What are the actual negative effects of being raised by a single mother? Because I can’t seem to find any that aren’t anecdotes of pseudo science.
What are the actual negative effects of being raised by a single mother...
Probably anything I could attribute to my mom's divorced status would be better accounted for by her status as a pathological sadist
Depends on how much meth she uses.
>disregard evidence as pseudo science
>’where is evidence?
raped by the bf/gf of the parent
children used as sex toys to pay rent
the list goes on
but the worst is the fact that society will end up paying for the existence of a worthless mother and a child that could have been raised properly but the mother was too busy thinking with her clit
OMG.. OP is not using a meme flag.. im so excited.. no, wait, your question is fucking retarded. then you sort of answer your own question.
You end up a reclusive beta
source: me
Lol they are criminal and teen preggo factories. Its common knowledge with a 100 studies on its side
If it's a girl she raises, she'll become just another single mom. If it's a boy she raises, it will become a beta pushover due to lack of testosterone and male role models. It's child abuse. It takes a village to raise a kid, not one crazy harpie whose witch friends told her she can do it all on her own.
Fatherless families + google?