Midnight in Israel.
Either Iran will attack Israel first
Israel will be attacking Iranian bases in Syria again tonight
Follow @Russia_Watch on twitter for updates.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Praying for Jew massacre

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>literally who?

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>t. leaf

Ok buddy, you made your cute thread. Now go larp elsewhere

That would be tight

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they have been posting bs all day

>1 post by this ID

Fuck off kike

They are just bombing some Hezbollah terrorists, nothing new
Hiding in other country won't save them from rocksts, Israel shits on any border if they can blow up more shitskin faggots who shoot rockets at Israel and hide in schools and hospitals

Wow this is great. Need to go get some popcorn. Don`t get started without me. How many sand niggers get the big dick today.

Hi Moshe

No one will go to major war because it is not profitable as saber rattling and fear marketing is.

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Fake and gay

The first real holocaust can't come soon enough.

>Israel defeating them
See the last time IDF got btfo’d by Hez

Death and destruction will come to Israel, but only if you reply with "Tfu." to spit on their flag.

Attached: tfu.png (500x303, 64K)

There is some serious fuckery afoot here, Anons.
The guy who recorded "his last moments" has some crazy ties, including the "March for our Lives" bullshit.
Also, inconsistencies like "there was blood everywhere" and there being no blood in any of the images is something to look further into.

Attached: No blood fam.png (728x567, 519K)

Hope they nuke Tehran tonight. Like to see all the goats in Iran killed so the mullahs have nothing to fuck and then eat.

Woman killed was a Banking Executive

>the mullahs
So do you watch Hannity or The Factor?


99% of posts here are proposing a destruction of Israel. It is therefore quite understandable, that the gets are aligned. It's statistics, not the will of kek.


That’s a big get(s)

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Shut up Balkan mountain Jew! Blasphemy!


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Lol you dumb twats. Don’t you think it would be better for us all if moronic op provided some concrete reasoning and a solid source besides some shithead with 5 followers? Every day threads like this get posted and nothing ever happens. Being a man of logic and reasoning doesn’t make me a magical kike

>drinking the kike kool-aid

There is some serious fuckery here, Anons.
The guy who recorded "his last moments" has some crazy ties, including the "March for our Lives" bullshit.
Also, inconsistencies like "there was blood everywhere" and there being no blood in any of the images is something to look further into.

Attached: 0417-southwest-airplane-twitter-marty-martinez3.jpg (728x567, 50K)

You're a faggot

Nope spent time in iran a few years ago. The Mullahs are the most degenerate fucks on the earth. They fuck animals and are more fucked up than the Clintons. Most of them keep camel piss in the frig. for guests.

Its 00:33 is Israel now you fag -nothing happened.

Not sure about the first two, but that last pic with the quints comes from this thread: Israel was mentioned twice.

Kek has spoken.

Attached: Kek Throne.jpg (712x1006, 710K)

Where in Iran?

are you always the same syrianon or are there many of you? or proxy?

Tehran. Women are beautiful. At least the ones you can get to know. They all hate the regime.

cool spam bro, totally not a rusky chaos agent

Please say that a few more times

Attached: BabyAnon.png (657x772, 169K)

And what makes this account credible at all?

This picture is so retarded. It's not fucking World War I—planes don't fly 200 feet off the ground to drop bombs. The only reason they ever fly low is to either avoid radar or display a show of force. Fighters and bombers drop bombs from obscene altitudes and most of the time you won't even see them.

That's what you think.

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April 18th is day of prophecy April 19th is sacrificial day.

>an oil pipeline that can dethrone the dollar is not profitable

Lucky it was an American plane. They are too fat to get sucked out a plane window.


they have been posting unverified bits of speculation and intrigue that you will see is meaningless by tomorrow

what a stage show the jets are even hanging by wires what a rip off joke FALSE FLAGG

>syrian flag

you're better off using a meme flag, mohammed


lol Vladimir Cucktin cucked again.

It won't dethrone the dollar. Russia wants the pipeline in Syria to combat OPEC nations from dropping barrel price to below 50 bucks which would ruin them.

Why dont russians shoot down israeli aricraft???
Why is Putin such pussy?

Israel has bombed Syria 2 more times since Putin drew his red line, and not a peep from the cuck. Sad!

Kek please make it come true. Please

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Welcome to pol

Nothing is going to happen, although with the amount of happening threads we get on here, statistical someone should have accidentally been right by now.

It will happen.
Israel is fucking finished.

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Oh shit the UN has just declared war....oops no sorry I was watching season 3 of 'The Expanse'.

USA & Nato is earth?
Russia is Mars?
Middle East is the belt?

do these guys ever apologize or address when they're wrong? because nothing's going to happen tonight in all likelihood, but some fag will keep posting russia_watch bs here

>t. leaf

some of them are innocent user...

So were the people on 9/11
the people at Parkland
the people at Pulse
the people on the USS liberty
the people on the USS cole
the people in Las Vegas

Stop trying to play victim when Israelis have no problem killing innocents when it suits them.

the other 1% are about AI girlfriends then I guess

Now, I think he might be on to something. You should try to be more subtle.