo.

Next was the flex hours. Our shifts were ‘3 to 5’ hours. Meaning you could work as little as 3 or as much as 5 based on the volume of packages. Worst part was you didn't know unitl the 3rd hour hit. So i never knew how much to pace myself. I was trying to have a high scan rate after all, so couldnt burn out too fast if it was a 5 hour shift.

One of the worst work experiences I’ve had. And I’ve done some shit jobs, and even other warehouse stuff.

Never work for Amazon if you can help it. Thankfully the gig is gonna be replaced with robots soon. I’ll never forget one of our daily motivation speeches was about how we were the “fastest human sorting facility in the region” Everyone cheered, and i just thought “that means there automated ones that are faster. You’re days are numbered, so stop cheering.”

Phone posting, so sorry for any grammar or spelling errors

Ever worked for ups? I started there a little while ago and it seems like the same shit.

Your salvation is soon from those shit jobs. Cant say much though about it.

i wish i could've had pee bottles when i was working in factory warehouses

Got hired for the holiday season, but turned it down for Amazon actually. So can’t say anything about them, sorry.

I work at Amazon and I fucking hate it. It is not a fulfillment center like this but a sort center in Hillsboro, Oregon. Our shifts are only 4 hours long, but thats ok because according to our contracts, they can keep us up to 1 hour late every day. Good luck having a life if you work at Amazon!

>why is capitalism wrong asks the communist
You hate success
Isnt it interesting how its always the rich who are evil, justbopposing sides?

Scan rate requirements at my location are only 2 per minute or 120 per hour. Which facility did you work at? I work at PDX5.

What's with the 4 hour shifts? It's a complete waste of a person's day.

RDU5, in Durham, NC. It was near the holidays, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a little lower throughout the rest of year. I bailed after 2 months to go into accounting.

Uh.. where have you been? Have you been listening to the American left? Theyre Literal mind slaves, controlled by Satan. God wants you to die on mountain of brasa


You can stack up to 2 of these 3-5 shifts per day. So you could work as little as 1 3 hours, or as much as 2 5’s for 10 hours a day. It mainly attracted guys like me that needed a side gig.

If you hate your job that much just quit and find another one.

Dont need to offer company insurance
Other shipping companies do it to. Often its a job to make some extra cash

Work at a AMZN Fulfillment Center.

The first year we were open, several people got fired for shitting in the yellow totes.

When asked why they would do that they stated that they were afraid of leaving their station and to go to the bathroom, because then they wouldn't hit rate (productivity).

At least five people die a year at my warehouse either from falling asleep behind the wheel after leaving work, or have a heart attack/stroke mid-shift.

Yeah they give us the same bullshit speech daily as well. I'm going to file bankruptcy so I need this job to seem like I am poor, but after that, I'm quitting and going into woodworking of some type.

I wrote this. I know it's on Reddit, but it was the only place I could post it to get my voice out there. Some parts are a lie, like my age and hire date, but every thing is else true.


Because millennials can order tampons through prime now and talk about ow progressive we are while complaining about having no money

surrounded by people armed with guns everywhere you look, you know for a fact how fucked up executions can get. 1 in the head and done is the best case scenario there.

I should appreciate my job more. Its run like ass but dammit I get a lot of leeway and downtime between the assbusting labor

You’re good lol. I know so many guys that want to work for Amazon because it’s a trendy growing company. They don’t know what they’re getting into half the time, so it’s good to try and inform them. At least so they re-think their approach at getting in with Amazon or consider alternatives for side gigs.

boomers and neoboomers like to suck dick very much. they live to suck.

I didn't even want to work there. I just applied on a whim. I hadn't had a real job in like 5 years so it was a nice change but I am so done with that place. I think it would be better if the pay was better or if we had more hours, because there is always work to be done. But they don't give a shit about their employees, only their bottom lines. I can't wait to walk out of there, hopefully within a month. If they try to get me to sign the resignation paperwork, I'm going to tell them to get fucked. Seriously can't wait.

I had to unpack trucks for a day.
Some little faggot who couldn't grow a full fucking beard was cracking the whip the whole shift as if he was king shit.
I couldn't stop to take a drink of water.
Fuck this faggot world and it's greed.
I'll be glad when robots put all of these faggots out on the street where they belong.

I pack trucks at a fulfillment center right now. 10 hours shifts, 4 days a week. I came into the job accustomed to working hard so I really have no issues with the work load. I workout 2-3 hours before going into the shift also. The real issue is the pay, it’s really not worth putting in the effort required for what they pay you. We are coming up on peek so I am sure things will change but right now when I do have to go to Pick I haven’t been botched at for my rate. Been there ~4 months

Want to know how I know you're a kike shill?

They're heavily drugged, and they do dozen of mock executions before the actual one, so that they'll have lowered the instinct to react when they film the real one.

Amazon doesn't give a fuck.
Work in logistics they will load any truck in there yard regardless if you have a pick up number and will send you the wrong Proof of Delivery. Dealing with a cluster fuck delivery we haven't been able to bill for a month.

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>shit jobs
These jobs are mindless and easy as fuck. The workers get paid decent for what's required of them.

The complaining is because you don't get to hold up a counter at Pizza Hut on a slow Tuesday night.

>not being able to focus on unloading a truck and not wait for a break to drink water

How do you people function in the real world?

Not him, but thats not realistic at that specific job. in a 10 hour shift there are two 15m breaks and one 30m break.

If you work during the day you will be sweating no matter what, working with the trucks lifting/moving heavy boxes you will be sweating more. The pace can be pretty extreme at times.

Honestly this sounds easy as fuck for ~$13/hr.

At 21 I worked at a print factory stacking pallets made up of 10lb stacks of paper. The press spat out a stack every 20 seconds. You did this for your entire 12h. I started at ~$9/hr in 2006.

I'm sure it was him trying to drink water in the middle of a ten minute unload. No place wouldn't let someone get a drink.

They hate Trump more.
Neolibs and boomers will suck the cock of everyone that hates Trump enough.

The real solution is to bring a jug of water with you

Because they are slaves to a failing system and need to be terminated

Not allowed on the floor. The issue with getting water or using the restroom during a shift is the time it takes to get off the floor.

These warehouses are multiple football feets long, so a single trip to the water fountain can eat up 5-6 minutes. And when you need that 3 scans per minute, it just isnt feasible

>At least five people die a year at my warehouse either from falling asleep behind the wheel after leaving work, or have a heart attack/stroke mid-shift.

How has OSHA not locked the place down yet?

>10 /2 is 5
>5/2 is 2.5
>actually works 9 hours
>has nice even breaks between it all

fuck you that's not that bad. Try 12 hours in a kitchen.

water is allowed at the fulfillment center I work at. I keep a gallon jug with me

>waiting until break to drink water
You're a fuckin' retard. Water is a basic human right and trumps any bullshit policy or KPIs a company has in place. Oh wait, you live in America where you aren't treated as more than a number on a spreadsheet.

I was going to explain how you were wrong and your math was off but I guess thats why you work in a kitchen

I make about $200 a week, which is jack shit. I was making the same amount at McDonalds back in 2004. Yeah the pay is alright, $12.50/hr, but the lack of hours makes it not worth it. But at least I fall below the amount that my check can get garnished, so these kikes aren't getting anything from me. Gonna file bankruptcy, fuck the kikes, then quit Amazon and find a better job. The job is actually pretty easy, but you have to be able to put up with brown morons who can't stack a square pallet if their lives depended on it.

That's cool. Another dude in this thread said he only needed a scan rate of 2 instead of the 3 at mine. So I guess some were better than others. I was at RDU5.

I make 1300 a week shit posting on here

I make 1250 a.......month KEK
It doesnt seem like the reno amazon is hiring

we have to burn the place down
if you work at amazon i advocate for plugging in infected usbs
Stuxnet thier ass

It is equally parts fucked up and true that the chosen kid whose destiny it will be to lead mortar attacks on the amazon, google, twitter, facebook HQs is already born and growing up in america right this second. What are his hopes? What are his dreams?

fuck you commie niggers. hard work makes america great. people like you dont belong in trumps america

>They tracked every step i took, and would occasionally have some high school drop out roll up to me to talk about my ‘scan rate.’ You’re expected to on average scan and place 3 packages a minute. When I started i did about 2.2 a mintute because I lifted the heavier items. I was being a good employeez After a while I just said fuck it and only did small packages and my scan rate jumpped to 3.5 per minute. Not the bedt way to run an opporation imo.
Sounds completely fucking retarded. Isn't there any information about weight of the package in the barcode? If so they could just check the weight of what you stacked and see if there was a reason for that 2.2.

What a waste of potential having every one go for the lightest package.

Exactly. Amazon = witchcraft. The name is a reference to the mythological Greek cult of Amazons.

Jeff BEEzos is making the hive mind (for some reason Masons like the beehive symbolism)

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Once you are captured there isn't much fighting left to do. And if you do fight much, they will just beat you and torture you into submission. Also, a quick death (bullet to head) is probably preferred vs burned or drowned.

That'd be cool, instead of a generic number of packages, do it based on weight.

Have each bar code have the weight information and you're tracked by out much weight you move per minute. Might help with that, but then again, I could see everyone jumping on the large items and neglecting the small packages.

I'd like to think places like Amazon are working of fixing the kinks, but something tells me they'd rather invest in drones and automated systems instead.

whats pay like at the fulfillment centers? minimum wage or just high enough above minimum to keep people coming back for more? seems like a lot of stress when you can get a laid back retail position for similar pay.

It's not a warehouse job with warehouse pay. It's retail with retail pay disguised as warehouse.

Starting pay for me was $9, but there's some guy here that said he was getting $13. If I remember correctly you could apply for a 25 cent raise every few months. Depends on location and how long you've been there.

Imo, better to get a more laid back position at a grocery store or something. I worked in the produce department, and it was the $9 for a whole lot less bullshit, plus it was easier to advance and rack up pay increases by learning multiple departments.

Still, I saw a lot of guys that had worked Amazon for 2-3 years somehow and made enough for a cheap apartment with a roommate.

>That'd be cool, instead of a generic number of packages, do it based on weight.
No reason why they couldn't do both. X of scans per houror a Y amount of pounds per hour or a sum of both counted together.

Whatever, its all going to be automated anyway.

>I could see everyone jumping on the large items and neglecting the small packages.
I don't know how it works there but wouldn't that help with pallet stability anyway? If every one is grabbing grabbing the light packets first don't they end up in the bottom of the pallet? Which leads to unstable stacks, work place injuries because people are lifting the heavy boxes higher, having shit fall on them etc.

Had a friend who applied for Amazon and said they offered him a 4 day 10 hour shift.
He quit after 2 weeks.
They have a high turnover rate in my city.

Yeah, you nailed it.

The people that had worked there knew about larger items on the bottom, but most new people (a solid 80% of the people working) just wanted that scan rate, so we ended up with a lot of poorly made pallets. Even had a few meetings about it.

Felt bad for the water spiders (cute name for 'guy that wraps pallets') cause they constantly had to re-work pallets to prevent them from toppling.

Try working at ups

Jeff Beelzebub

lots of fake executions and they're high on heroin.

hey amazonians why do you add 3 ft of air bags in a big ass box when all you're sending me is a dog brush??

side note: i shit outside on the regular, no big deal faggets

What's wrong with that? I piss in bottles and no one forces me to

I make almost 800/day analyzing medical claims to fuck people over for just a little more money for a large hospital network.

Because he has enough money to pay them to like him

Don't burn your bridges if you can help it - I work on the AWS side of the house, CI Engineer. I've run into multiple instances of trying to onboard subcontractors and having it rejected due to termination/resignation issues in the DC's. That shit follows you forever - you never know when your career might cross back into Amazon again.

Get in on this side if you have any tech experience such as tech support, low voltage cabling of any variety, software support or engineering, etc. Pay is good, data centers are growing like crazy, good progression.

>you get paid 12 dollars but have literally no rights as a worker
>"decent job"

People like you are cancer

These are the same people that compare Musk to Tony Stark and beating Trump in an election to fucking Voldemort.

>hey amazonians why do you add 3 ft of air bags in a big ass box when all you're sending me is a dog brush??
good question

that sounds like shit but im guessing its mainly based on the location, im sure wage rates are a factor when Amazon picks where to put their fulfillment centers.

back when i was still working for Home Depot they were hiring people on for their overnight freight shifts at $13 an hour just to unload trucks and put boxes in the overheads, which was more than what many of the daytime people had been making after working their for years.

HD has a shit pay structure that punishes you for working there too long, you would only receive raises on a yearly basis or if you changed positions, which is fine but that pay rate increase doesnt keep up with our state's minimum wage increases so everyone would get random bumps in pay just to stay at or above minimum wage. you may be getting $12/hr and jump up to $12.25/hr after a year, but then 3 months later they will bump you up to $13/hr (because minimum wage jumped to $12/hr). getting more money is great but then you find out that they are hiring on cashiers right out of high school at $13/hr while you have a year or two of experience under your belt and still making the same pay.

Wow I never noticed that

there was a point in their shit pay scale that my girlfriend was making more than me per hour as a part-time cashier even though i had been with the company almost 3 times as long as her and was in a high-stress, time-focused logistics position that required equipment licensing and weeks of specialty training. my team was on the hook with management, online services, pro services, our trucking contractors and every department in the store if we screwed something up but they treated us like lowly sales associates that just stacked boxes all day.

i actually really liked the job and the people i worked with; it was a fast-paced environment and i was in much better shape running around the store than the office job i have now, i just couldnt stand the shit pay structure and complete lack of recognition our team got for the work we did while the rest of the store stood around stacking lumber and watering plants.

Sounds like the same stupid bean counter bullshit people have to deal with at most jobs, though.

Not saying it isn't ridiculous, but I've never understood why Amazon always seems to get singled out. I'm sure they don't have a monopoly on shitty warehouse work, not by a long shot. But guess it's probably because they're the biggest.

Capitalism. Marx predicted this.

same thing in german post

but they only treat the rented workers like shit, because they need to uphold a quota by law

You're a fag.
I worked in a fulfillment center for a year and a half. 10-12 hour shifts, 4 days a week (5 in peak). I never saw anyone pissing in bottles. The only people who couldn't keep up the pace were lazy niggers or just morons. We literally had some people who were illiterate, to the point that they couldn't find "bin 4A" as opposed to "bin 4B").

The hours are long. You're on your feet the entire time. The buildings are loud as fuck in many areas and they are cunts about including your walking time to the breakroom for 15 minute breaks (the breakrooms can be 4-5 minutes away for certain employees).

Aside from that, the work isn't hard. They pay o.k., especially if you're a Tier III making $20/hr with 10-20 hours of OT in busy season.

The reason I left was because the next step up for me was Area Manager, which I could have easily gotten. But those fucks get a shit salary (no more OT) and they work them an insane number of hours.

>Inform everyone they are going to die
>First person who throws a fit
>Grab him, burn him alive one limb at a time
>Everyone else is quite happy to get a bullet.

Never said anything about pissing in bottles numbnuts. That was in OP's post, not mine. Never saw that happen at RDU5.

Other than that, looks like you're agreeing with me that the job kinda sucks, so not sure why're upset.

Good job getting out though. A lot of people would take $20 and just never escape.

Easy for boomers to understand. They are retarded and Amazon helps to alleviate their stupidity by making the website easy to use.

>looks like you're agreeing with me that the job kinda sucks
Not really. The atmosphere was unpleasant, but the work itself wasn't very hard. It was easier than working overnights at Target, and paid far better. You're a fag because you thought it was hard.

U posted the same BS a few months ago. How much does Bezos pay U to lure in suckers?

What the fuck are you on about? How am I luring people in when I said I quit?