Transgender Wife inside the White Ethnostate?

Jow Forums please hear me out. I am as Right- wing & possibly more Conservative than most in this board.
My only question is whether it's possible to allow those who married transgenders to be allowed within our White Ethnostate?
Can't we live and let live? As long as the Transgender Wife in question is White, I really don't see a reason why she can't be allowed to live inside the Ethnostate with her husband.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no gf (male)

10/10 trap.

Fuck off, Reiko, nobody likes trannyggers.

Traps are gay. Gays are degenerate. Ergo, traps are degenerate.
The only way you can live in ethnostate with your “transgendered wife” is if your wife (actual female) and his wife are ok with it as well, and you keep this degeneracy to yourself and not spread it to your kids or to the public at large.

>Jow Forums please hear me out.

This is the stupidest thread on Jow Forums right now. Way to live up to the meme flag shitposting reputation.

hot would wife

Speak only for yourself Kraut. You don't represent everyone on this board

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>meme flag
fuck shill.

with our without penis?

Burn it alive.

so long as it is kept private I would have no issue with it

two consenting adults behind closed doors should be able to do virtually anything assuming it doesnt affect others

hot traps like this confuse the hell out of me

trannies get a mass grave.

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i see the appeal of have a slut boy around to fuck. but man, it's gonna get old fast -- once they start aging and having shit stains and brapfests. i guess if you train them to be clean sluts forever, you can keep them? i think traps should be pumped and dumped.

traps are gay as fuck.
only faggots like traps.
don't be fooled by jewish psyops.

hahaha I was thinking the same thing

>used to be

But what if the tranny has a pussy.

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>x used to be y so checkmate

It's not a penis, it's called a feminine penis or a clitty if you want to be vulgar.
Anyway, some transladies choose not to have gender reassignment surgery. So they keep thier feminine penis intact

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you need to be gassed for the good of mankind.

You can only be a crossdressing faggot in the ethno state if you are cute. And once they get old and start to get ugly, they are deported.

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>My only question is whether it's possible to allow those who married transgenders to be allowed within our White Ethnostate?
Degeneracy is the sign of a decaying and all other kike symptoms aren’t allowed.

>My only question is whether it's possible to allow those who married transgenders to be allowed within our White Ethnostate?

The alt right, ladies and gentlemen

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Its what most people dont get, traps can be insanely hot when young 18-25, but after that shit goes down FAST, testosterone and male genes are a hell of a drug if you're trying to look like a cute girl

Degenerate cocksucker detected.
back to rebbit

Literally, no tits.

If she doesn't have penis she will not be accepted.

You can pretend all you want but you will always be a disgusting male degenerate sodomite

fake bait thread. trannies all deserve death.

There is no place for such brut of sodom and gomorrah in heaven.

They will be good fucktoys for our boys on the front lines on the day of the rope. After that, since they can't breed, they have to either apply themselves to some trade and be productive or beneficial or they will have to be liquefied.

Thats not how trannies look lmao

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Is that Sam Hydeberg on the bottom?

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>right wing
>tranny fucking degenerate
not a chance shlomo

Soon we will have females with functioning male reproduction systems in addition to their female reproductive system. In our lifetime.

why not?
yes, but only in city-states type ethnostate

you can pick sodom and gomorrah

But post more, faggot

too bad his dick and balls look gross

yeah man i agree. i honestly just like women. if you can get a good one, you should keep her. regardless. a good women is going to be hard to find. but not impossible. as far as the age group i think 16-34 are good years. i also like milfs. but you want a young women to grow old with and let her turn into a milf. it is completely possible.

I feel like this place enables me to become more and more degenerate. I never liked traps before, and even trannies grossed me out 90% of the time, but all this trap and tranny posting has gotten to me.


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If you think traps are hot at any point or age then your just a degenerate, pure and simple..

desu I've never seen a hot 30-40 trap/trans.
Maybe they don't live that long?

If some user can share a pic of one that looks good after its prime, please do so.
hardmode: no azn.

>live and let live

i suppose that would be a local issue but i don't recommend it. deviance is almost always a failure. any society needs an ideal to strive for, and it makes no sense to idealize failed males when you could just exclude them instead.

Every white man should be permitted 1 female wife and 1 trasngender wife. That way the man does not need destroy his female wife's asshole and have a partner that intrinsically knows how to give blowjobs.

Yeah, his kike genes compel him to engage in completely degenerate behavior.

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transgenders are allowed as long as they're white and pass for their "chosen" gender

but even if they don't pass, they should be allowed as long as they stay in "boymode"

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Shut the f**k up Kraut. Our Ethnostate is going to be nonreligious

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That would be a miracle of science as modern medicine can only give them a gaping wound

Friendly reminder to all, sage those pesky meme flags. They bring nothing but faggotry to the fold.

You're not getting into my ethnostate if you're not a married couple with children, or a baby on the way.

if the transgender fully support our cause, i see no reason to abandon them, they're part of us, they're our brothers and sisters

i'd rather have a conservative transgender female as a friend than a leftist who fully supports mass immigration and white guilty

A mutilated penis is not a pussy.

he's talking about buck angel, a ftm tranny. So the puss is real


>You're not getting into my ethnostate if you're not a married couple with children
There won't be any "Ethnostate" You are such a loser.

There will be no HRT pills in the ethno state and doctors will have to abide by strict ethics and chopping the dicks of mentally ill people and giving them estrogen pills would go against those ethics. Transgenderism is an abomination before God and man.

He can't keep getting away with it...

62nd post best post

Only acceptable if they pass, which none of them do (including the one in your image).

Nice fake quote.

Agreed, things will stay as they are, and they will work out perfectly.

sage goes in all fields...

And Why not? I find it disgusting that you want more of her pictures to fap to, but you don't want to let her live within the Ethnostate

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I think that's purely because its so new. I know they've been doing it for a long ass time, but only now are they able to transition sooner and have access to better medications. Traps only get better as time goes on. Imagine how traps will look in 10 years. Women will NOT be able to compete

That's a man.

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>Probably complains about how Jews are spreading degeneracy
>Has one of the most degenerate fetishes imaginable

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>mentally ill man larping as a woman.

Traps over transgender

Traps only want to be filled with cum while trans fags want to be a woman which they'll never be. I'd only accept traps for the white race in order to let out sexual frustrations or to prepare for the aryan goddess to lay in the bedroom.

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moar of him

at least its not cuckoldry

That specifically was born a woman, but now it looks like a man. Didn’t opt for making a pseudo-dick though.
I mean technically if you’re fucking Buck Angel you’re fucking a woman, but would you really want to fuck that?

>feminine penis

The mental gymnastics you degenerate faggots come up with is astounding

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You're not becoming more degenerate. You're just learning to love and appreciate beautiful transgender white people. And there's nothing wrong with that

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Hope I have a nice amount of New Yen under the bed to pay for these hybrid hoes.

The point of the ethnostate is to drive out degeneracy so no
On that note the ethnostate is a dumb idea anyway because shitskins will never let us have a place for ourselves

>It's not a penis
>It's a feminine penis

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that dude needs to join the 45%.

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What about trans people that haven’t got the surgery marrying another

Modern society is so fucked

They are getting better and better. Face is really hard to tell but the body man. The back, especially the lower back and ass.

nice meme

This is just the beggining, Shadman tier fetishes are going to be legalized and normalized including bestiality and loli because the decadent elite want it.

Penis completely removed only. No "vagina". Just a bald spot.



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It's insane how perfect this tranny's ass is. Would smash 1000 times.

Traps are gay. OP is a fag. That thing in the picture is an obvious man.Sage grows in all fields.

>keep this degeneracy to yourself and not spread it to your kids
But that is the problem, there is no assurance that it’s possible.

If only 20% of weirdos’ kids were to get fucked up by their parents’ behavior, that would still be too much.

Indeed but boys turning into girls and vice-reversa (as Xavier from XRA would say) are just outcomes and don't represent the symptoms nor the roots of the issues.
To lash out on some poor fuck that decides he can't do it as a man and decides to go for the easier path, if he's somewhat pretty, isn't as virtuous as you might think.
I think we all should do our part which means not to threaten nor kills these beings but to reach out to them and show them the ropes when it comes to being a human in this godforsaken era. So if you see someone close or maybe not about to fall for the HRT meme, reach out to them and see what you can do (don't fuck them you stupid fuck), hopefully they'll end up as decent people.
On the other hand, it's time to call out this narrative of making men more feminine, gather some bright people and fully research everything about the ones promoting this.
Just a tip: the head NATO's cybersecurity division is one trans that has quite the jewish behavior of promoting these sickness along our brothers, so go figure.

Mis 2 centavos.