Could national Bolshevism unite the far left and far right under one cause ?

could national Bolshevism unite the far left and far right under one cause ?

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Possible but they have to stop being a meme ideology and get serious, we could start using the 4th political theory

a new level of retardation

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No. I could never see myself agreeing with a co**unist.

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>Making the (((far-right))) more leftist.

Don't eat yourself.

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just took a look at the fourth political theory... Kinda interesting.

so is the 4th political theory national Bolshevism ? if not then what is it ?

I don't think OP is suggesting you agree with a communist. I think whoever would be open to subscribe to such an ideology couldn't be a communist.

No shit I still need to read the book I just saw the basics only but it looks sexy af and good thing is there are currently no parties
/ideologies using it now

Meh from what I saw NazBols are wannabe4thpoliticaltheory but let's be honest they are a huge meme at the moment and hardly ever get serious , they can be a good candidate thou to launch the theory

It's a mixture of communism and fascism. Im not familiar with national Bolshevism, but I assume its the same concept. If its extreme economic communism than I don't think it would work, because pure communism is retarded

labor value theory is retarded
go take your satanic kike ideology back to rebbit

>please care about my dead beaten horse I painted it black red and white

Yes, the cause is executing communists.

Youd have to start new. You cant launch a successful party from a meme.

Do the kikes die in the process?

well the political and cultural side of things is far right so.......yes ?

I guess but National Bolshevism is already a good name and "idea" for the ideology that could launch it ehh I mean I don't know but one thing is for sure the 4th political theory is the best way to get out from our current situation

The rich kikes would for sure

so the economic side of things is communist and the political side of things is fascist yeah ? the political side of things is sorted but the economic side of things....well we need to not make the same mistakes as other Communist economies we need to make sure we have the resources to sustain the country and not starve like so many before

NatSoc is already Socialist and collectivist. How does that change under nazbol?

that's called Communism you fuckin retard

and no.

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I agree with the 4th political party idea, but I disagree with NatBolsh being of any value. I think more people would just be turned away by it than consider it at all.

i think the economy is much more left than it is in normal national socialism


yes, unironically

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Communism>both politics and the economy are far left
national Bolshevism>the economy is far left but the politics is far right

they are not the exact same thing

leftist economics will always destroy the family
its a jewish trick

In the 4th political theory private businesses are allowed from what I remember it's just like key industries get nationalized and planned, I think the communist part has more to do with the "collectivism" and egalitarianism

Probably again NazBols are a meme maybe at this point it's better we create totally a new ideology

No. The current left basically wants to remove borders and mix races until everyone is some brown retard with an IQ of 5, and it's all orchestrated by Jews. NazBol has never been clearly defined anyways. From what I've read it's basically white communism with an emphasis on having borders and a strong military. The left wants none of that. NazBols are better off joining the NatSocs because our economic policies are more sane and we'll still have all the great optics and other flashy bullshit.

In short, the left is fucking evil. They justify their evil deeds by calling them good. They are all horrible people that will stop at nothing to destroy humanity. They want every culture, language, and race to be flushed down the toilet. These "people" are nothing but death and destruction, and every last one of them needs to be put to death right now. That's the only way. There will be no union between these sides, only bloodshed until one emerges victorious.

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Communism has never been enacted without ludicrous nationalism, even if it doesn't call itself so

there's a reason the USSR failed so hard in every non-Russian state - it was inherently Russian and thus resented by those of other nationalities

North Korea is undeniably nationalistic

the Chinese are the most ethnocentric "people" in existence, and unique in that their nationality is also their race

if there's one thing leafs know about it's nationalism, trust me Nigel

yeah that is why i am weary with this new ideology i like the sound of it but it would be very hard to get it to work

I get the impression it's like they just substitute "the 1%" for "the Jews" and otherwise it's pretty much the same.


ah i see
damn its a shame we cannot work together
yeah communists are very hypocritical

so Jow Forums

To be unironically truthful, I believe it is possible. Both the Commies and us freedom loving patriots, actually want the same thing. Rule of law, equity, consistent application of the law. The only difference is HOW we get there. Commie bros, can't we set aside our differences and go after those Oligarchs making both of our lives shit, as well as the country we live in? I believe it's possible. Let's unite the clans!!!!!

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Stalinism retains the benefits of guarantees to living needs (free housing, job, pension at 50) while retaining strong traditional social structure, which many in europe failed to implement (adolf)

Stalinism was described as Red Fascism, some communist regimes definately had parallels.

Stalinism is basically what your talking about which is closer to NazBol than actual communism as described by Trotsky, Lenin and Marx.

Basically. I've always looked at it like -- well, if the fabled "1%" is 40% Jewish, we can argue the finer points of social policy later.

Nope because muh cultural Marxism.

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Yea, well, I'm a righty and so far our side is doing pretty shitty as well. We've felt the destruction of the Family no different than the soyboys of the left. Let's cut the shit, and united the clans.

We can make a charter, of sorts. We agree to disagree. Our cause is more important than our differences. Should we succeed, we promise to part ways peacefully. We will negotiate in good faith always.

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its funny you say that i have always thought that as well Stalinisim is most certainly not pure Communism since they are nationalistic

you would find support from Stalinists, but not Trotskyists.

>Yea, well, I'm a righty and so far our side is doing pretty shitty as well. We've felt the destruction of the Family
because western governments are highly socialsit

no, national bolshevism is economically left but socially right. orthodox marxism is economically left and socially left.

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No more fucking brother wars. Commies want communism, cool. We want freedom and our own place to call ours. We can't do this divided, but together, we can achieve great things!

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Who cares what the cause is at this time. Reality is reality and the world we are living in is controlled by a few people. You commies serious about your cause?

Brown-Red alliance has been working for quite a while united by their desire to suck Kremlin's cock.

That's why NazBols (even if a meme) > commies

How are leftist economic going to fix things?
They are the reason for the problems

anything is better than Communism to be honest

Do you think policies will be changed when the people who legislate are all bought off by a handful of Oligarchs?

Things will change when the population is no longer a bunch of degenerate materialists who demand free shekels

when i used to be a fascist i felt the same way

(((They))) want brothers to fight eachother. It's time that we reunite all together and fight the good fight against the Globalists.


What does national bolshevim teach about race and the racial demographics of a nation? becuase that seems to me to be the only worthwhile issue of the day? Sorry for my retardation I'm drunk af rn.

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Social liberalism is not socialism. Western governments have not seized the means of production.


how is seizing the means of producing going to fix things?

wow i literally just played a mission with cesar before seeing this post


Seriously, the Soviet Union under Stalinism was indeed a conservative paradise
Economical boom, strong abundance of family values, no degeneracy, traditional society with healthy model of femininity, heroic and maculine requirement
Nationalistic, anti-immigration, free education for every citizen
They managed to destroy the Germanic and fought like lions for their own motherland
I don't understand the hate towards them on Jow Forums
>Inb4 jews
The citizens and Stalin himself were antisemitic


Portrayal of manliness and masculine values as something good.
Propaganda against divorce.
Promotion of a somewhat soviet nationalism.
Calling to die for the motherland.
All citizens able to have an education and a purpose.

the politics is far right so their rascal views are probably national socialist

no, the far right only cares about white people


White cummunism

>Commie hammer and sickle.
No. I would kill them just as soon as I would regular (((bolsheviks)))
Fuck jews.

Did the yay leave san fierro or were you man enough to intercept their bikes?

>Stalin himself was antisemitic
And yet Stalin was more than likely a Jew. As were Lenin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, etc.

Communists aren't human. They're all better off at the bottom of a river regardless of their color or nationality.

Trotskism is proto-cultural-Marxism. The first gay parade in the world took place in St.Petersburg under Trotsky. Also he was a supporter of feminism and racemixing. Basically all you experience now is a result of this guy.

Under Stalin the homosexuals were imprisoned, feminists sent to the mines, jews rounded up and sent to the Eskimos (wikipedia Jewish Autonomous Oblast).

Stalin actually got this under control faster and better than Hitler.

>could national Bolshevism unite the far left and far right under one cause ?
It's just as Jewish and anti-White as Communism and Capitalism.

The only difference between NatSoc and Stalinism was the economy and the division of nationalist vs internationalist. Both had the same views on everything else.

Actually the alliance was inevitable, but the Anglos played on the paranoia of both to make them attack each other. First they got to Stalin and planted a thought, that Hitler might attack him, Stalin started amassing an army at the border, then US told Hitler he's preparing for a offensive.
Divide and conquer.

Hitler and Stalin towards the end of the war each had spoke with others about wishing a pact had stayed in place instead of war.

First - USSR went to shit after Stalin team was purged in late 50s because if was pushed too far to the left. Under Stalin it was fascism by any other name.
Irony is that your leftist are remnants of Trotskytes that were purged in 30's.

Fun fact: Comintern policy in the US between 1938 and June 1941 was to support anti-war movements in the US and to discourage war with Germany, especially after Stalin's alliance with Hitler. Anti-fascist propaganda was stopped, the communist party did not criticize Germany's actions, and France and the UK were declared to be waging a "imperialist war."

most of the original Bolsheviks were prissy intellectuals more concerned with petty theory and what constituted true marxism.

communist were all a punch of ivory tower pussies who just promised poor people everything to do their biding

they made Stalin general secretary and told him to fill the positions while they debated and bickered, when Lenin was out of commision they discovered Stalin had filled the entire government with his cronies, and that now they held no real power, purges begin

Thread theme

Every single positive achievement Russia ever had in the 20th century was a direct or indirect result of Stalin's industrialization and other improvements.

Stalin banned abortions, criminalized LGBT after it was made legal by (((bolsheviks))), returned the Church, and stopped the massive feminist propaganda. Women continued to work, but with Stalin they could legally stay home to be housewives (which is a fucking achievement, because in the USSR you better had a good reason to be unemployed, or you go to gulag). Overall, Stalin ended the degeneracy that Lenin and Trotsky put in place.

From an agrarian shithole to the second most powerful country on the planet.

To understand how Russian peasants were before Stalin, read Turgenev. The peasants went from living a middle ages life to modernity in the span of 30 years, from living on dirt floors to an apartment and manufactured textiles and a factory job and other minor luxuries.

kek that movie was hilarious by the way

stop falling for kike tricks dumb bong

nevermined i am thinking of a different song ignore me

i don't really agree with it i am just asking if it could unite the left and right