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At least the Air Force respects themselves.

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It's not cute. It's not funny. It's blatantly disrespectful to the entire service.

>public affairs officer
what the fuck burgers

GOOD, women shouldn't be in the military anyways

In the military it's only ok to show your ass and private information on camera if your a female or tranny.

>Dinosaur hand puppet

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>It's not cute. It's not funny. It's blatantly disrespectful to the entire service.

I can tell you were never in because it is common for re-enlistments to be done in stupid ways. I've seen people do their re-enlistments in full fucking costumes (spider-man, storm troopers, etc).


Bet she had like, 100 confirmed kills.


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I'm assuming you never served

Although this should have NEVER been recorded, it is common for re enlistment ceremonies to be at the soldier/airman's discretion. You could be re-enlisting in a gas chamber, underwater, on a helicopter, in a storm trooper outfit, ect.

Backstory is her kids loved the dinosaur and so she did it for her kids, it's somewhat disrespectful but a lot of these often are. The important thing is that it does not get recorded which is where they fucked up.

It's pretty retarded that they ruined 3 careers for it honestly.

Good this is a too high kind of autism.

Tell me more about this fabulous tradition.

Makes you wish for a real war so that all this peace time fat could get trimmed away

Yeah, yeah, but you were so preoccupied with whether or not you could that you didn't stop to think if you should.

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What video?

> "Hey Airman! What do you do if you witness a breach in Sexual Harassment protocol on base or off?"

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not the official re-enlistment you nasty girl specialist.

I don't see the big deal.
But probably shouldn't video tape something like that and post it online anyway. People post too much personal shit online these days, it comes back to fuck you.


American oaths: Aint worth shit. This is proof.

>i am huge welfare queen
>making shit tonns money
>life is too easy
>what can i do to fuck it all up?

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It was obviously a joke but should not have been recorded.

I'm not American but I say great job.

Military is one area where strict principles and rules of conduct and discipline have to be adhered to. No place for childishness or PC garbage that we see in everyday life should be allowed in such a place. They can pussify the media, education and population but not the military.

>Clever girl

> "I know! SSgt T-Rex! Air Force policy is simple: Unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated or condoned by anyone. I would immediately report the unlawful activity per AFPD 36-27!"

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Tradition is an important part of the Military and this shit dates back ages.

The part in this that makes them morons and different than the rest is that it was recorded and put on social media. When it's in house it's fine, when it makes it to social media you're a moron.

This one was particularly pretty stupid too but shouldn't have ended careers.

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well that's fuckingn retarded, i can't see who could be offended over it other than opiod ridden boomers

garrison rules, pog

women in the military take miles of cock

> "That is correct, Airman Basic Allosaurus. REMEMBER: The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) is responsible for oversight of the Department's sexual assault policy. SAPRO works hand-in-hand with the Services and the civilian community to develop and implement innovative prevention and response programs."

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>This one was particularly pretty stupid too but shouldn't have ended careers.

No, this one is perfect. Probably did the oath in the CO's office first then outside for the shot. Also, officer has his right hand up and the Oath memorized. Unlike the Chair Force Air Guard LTC and the SNCO who works public affairs (lol).

Yeah that's obvious. If you think thots are bad in your life, just imagine enlisted thots surrounded by the hungriest of males.

It's fucking bullshit that anyone got in trouble for this. For re-enlistments it's very common to have a boring recital for the books and then a silly informal and casual one where people do stuff like this. For my uncle's re-enlistment ceremony they were quoting lines from Starship Troopers and Mission Impossible and everyone was having a good time.

Just because this recital was deemed "real" and not the casual one doesn't hurt anyone. Fucking tell me how this will be used in terrorist propaganda videos because I'd love to hear it.

Who cares? Fuck the troops

goes to the already established opinion that it presently is as far from the LeMay USAF as it has ever been - filled with fatbodied rejects and social welfare tits everywhere.

People can reenlist however they want.
>been to whorehouse re-ups in tailand


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they got egg on the face of their boss

no wonder military full of retards

"We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene! "

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You must run FTAC, huh?


cool, i know this chick

I held the company colors in a gas chamber reenlistment. Only the OIC and the Gunny didn't have masks on. They took it like champs.

i re-upped once and the CO kept getting tongue tied, so i just said I DO and signed the paper