Almost no inventions besides now obsolete Navigational tools and tools devised for the age of exploration

>Almost no inventions besides now obsolete Navigational tools and tools devised for the age of exploration
>almost no culturally significant or impactful contributions besides Fado; even Camões and Pessoa aren't internationally recognized apart from in the more Erudite circles
>almost no folklore, Instantly culturally recognizable symbols like Spain's Flamenco, folk tales like King arthur or the Yokai, famous festivals like the Tomatina or Brazil's Carnaval
>every place Portugal has been to Besides Brazil has barely inherited any cultural aspects besides a few remnants like Food and a few words, not to mention they're doing very poorly, unlike British colonies
>currently very behind culturally, both old and new generations have a tenuous grasp of politics, culture and technology and with all due respect, Portuguese television and particularly humor are VERY BACKWARDS AND BASIC
>no international representation in media (have you noticed how there has been a med from every country in a Disney movie EXCEPT Portugal, and how there are never PT video game characters?)

How did this country fuck up so badly? I just feel sorry for Portugal. It's so irrelevant. It's really the biggest loser in Europe. I don't mean to be horrible to them, but it's objectively true.

Attached: Portugal before and after EU.jpg (1836x1428, 2.02M)

Other urls found in this thread: WEAPONS for QUIET WARS.pdf

Do something productive user, read a book or exercise I don't know.

Banana republic set up by Mário Soares.
Hailed as the father of Portuguese democracy, truth is that he orchestrated the destruction of Portugal during his "exile" with champagne socialists in France.

After the "dictatorship" fell, Soares, together with the influence of Frank Carlucci and Henry Kissinger, turned this into a banana republic.

While the subservience to American interests in the height of the Cold War was likely to happen, this banana republic opened the doors to extremely-corrupt Portuguese politicians.

The main highlight political parties are: PS, PSD, BE, CDS, PCP. All of them are working in their own self-interest.

The decades since the revolution happened in Portugal only led to the impoverishment of its people.
It is constantly undermined by shadow government actors working on behalf of Masonry, Opus Dei and a few other select groups.

Resources and population control were part of America's interests. However, it would be fully to hold a grudge against them.

The Portuguese ruling class is composed of mediocrity and is fully working towards the democratic-subversion that is part of the European Union's building process.

This has been helped by a media stranglehold through characters like Pinto Balsemão, owner of large media groups and member of the Bilderberg.

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this is interesting, please give me some sources on those arguments. I've tried to redpill Portuguese people with similar arguments but the average person supports socialism and a pro-welfare government.

What happened to Porto

All their good stuff went to brazil

Like Carmen Miranda, who is ethnically Portuguese but universally considered BR

Fucking nigger Jow Forums thinks this is spam.
Going to split in replies.
(Hard-working accomplished black people are as valid as you or me.)

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For the downfall of Portugal, the massacre of Portuguese fighters who returned to the mainland with nothing but their own clothes. It is worth nothing that people of black skin (as valid human beings as any other) had amazingly better quality-of-life compared to the corrupt joke that is Angola today. [1]

[1] -

Durão Barroso, former head of the European Comission, was working closely with the CIA. He was involved in Maoist ideologies and participated on a raid at the Spanish embassy.
Durao Barroso has come a long way politically since his days as a law student at the University of Lisbon, where he was a Maoist party leader during the 1974-75 revolution that overthrew the Salazar dictatorship. [2]

[2] -

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Obrigado anão

Durão Barroso stole material [3] in the middle of several raids.

[3] -
Check facebook for:


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>Obrigado anão
The life of the wife is ended by the knife.
No problem frens.
t. 1.90 Portuguese Ubermensch

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Are muh ancestors getting BLACKED?

[spoiler]I'm the Portuguese user that makes threads shitting on Portugal so people come to defend it and share information in order to create a stronger feeling of brotherhood among the PT anons and raise their self-esteem and also so that people share interesting facts and information[/spoiler]

I like Portugal, plan on visiting this year.

Portuguese people here talk too loudly in the bus and behave badly
When you confront them on why they talk so loud they chimp.out like nigs

I've been also told that the Portuguese men drink too much wine ans they bear up their daughters.

Also why do"Portuguese women have hairy arms?

You clearly know shit
>each village and town as at least one saint of is own and a party dedicated to it
>hot-air balloon, cerebral angiography and even recorded many mathematic formulas and plants & animals
>colonies are a shithole thanks to UN , much like even Zimbabue
>falling for the meme of muh grasp of politics, culture and technology as if that was common elsewhere too
>falling for the eletric jew
>wanting it´s history to be known outside to allow american niggers taint it with their touch of shit
>wantint international representation and from all from disn*y and videogames

We actually live in the future tough, take the worst aspects of us and transfer it to the UK and you will get a grasp of out socialist UK will be

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They are getting BRAZILLED.

To be honest an embargo on American (((culture))) would be good.
No more fucking Hannah Montana indoctrinating my daughters for sluthood.

they have nice wine

>Portuguese people here talk too loudly in the bus and behave badly
>When you confront them on why they talk so loud they chimp.out like nigs
really? the bus is always eerily quiet here, except when there's niggs in it

people here seem to hate most of our diaspora, especially the french one

Being from a cosy, irrelevant country is awesome, I'm not from the UK (and I aint telling you where).

It's peak /comfy/

But they gave us Ronaldo...

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>Hannah Montana
>tfw you go to last place were you would think of love and girlfriends just to be reminded of how your first was crazy about some slut

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i rather receive refugees than 99% of the french diaspora

And the good part of having a shit economy is that they just go to France or Germany.

If you ask any poortuguese commoner why the country is as it is, that's pretty much the only answer you'll get.


However what most don't realize it's that they're the crabs of the old crabs in a bucket tale.

Country is fucked not because sicretz rulerz class that work in the shadows but cause of the common poortuguese. Trigger happy to badmouth and crap on what he has and unwilling to better himself or fight/do for any improvement.

Literacy rates are crap.
Colleges are full of literal crap courses.
Pretty much no one has any kind of interest in their civic duties and instead they just care about their rights.
Theres a generalized mentality of being smarter than the guy next door, and if theres a chance that "I" can get ahead albeit fucking my neighbour, "I'll" take advantage of it.
Family ties dictate more opportunities than competence.

And the list could go on and on.

In a nutshell, a country that had no major wars or conflicts in the last half millennium and therefore lost a semblance of social cohesion. Sun, beans and wine. Easy life. Easy going people. Centuries go past and this gets ingrained in the people.

Anything that other jocko said could be recycled and used for any other century. That's Portugal for you.

Land of the three F's.

Fátima, Futebol and Fado

Based "chico-espertismo".

But "them" are an influence too.

the other 1% has a golden earth tough,maybe it´s the enviorment of the largest french cities that fucks with their heads

Not true. Portuguese people are very polite, in general.

he forgot to mention Kissinger´s role in independance movements, he also tried turning the archipelagos into american client states and CIA´s role in the death of former prime minister and defense minister for trying to denounce the weapons smuggling to middle east in the 80´s

This and the "desenrasca". It's time to start thinking about this country seriously, it's not a fucking joke. Our ancestors would pummel our asses into the pavement.

I love the idea of a based, comfy, chill country. Our own little corner of the world. However, we are irrelevant because the average person has the mentality of a peasant, not because we want it that way.

>In a nutshell, a country that had no major wars or conflicts in the last half millennium and therefore lost a semblance of social cohesion. Sun, beans and wine. Easy life. Easy going people. Centuries go past and this gets ingrained in the people.
i´d call the peninsular war and ww1 major conflits user

Yes, do look for the case of the "Saco Azul", which was used to refer to money laundering and bribery the military were performing.
There was a plane crash that killed the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister.
The later was the target of the plane crash.
Obviously the official narrative does not mention the CIA's hand [1].

[1] -

Yeah well I checked the wikipedia page for Portuguese discoveries and inventions and none of those things you mentiones were there esp not a hot air balloon just some freaky ass bird mecha called a passarola

And I'll call you a dummy with no concept or knowledge of history.

Lemme guess, you watched that televised crap about WW1 RTP put up a couple weeks ago and suddenly you're all all muh portugal muh world war.

Gent bent.

I raise you this

Wtf i love Portugal now.

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Samus Hydus kekus invictus

I call you a retard who ignores the land invasion the french did and the devastating political clausterfuck the a C.E.P. was
Let me guess, you don´t even know what was the miracle of tancos and Sidónio´s position on the war and it´s repercurssions?

It was the Passarola, by Bartolomeu Gusmão
Also check Egas Monis (both the late and recent antecestors)
And maybe a random search for portuguese discoveries catalogation of plants and animals and mathematicians (Duarte de Albuquerque was one of the first group with is experiencialism)

Thank you frens.
Any suggestion about the current state of affairs?

Fodasse esse video é mesmo cancro. Puta que o pariu.

>the Portuguese bourgeois teaching
>works now for Goldman Sachs.

Commies and socialists aren't humans.

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the banlieues are filled with arabs and niggers, portuguese teens learn by example.
and desu, we're not sending our brightest to work in construction or in the cleaning services. most of them were shit here in portugal, they're still shit but with a better banking account

>ww1 major conflits
Jesus. I agree with v7lijr8v . You suck.

We still have a bit to dig untill we hit rock bottom, when we do, we will only have one path and that is upwards. my suggestion is to make sure your kids will have enough money and intelligence to take care of you when you are senile and they have to change your diapers

The probability of getting cancer rises exponentially in a circumference centered on FCSH.

I was referring to the economic migrants ("refugees") though, not sure I made it clear.
Our Portuguese emigrants are just people trying to survive...

>each village and town as at least one saint of is own and a party dedicated to it
Every catholic country has this. Give me an example of an uniquely Portuguese celebration

>What you mentioned
>major conflicts in WWI
Go join Hell's Angels or something.

Well Christine Lagarde has stated that we are going to have too many elderly and that just won't do, that they will do something about it.
There will be no retirements in Portugal.
To look at Portugal's future, look at America's healthcare system.

Tell me about it

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Fuck off muhammedl. Portugal is our ally, through good times and bad. Someone is still salty about the reconquista

In the context of desertification and further climate instability, the economic actuators that act to reduce population numbers (thus impacting the elderly) could be seen as a merciful route to address the problem (search for the PDF Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars) [1].

However, it is... Disgusting.

[1] - WEAPONS for QUIET WARS.pdf

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^ This

>new republic uses a war and muh alliance with UK and France to assert it´s legitimacy and be recognized by the victor powers
>still fails to do that at home and loses controll with the failure that the war was
>we experience political murders with presidents being shot and anarcho bombers trowing bombs
>over 30 governaments after the war, many don´t last a month
>didn´t even survive until the crash in 1929

Above all you utter mongrels


Don't worry greatest ally. The average normie socialist portuguese needs to be bullied and humiliated for the piece of crap he is.

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we have some, Guimarães has something called Pinhal or Pinheiro were the whole towns gets drunk and hides shit for the neighbours to find
but being portuguese is also alot being catholic so we will always have those

>active population goes down
>gdp per capita and overall gdp grows

i just hope no more economic crisis and all will be fine


I'd rather receive neither of them.

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The problem is that some socialized health care is good.
How harsh it is to find out you have a cancer and get told "lol go die on the street aylmao".

But the "socialists" we have are just a bunch of venomous leeches whose only political motto is "more rights, no responsibilities".

Pic related is a cartoon making fun of the faggot Mário Soares, founder of the Socialist Party and one of the low-level Masons who helped destroy Portugal.

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me too :)

Ironic or am I misunderstanding?

They were killing each other since 1910-1916.

Portugal had no Battle of the Somme
or verdun. It was just another day of Operation Georgette - part of Kaiser's Offensive just that one full Portuguese division was involved. You think those Angola and MZ theatre (vs Lion of Africa) were major conflicts, give me a break.
At least watch the Great War or wiki for starters, then the bibliography.

>Le major conflicts that Portugal was involved.

>watching niggerball

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Fuck. You are the worst pt user I've read this month.

Complete delusion....Try harder nigga, we fell your buthurt and mud blood inferiority complex.

>first Europeans to start the age of discoveries >first to have a global empire with lands on 5 continents
>first to reach india,south america, japan etc.. spreading western civilization
>mapped a great part of the world, in a way that by the end of the xvii century 3/4 of the maps wre done by us
>first to circumnavigate the globe
>first to start global maritime empire
>last to end global maritime empire

Portugal was the first european country that basically expanded western civilization across the entire planet earth, built schools (jesuits), massive churches, founded cities (for example Nagasaki), built roads, converted asians,africans, amerindians to christian fate. Spread western tecnology (for example fire weapons to japan), all the logistics, intercontinental navigation and tecno the first europeans to arrive to all those places (reach india, reach japan), mapped the word, first to circumnavigate the world, it's even ridiculous with just 1 million population.

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I know that some socialism can be good. But not the one we have. We are basically paying niggers and mutts to out number us. We have lowest birth rate in Europe and one of the highest number of immigrants.

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>treating its colonies with respect and dignity


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it means we are slowly becoming more productive

yes it was, in the repercurssion it had for us, you all underestimate how shitty and little Portugal became back then

But what is the purpose?
To further dilute a Portuguese identity?
Or is it must unscrupulous political mafia with a mix of gross incompetence regarding the management of the country?
Why import so many migrants? Some blind following to a globalist utopia of Kalergi?

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>it means we are slowly becoming more productive
I hope we are in fact becoming more productive.
Alas, for pure money-making, Portugal is not an ideal location...

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I fucking love Portugal. Visit it almost every summer. I love how laidback they are and I love their fish dishes.

Planning to spend the rest of my live over there near the coast when I'm 50+.

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>We still have a bit to dig untill we hit rock bottom 22:58:11 No.168650173

thank your for reminder tough

old people are being replaced by younger ones with new techniques, albeit not fast enough, and these fucks increased retirement age
we will always still have the problem of taxes tough

>I make that shit for a Jow Forums thread.
>A guy downloads it and uses it to explain everything.
Either way, thanks for using my work.

Ye ye ye I know the meta game. The problem is that most people in Portugal don't. People in Lisbon don't even know what race is. They're a bunch of faggot that pursue vanity, sex and materialism. I feel like the IQ has been dropping in the past 10 years, and everyday there seem to be more and more niggers in the streets. The most we can do is redpill the normies and see how it turns out.

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Aren't they your oldest ally? You seem like some Muslim who is butthurt about the reconquista. Get fucked, Ahmed.

Good ol times for the portuguese people!

Holy shit Manuel, this is an almost exact description of the brazilian ethos, which I thought evolved here. Guess we suffer from the exact same problems. Thank God we have been changing a bit lately.

Just going to leave this here

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No we don´t fuck off.

>People in Lisbon don't even know what race is.
that's bullshit, what do you mean?


>says the future brazilian citizen from the Estado Ultramarino de Portugal

Legend has it that the half million that Passos-Coelho told "if you don't like it here, it's simple, just emigrate" are returning...

At least I see old people interacting with Brazilian and African kids has they were their own grandsons (when they aren't ofc). Then you have people marrying niggers and producing mutts, and I've already seen at least once cucks with adopted niggers. No value for what our ancestors fought for: a country free of moors and Spanish people.

The young people are more redpilled about race. Except for the degenerates. To be honest I don't know what to expect in the next decades. The last generation left us a mess to fix.

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The Portuguese parliament has approved a motion for that "affirmative action" bullshit.
It is not inspiring.
It is also hard to damage BE with a link to Soros because most Portuguese are busy sucking off SCP/FCP/SLB or Goucha's cock.

The brazilian ape really believes that our europeean countries will remain pro multiculturalist forever lmao, you know nothing about us, sooner or later things will change, even if we need to go to the asturias mountains or serra da estrela again and march to south like a new reconquista2 cleaning all the house all over again.

some, and as shit hits the fan in some countries more will return. if we got our shit together even more would be back, but it´s like retornados.2, many will move to the nearest country or go to a brand new continent

Ye the rest of Europe is shit. But Portugal will soon follow up to be a (((multi ethnic multi cultural society)))

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Compared to English people everyone is polite. But no Portuguese are far from polite. They are rude af

and he didn´t say that, he ((advised)) to migrate and suggested the PALOP, as he was particulary talking about teatchers in difficulty to get a job

Believe in the Reconquista 2: The Final Solution

> Read the dump by 168648809

Take a look at Salazar's view of what Portugal could have become.

Ikr... Do you have any link with proofs about BE being linked to Soros? I would be interested if you could post.

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Was not aware of that.
The Socialist propaganda machine made a good job in blowing it out of proportions.
Does not sound like something that a public leader should say, no matter the political leaning.

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I was joking, but there's a grain of trut in it. When (and not 'if') shit hits the fan in Europe, all of you will come here with a plate in your hands. Like you always have done - and you know it to be true. Even your king and entire nobility came at one point, for Christ sake.

yup, a bright future is ahead of us. a nation of hotel and turism-related businesses employees, spending our hard-earned 600 euros in iphones and music festivals. #yolo