Trump leaves GOP Senators stunned at Syria plans

Trump leaves GOP Senators stunned at Syria plans
>Um, is WW3 back on?

Attached: WTF is going on.png (1164x772, 467K)

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Syria is going to be handed over to Saudi Arabia for arm sales. Zack on InfoWars said so

They're stunned because he isn't launching a full-on ground invasion.

Apparently Assad and Putin are funding and arming ISIS.

Attached: IMAGE.png (1177x2521, 655K)

They want Trump to take it over, because most of them are Jew Rats.

Trump wants Arabs to do it all.

We all knew this was coming for a long time now, let’s just get it over with.

>very unnerved
>lindsey the fag doesn't like it
It means trump doesn't want war, expect other false flags.

wait since when did lindsey graham become a dove

Some people are implying that its actually Trump who is holding back extra intervention and Graham is upset because he favors a ground war in the mid east. I really hope that's the case

Fake News...

Attached: WetPussy.webm (640x640, 1.94M)

GOP senators?
Looks like Assad lives.