Redemption for niggers?

I unfortunately was born as another big lipped coon, and have been disgusted with my race since, birth. Is there any sort of redemption for the niggers or will I degenerate, to being another thick lipped racoon begging for welfare and gunning down other niggers (the only thing niggers are actually good for in my opinion)? I have never once been entertained by basketball or felt the desire to buy Jays. Maybe there is no redemption for us, but as I nigger I know better than to think for myself and I seek white people for guidance.

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Post time stamp and skin. - preach to the nigger community; tell them to stop being fucking worthless. Be the change you want to see. In all honestly it's probably all going to be I'm vain, but it's the only thing you can do Tyrone. Good luck

There is redemption,although redemption is the wrong word, since you did not do anything wrong. Check out transhumanism and the singularity. All humanity will eventually be augmented to such a level that any differences between black and white will be trivial.

Join the Hoteps. There's a lot of them on twitter. They're hilarious and honestly trying to do something for blacks. One of the most popular is the guy who started the Starbucks reparations thing. You'll never be white, but that doesn't mean you have to hate being black.

Just seek out to be a better person. I don't think you should hate on yourself just because your race. You can rise above those tendencies in your community. Just be the best self you can be and enjoy life.

Don't hate yourself. Accept your limitations and work within them. What happened to your people is unfair, you weren't ready for the technology and level of society that your kind were thrust into by Jewish slavers. That is why blacks find it so hard to find there place within "white" dominated societies.

Teach your brothers and family that the Jews are the enemy we all need to unite against. Your salvation lies within that cause.

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No need to hate yourself OP you are what you are for a reason. Maybe you can make other people like you see things the way you do. All anyone can do is try to better themselves. Isn't this Jow Forums type of thread though?

There is nothing wrong with black people and everything wrong with black culture, tho wypepo are allowing soycucks to run rampant so idk we get a lot of shit to deal with too atm.

God speed based tractor.

Just act white. And do nog stuff.
Be like Ben Carson, or the nig sheriff of Wisconsin

Lmao bad advice.

Be the change you want to see in your race.

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I'm actually grateful that slavery happened otherwise I'd be living in a mud hut in Africa, truly if there's any thing I hate most in the world, is niggers acting as if slavery should give us an excuse to act retarded now.


ONLY USA NIGGERS ARE NIGGERS, being black or dark elsewhere isnt linked neccesarily with gangsta hood "culture"

>Be proud of who you are; so much so that you plan on raising your children to have a healthy view of themselves not because of the color of their skin, but the value they add to society(ies)
>Do do nigger shit - the same advice applies to wiggers
>Research your family/lineage and have real actionable reasons to never be a fucking nigger. Just be Black and proud. Translation: Agin, be proud of your achievements, not something in which you had no hand
t. NatSoc

Nope bermuda is worse in a sense because it's full of "niggers" attempting to act like niggers in America, yet we're so behind on tech and fashion it makes shows off how truly pathetic we are for not being able to properly emulate a shitty lifestyle choice as is.

You don't sound like a nigger.

Try not to worry so much about the hand you we're dealt and start learning how to play it.
Genetics is complicated, and at the end of the day most people you deal with regularly will judge you on your actions, and nothing else.
Just like you've judged what Jow Forums sees in your entire race, a bunch of fucking niggers lol.

Tell us more about the nigger culture, or lack thereof of this Bermuda?

What exactly caused you to feel like this?

At what point did you realize you hated yourself and or your own race?

If you are interested in blacks who aren't degenerate I recommend Thomas Sowell and Marcus Garvey. Honestly, just adher to traditional christian values and you will be whiter than most whites today.

Well you're equally lucky you didn't end up in North America. I don't know what it is but Caribbean blacks seem to be the most chilled out of them all.

I get why you are happy slavery happened because Africa is a shithole now but up until about 40 years ago it was a fine place to live. Again Jewish meddling removed Europeans as the curators of Africa and it spiralled out of control. I've heard countless accounts from blacks that lived in Rhodesia, under apartheid in South Africa or as "the help" in white majority America. They all preferred it because it was safe, stable, they had work and a purpose with relatively similar levels of freedom to whites.

Its too late to return to that time now but you can at least stop your people falling for the Jewish indoctrination that makes you all look subhuman.

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Here's your timestamp

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larping clearly, stop pretending to be black

Your life is in your own hands, nigfriend. Be better than the rest. If you're going to use your race as an excuse for not doing your best, then you're only proving the stereotype.

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Hey OP, as much as we post "niggerhate threads" and whatever else on here, TRS, 8pol, everywhere, the truth is we don't really hate black people

Sure we hate some of them and their behavior as a group has degenerated society, but in truth the only race we hate are Jews.

Jews have degraded your people far beyond their natural state. Before integration and into the 70s you wouldn't find negroes actively celebrating the most toxic elements of black culture as they do now in the form of Jewish-run Black Media. From hip-hop to reality tv.

The best thing you can do for your race is become a black nationalist, and encourage a return to upright, traditional values. Form alliances with white nationalists who are also working to fight Jewish influence. We will join arms as brothers against the Jews, and when the last kike is off the face of the earth, shake hands and return to our homelands.


the fuck, alright

go to starbucks and demand reparations coffe and you will be alright

Oh now this is excellent, follow through OP - coffee is black after all.

do you know your IQ bro?

Wow, I was nearly sure you were larping. While I do hate pretty much all blacks, I am sympathetic towards the ones who realize the fuckery of their race. Honestly, most white people, all Jews, and 99-100% of other races deserve a hanging. Just do the best you can, raise your kids around your kind, and teach them to act like humans.

Just stay with your people and leave non Africans alone
Not this nerdy shit again

Try to find other good black people, yeah there are an awful lot of niggers but there are definitely some good black people out there, try and find a nice community that promotes family values and you can be very happy.

>Redemption for niggers?
I feel sorry for you user. I used to be a normie live and let live kinda person, now I see all blacks as niggers, simply put, I really hate niggers and I want you gone!

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I always say there is a difference between niggers and black people, OP is definitely the latter.

genetic engineering

Be nice to whites, even if they're racist to you. Understand their racism as the product of the evil acts of other members of your race.

I also feel disgusted with my race, pure degeneration

Honestly the fact you’re on Jow Forums and are aware of how the world really works, you’re already ahead of the game. Just get away from niggers and make something of yourself and future family.

With genetic engineering evryone will be blonde blue eyes with north-asian IQ and black dick.

This must be a joke right, you don't seriously believe this. Get off Jow Forums or the internet in general once in a while.

There are many fine black people, in fact, I believe most of them have the capacity to be decent people but due to a combination of circumstances and lack of responsibility, they don't make it and end up hustling their lives away. I know nothing about your circumstances but there are many choices you can make that will lead you far away from ghetto and gang culture.

As for hating your own self, try not to. We constantly laugh at self-hating whites here, well, same for self-hating blacks. However we also laugh at blacks who find nothing else to be proud of than Wakanda or clay pots from 300 years ago done by muh ancestors.
Do things you can be proud of yourself.

sorry user, even if OP is one of the 'good ones', there's simply isn't enough of 'them' to make ANY difference.

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Realize you are one of the few. I find there are "acceptable" African-Americans; the ones that are pretty much white in the inside heh. I'm sure you are pretty much singled-out and ostracized from your birth community. But use this to your advantage as your talking and socializing skills as well as hobbies can net you a normal life in a white community. Your kind are tolerated.

Now you can also use this opportunity to change your brothers and sisters. Start community groups, charity work, social media campaigns and the ilk. Be educated foremost and have your finances straight. You'll go farther than the stereotype you so abhor. Think of the mindset of Afro Samurai; an easy reference.

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this pic looks like a black progeria person who sucks a bbc.

Nobody on here ever brings up the talented tenth.

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Start trying to make a good nigger ethno state unironically. Literally do what white nationalists do but for blacks in black land.

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>science fiction is real!

You'd be surprised how many blacks think like you but are too afraid to deviate from their liberal masters social constructs they've been confined to.

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Denounce the crimes of the globalist jews, stick to your people, preserve them and try to have them get their shit together
If we were all living in ethnostates without (((someone))) pushing for racial tensions relations would be far better off

Shit dude, that most suck. Many here would probably agree that even if you're of the negroid race, there still might be hope. Even if the average IQ of a nigger is below 70, there are still a couple "smarter" ones, most likely you're one of them.

There isn't much you can do to impress the whites or the other groups, but what you can do is to keep on bettering yourself and never be swayed by other niggers, you can assist them in bettering themselves, but never, ever go too deep inside the rabbit hole, do not forget that, although you might be one of the few special ones, the vast majority of your kind is sub-human tier. I can understand this, because my kind also has these kinds of people, though far less than the average nigger hoard.

And yes, good luck mate, and I hope one day that there will be no more nigger out there, perhaps a couple men resembling negroids though

antiquated farm equipment, i'm sorry to say

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he isn't even in your country, you are right in wanting Britain to be Anglo but that's it, leave the nigger alone on their countries.

>chicken scrach
>a barely literate nigger

This. It's hilarious to watch black nationalists name the Jew; for so long Western blacks have been their golems that it freaks kikes out like crazy.

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instant karma, chicken scratch

just relax OP and don't be a nigger

Hang around and behave as a white man, nobody will blink.

If you make it to 30+ years old without getting involved with drugs you'll be gucci. It's like the opposite of dobermans and pitbulls, who turn more snappy and violent as they grow older.

Can someone tell me what type of shilling this is? I’m seeing quite a few “self-hating black man” threads every day now.

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a nigger woke on the JQ shilling against jews will be invaluable to the creation of the ethnostate

>and have been disgusted with my race since, birth
That's not healthy user. Just be the best nigger you can be. I'll be the best pale face I can. Separately, but equally, we'll make the world a better place.

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IRL most of us respond favorably to individuals who act responsibly and in a civilized manner.
You sound like you possess a plus-one to plus-two sigma IQ for your demographic. Find yourself a demure, light-skinned black woman for a partner and enjoy being civilized; people will see that and treat you with respect. Avoid the ones who don't.

There's a difference between a nigger and a black man. Get a job and live like a normal human does and that way you're a black man. It's also really easy to spot a nigger from a black man just by how they dress. Dress well and people will treat you with respect.

>leave the nigger alone on their countries.
It's NOT his country! And yes, I want them out of the UK too! They're a cancer to the West, sorry but my attitude is the result of niggers!!

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>not realizing what differentiates black people from niggers
Not sure if bait, but here you go.
Based on your posts I don't think you are hopeless but you fell for the no confidence / self-pity meme. Educate yourself, be an honest enterpreneur or do whatever works for you. It might be hard, but just remember to be a productive member of society, build on your strengths, improve yourself, start a family and don't abuse the muh race card. Be a man your community can depend on. Nobody cares whether you were born black or not. Don't let The Juden™ get to you with their agenda.

Also, see and

Basically this. Don't chimp out like a nog. Nigger is a word for people with that mentality in my opinion. White niggers exist as do Asian niggers. Anyone with that toxic attitude and mindset is a nigger.

with gene editing tech you can have 100% hapas kids if you desire
unless jews buy mandatory niggification legislation

Could be (((them))) trying to make us overconfident in the redpill, or maybe negroes are finally starting to wake up in this country.

If you could respond to my earlier questions please?

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keep contributing to the blacking of wh*te w*men. I want to die knowing that my virgin bitterness was not in vain

Find a lovely black lady like yourself that doesn't act like a victim 24/7, that is an extremely bad personality trait to have so avoid them at all costs.

Then build up from that and form some sort of a congregation of people like yourself, just because your black doesn't mean you cannot build a culture within a certain space in a country with like-minded people that want to work and want to improve as a collective then work from there.

Don't let people tear you down, that's some kike shit and should be recognised as such.

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Be dignified and upstanding you self-denegrating cucked nigger. Jesus just look at white people since the dawn of time. They achieved greatness through virtue, dignity, and selflessness. Our opulence is the fruit of their sacrifice. Emulate it or continue being subhuman.


Bermuda, just like Haiti, is a black country user.
You have the right to spell the from your country but making him leave his is way above your moral right.

Kys nigger

I don't hate you, man. Just stop asking for free shit and don't commit any crimes. Don't act like a nigger and stay away from my town. Yall have your own towns we have our own towns.

>making him leave his is way above your moral right.
Not true! Precedent has already been set! India forced white brits to leave india despite various Raj's inviting them in, SA will eventually force the whites out. What is done, can be UNDONE!!!!

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Good post. He's right you know. Probably wouldn't be so many racial problems if the government didn't force whites to interact and live around non-whites.

You were dealt a bad hand but you are aware of your limits already more than most people, achieving everything you can and reaching your limit will fulfill you more than most people lad.

Aim for the stars and make you and your people better, no one here wants to see you worse off because of your race. We simply want to have our own people that we can improve also. In a limited space groups will conflict for resources, I want my limited resources to go toward my group and my children. You doing the same in your space would only bring me joy. That another man is achieving.

I meant expelling him from his own country.
Blacks area majority in Bermuda, trying to force them to leave will just end up with you wasting a enormous amount of resources in fighting a numerically superior force while the native population is completely against you. If you manage to do achieve you will end with with several domestic terrorist hiding in every corner of that place.You should focus on expelling them from the UK where you might have success if the anglos stop being such cucks.

Nobody here cares about your physical form, the only thing that matters are the decisions you make while you're alive. Dont fuck it up.

>this lie again

It's probably been said (tl;dr), but being a nigger is a mindset, not something determined by the color of your skin.
Black people aren't all niggers - just the ghetto ones that drop out of school, idolize rappers, and live criminal lifestyles are. I know and work with lots of normal black people and they're swell.
Same with homos and fags; one group is comprised of average everyday people who just want to live their lives, while the other group are a bunch of sexual deviants that get off on parading around in assless leather chaps while sucking dildos. There's a difference and it comes down to how you act and present yourself.

What a faggot

Sudoku is your only option.

>not realizing what differentiates black people from niggers
This fucking meme again

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Not just bombarding the entire island till nothing is there and then recolonize it niggers are that big of a threat to a nation you need to eliminate them or they will ruin every good thing about your nation

For the most part people here hate niggers. Not respectable black people. I can tell by how they dress and how they talk... same for your tweeker ass white trash.... there are a whole lot of white people (liberals) I would enjoy seeing burned alive before niggers....

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if you're creative enough, you can make a situation where they'll leave of their own accord!

This is the truth, I don't hate black people per say there are good ones, but the niggers need to be put in prison.

>Self-hating niggerfaggot

There a plenty of whites and Asians here as well, I don't "freeing" a shitty island is wort killing them.
Good luck we tried this over here in Brasil before but it didn't work. Which is why we tried colonizing them with white cock them white which lead to the whole mixing we have here today. 99% of Brazilians are mixed somehow, yes even the "white ones" from the south.

Despite the popular belief there are respectable black people out there. Workinjg, supporting a family, improving themselves

Everyone faces disrimination in one way or the other, but you will most likely have it worse. Hope you can raise above and be an example to the rest.

Its a choice you have to make.

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Its a shill tactic to make you feel sorry for them and that you can help them for the sake of the few "good ones" instead of helping only our own Whites which is what Whites need to always do.

Republicans show you can't actually help niggers just use them look at what it did to Republicans by freeing slaves giving them rights in the 60s and wanting them to stay in the USA. Now niggers are still owned by their liberal jew slave masters but, now its within their "rights" to chimp out in riots, commit hate crimes against White people and rape White women.

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> Falling for genetic memes

Blacks r so much spiritually aware its not even funny


I don't know enough about Bermuda to really tell you much.

All I can say is that being a good person is its own reward. We decide who we are with our actions. If you have a desire to be good, then do good.

> Implying blacks are cause and not effect of zog

checked, and reported for spam

Read Book T Washington, George Washington Carver, Frederick Douglas, Thomas Sowell, and Mark Twain. ONLY watch or play hockey or baseball (no nfl, ufc, or other chimpout supported sports), educate yourself on self empowerment not through victimhood (because women do that). No more rap music, ever. Listen to classical 10 minutes a day. If you miss rap. Only listen to Bloodstone, Curtis Mayfield (and understand the background), Jerry Butler, Harold Melvin and the blue notes, and any early motown that talks about pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. Learn to tip. Become American, not "african-american". If you aren't American and are some other, renounce your tribal heritage (do not forget though) and focus on advancement through the blessing of western civilization. Never smoke weed. Stop watching DBZ. Try legend of the Galactic Heroes or watch Sgt Rutledge. Whatever you do, always ask to be judged as a individual for your own accomplishments and hold fellow blacks to the same standard. Never seek white women out, dismiss all whores who sexualize you (because you're a big dick, that happens to come with a nigger in their eyes). Learn the anthem. Talk about space frontiers and why colonizing Mars is important.

i hate niggers not black people theirs a difference OP dont hate your self

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Sometimes I wonder about all the stuff I could get away with if I was black. I'd be a regular Sam Hyde.

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self-hating blacks are the worst