Pic releated
>Starbucks promises to promote inclusion and racial sensivity training but has hired RACISTS TO TEACH THEM
Lets let every minority know they are not welcome at starbucks and should brew their own coffee.
starbucks cares more for homeless than they do about oppressed minorities in this country
holy crap, that bitch basically ran the entire women march and is calling out the Jews
what is going on
this is based AF I am going to make a Twitter account to upboat
Slowly Blacks are finding out who their real enemy is.
I am aware of her status but did not want it to overshadow what is important and it is that she is black and thats why her opinion in this matters
>we need to spread to all minorities so they are aware what is taking place. It is anti inclusion training.
Basically people are being trained HOW TO BE RACIST but not get caught. It is disgusting
HAHAHAHAHAHA all that kikery is backfiring in their noses
hey faggot take your jew hate somewhere else. This thread is for inclusion and spreading knowledge of racist companies
left always eats itself
Now the ADL is in charge of Starbucks? YouTube and Twitter aren't enough for them to rule over?
wtf I love the ADL now
that's great if true
Has anything happened from all of this? I was honestly expecting / looking forward to more outbreaks of hyper melanin disorder shenanigans; "peaceful" protests and the like. Does anyone have any footage or has it been suppressed?
Its funny how people are so divided that u hear a leftist view on something and they think of something as too far right. Meanwhile i hate that thing because it is too leftist. Then both groups simultaneously hate the same thing.
The NFL, that Pepsi riot ad, Hillary Clinton, now this ADL opinion.
This is why black rights aren't even worth discussing, these people are so irrational that there is no point to even interact with them.
>I am not getting paid nearly enough to deal with this shit.
Anything new? I thought it was happening today - like the store closures and large protests employees weren't allowed to call the police about
We can’t let them get the bathroom codes!
It is funny how blacks want a monopoly on victimhood. They see any patronage toward any other suffering group as taking away from their gibs.
>You let a Jew fuck up my crew
No it’s never ok
>take your jew hate somewhere else
>Jow Forums
you okay?
you know it's not
Oy vey this is quite the schmekel
EXCELLENT now turn the LGBA horde against blacks. Blacks consistently vote anti-gay.
I bet they made sure to go to a completely different starbucks too. probably somewhere in california. losers
They forgot the asterisk that should say "unless you are white."
Ice Cube is fuckin woke
Dis Gon B Gud
What black people pay $6 for a coffee? I thought that was a boogie white/asian thing only.
Here, it's mostly teenage girls and preppy executive's house-wives who buy starbucks.
If you watch the movie "Straight Outta Compton" you see how his blood-sucking jew manager tried to suck he and NWA dry.
is how
we jew it
>coffee is black
what do they mean by this? That they're the same color as coffee and so whenever coffee is involved they can't be in the wrong?
Fellow minorities, those jews at the ADL sure look white to me. As a person of color, we have to demand that PoC be responsible for educating the Starbucks employees on anti-racism. Whites teaching whites not to be racist will never work. It is just white supremacy.
I cant tell who jewing who anymore
now you're getting it
race relations here are really complex
She's an islamist sympathizer and black supremacist friendly.
The left is eating itself, as expected
Check the origin of the CEOs and you will see if they are racist
yes, the answer is yes it is ok
This is the most entertaining story in months
kek - Underrated
Who cares about reasoning
Of course it’s suppressed Starbucks reached out to IDF they are the biggest power broker around and can get any protest squashed.
I'm posting those all lover downtown providence for the black hobos to shit on the toilet seat.
Man, niggers piss me off.
I thought the jews were the ones orchestrating this from behind the curtains? jew civil war?
I had a woman come in and ask me why Starbucks hates homeless people this morning. That when she was homeless she’d never be allowed to use the bathroom so we just have a reputation for not letting people use it. I’m like I’m sorry lady I just got here, I’m half asleep, I have a line and I don’t have time for this. Have a good day. The homeless people in my area use the bathrooms as showers so my apologies that it’s totally disrespectful towards paying customers for you to take the restroom for 30 mins
Why does that faggot have a megaphone? The guy he's presumably trying to talk to is like... 3 feet in front of him.
>be a nigger
>chimp out with my nigger friends at Starbucks
>asked to leave
>country-wide uproar
>white privilege
When I was young I dreamed about moving from Russia because of the strict privacy defying laws, country-wide corruption and shitty roads, but fuck, the older I get the more I realise that America is beyond saving.
You motherfuckers will be overrun by trannies and niggers in the next 50 years. My country will go to complete shit too, but at least it will happen when I will be old as shit or possibly dead.
This was the second cup I was given. The first one literally just said Nigger.
Here's a novel idea: Gow about blacks get some fucking initiative and start building their own businesses instead of always demanding whites be made to provide for them for everything?
Their stake in civilizaiton is near nothing due to them waiting "inclusion" in place of them siezing initiative to start their own shit. And they do it because it's easier to make everyone else's stuff revolve around them than it is to build something themselves.
DESU this. White people dont even know how to properly season their coffee
ADL is a predominantly Jewish organization, as is Starbucks. Of course they would choose the ADL. That's not even a dig at Starbucks, it's just obviously predictable. I guess the ADL are Nazis now too, because the don't only care about blacks like the mongo SPLC.
I am waiting for the day the delusional Liberal Progressive Feminist in Sweden realize that all these Young Mud-skin Muslim Men are NOT the same as the pussy white native men and that they have seriously FUCKED UP in filling Sweden with Hundreds of thousands of violent misogynistic rapist
kike is going on
>need help to spread this meme to induce race-war
That one is too obvious. Here's a more professional coupon.
I don't get it. What's the angle?
I still want to believe that somewhere there's good in this world....
dafuq is a bathroom code?
Daily reminder that the jew run ADL is one of the main driving forces for "diversity"
Let's coat them in sugar or donut glaze to hurry up the job.
Did you know the ADL is building an AI at UC Berkeley to censor "hate speech"? I wonder what group's "hate speech" will be mostly ignored.
don't forget user, this starcucks offer is now sponsored by the (((media)))
Buy your coffee and write racial slurs on it when done. Some dumb nigger will find them in the garbage and find cups with "Nigger", "Monkey looking one" "spear chucker" "nigglet"
You can't use the bathroom unless you buy something. So you have to get a code from your barista.
The Left is a loose confederation of people trying to overthrow White Western civilization. LGBTQ+++ faggots, jews, muslims, Marxist Socialists, blacks, feminists and Mexicans are only united by their hatred and if they win it will take maybe a week for them to start tearing each other apart.
>he is trying to understand Jews
just read what their paper says
Hot victim complex on victim complex action
They wont let you start any businesses with your EBT cards... RACIST BASTARDS
that is hilarious. their coffee is terrible, 10+ years since I've been in a Starcucks.
this happening truly is blessed by kek, we jew nao
Kikes still don't get it. Niggers think they are white.
Ice Cube is such a fake fucking gangster wannabe faggot
why is that non-white person so racist?
The following video is a preview of Starbucks sensitivity training and bias education:
>Starbucks allows open carry per state law
>Starbucks kicks out niggers that don't want to pay for coffee
>Starbucks is still hated by Jow Forums and considered a Social Marxist hangout and breeding ground because they didn't say "Merry Christmas"
assault leaving permanent damage on the victims hearing ability
Fuck these uppity nigger coon twitter celebs.
A 5'5" 'grown man' named ice cube.
Muh dihk muffugga
If something is employees-only but not really all that important, the door usually has combination lock like pic related.
You want a das rite or a DAS RITE?
You must be rerarded.
I regret accidentally reading that nonsense.
Yeah over here places that do that print it on the receipt. I think something that's a bit overlooked here is that while we don't have the same boarders and rigid rules different counties and parts of the UK aren't dissimilar to different states. I live in London but travel to Kent, Manchester, and a few places in the Midlands a fair amount - somewhere nice like Warwick will have open bathrooms and shopping carts that you don't need to put a £1 coin into to use, but somewhere like Coventry will be a lot stricter. Oxford gets worse in the tourist months - a lot of places do to be fair - but generally the whiter areas will be nicer. Shocker, I know.
in other words, retarded and oblivious to history
To make sure everybody is listening to their bullshit ofc.
The bottom left corner......
>making niggers do math before they can use the restroom and we wonder why they smell like shit
Its a very intricate situation. If an African-American steals any candy that is chocolate coated(butterfingers, Reeses, Baby Ruth, 100 grand, etc.) thought there is a criminal case possible, the owner of the store may be civially liable for calling the cops on the African-American because it is the same color and in America with a vote for a civil jury majority rules and if you have a 50% African-American jury you can be ruled guilty because most candy bars are the same color as the offender.
I don't know, but I like it.
The golem always escapes control, user.
Why doesnt one of Starbucks competitors use this opportunity to finish them off. Just hire someone to go get a job at Starbucks. Then the day after the sensitivity training, go shout "I hate niggers" on camera. Boom, Stsrbucks is dead just like that.
Always nice when a (((blue))) checkmark points out how ridiculous and dangerous the Jews are.
oh shit. blacks attacking their masters?!
top kek