/msg/ Mediterranean Supremacy General - Gasser Squad Edition

Suspicious memeflaggots and krautniggers on the payroll are flooding our glorius General trying to spread their Nordic crap in order to divide us. This is Nordfag kikery at its best, tbqh.

So let's get something straight here, bros.

Jews, Muslims and Niggaz are not welcome in our ranks. You are all street shitting untermensch for all we care, at the exact same level as those crap-throwing albino nogs. You are ALL rightful clay to our great Mediterranean Empire.


Medcucks that want us to "tone it down" for the sake of our Nordic "brothers" will be gassed with no mercy.

Nordfags and Britbongs can autistically suck a dick, as always.

If anyone disagrees, the Senate doesn't give a shit. Feel free to shitpost though.


Screech, Nordfags.

Attached: Squad.jpg (800x602, 153K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Sith Lord Edition

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Crap Throwing Edition

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Darth Vader Edition

Cultural Aspects Edition


Attached: NordSlut.jpg (902x555, 109K)

Like I said before no nordcuck nor medcuck have ever dared sperg out like this before against non-european invaders, like they do against each other, in the history of Jow Forums. You are all a bunch of pussies lol.

what is this jewish alliance?

Med glans belong in Nord throats.

reminder to get a Med woman to be your wife to keep the Southern bloodline pure
reminder that Nord skanks are only for concubines and nothing more

Attached: Roman girl.jpg (659x949, 99K)

lmao @ Varg

where the fuck did you find the right pic

That's what I was thinking, how the fuck do you find a picture of a man dressed as a roman soldier from that angle?