Israeli Independence

Israel celebrates it's 70th year as an independent nation today. Let's all say one nice thing about our greatest ally.

I'll start: I appreciate that they are an ethno-religious based state that represents civilization in the Middle East.

Attached: Israel 70 years.jpg (640x400, 73K)

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>Let's all say one nice thing about our greatest ally.
I love it when they bomb children, so progressive

I hope they release more propaganda videos for their birthday

No nation has exterminated a group of people living in their home with such sophistication since Nazi Germany

>greatest ally
>(((accidentally))) attacks our navy

I appreciate the wealth they've garnered for the country through their control of the banking and investment institutions and our media. I appreciate the wealth they "lease" out to the masses that they could pull or crash at any time through a politically charged agenda for their religion.

I appreciate having the privilege of dying for our true masters controlling our thoroughly brainwashed and ignorant countrymen from half way across the globe, and ensuring endless war and need for our troops by subverting American interests by helping export terrorism against us to the benefit of their state and society we have no place in.

Screw the UK, Screw Japan (which, we're basically Israel from their pov), let's sleep with the government that wants to rot us from the inside out, before they move on to the next.

Thanks trump

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Viva IDF girls!

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It's an identity based on dogma, the nicest thing to say would be: learn reason to get rid of ancient/traditionalist mind control

I appreciate that you didn't die before I was born so now I get to watch you burn online before my very eyes. Also now that I'm well established and in my 20s I can claim a piece of Palestine and help rebuild the country. Also Israel dies this month.

T. Palestinian


Get off that Yank teet and we can talk about them being independent

>independent nation

>needs 3 billion a year in gibs from krauts and la creatures to survive

thats like calling a single mother of bi racial children independent

Not even the prettiest I've seen

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So I can expect my normal tv programming to get replaced by a slew of Holohoax "documentaries"?

God's blessing on Israel and her children, and God's curse on the Apostates and the Amalekites.

They're bound to be nuked and the place razed.

Who gives a shit about muslim kids anyway desu

Do you want to rid the world of mudslimes or not?

ITT: Butthurt
I enjoyed this year's celebrations and am now going to retire to bed with my christian slav gf.


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4D indeed

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>shill for pallywood
>get beheaded

There's some irony in this somewhere...

I predict there will be many anti semites on this thread complaining about foreskins and jews.

How about, the one state solution.

The muslims are moved into their own historical locations. Iran, Syria, Iraq and others.

Thanks Isreal for making our culture degenerate and subverting the Constitution of the United States for your own interests.

I need to thank the Rockafellers and Jewish Bankers that have controlled our institutions and corrupted females and the host society to replace Europeans with 3rd world trash.