What is Los Angeles like as a place?

No answers like "it's full of niggers, spics and libtards!" because yeah I already know that.

What unique quirks does it have, what characteristics does it possess that isn't in any other city? How does it compare to New York?

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lets see a city
probably has jews living in the big buildings
some rich white guys in the suburbs
and spics and niggers in the ghetto
like every city on the planet

Also are there any rough white areas like there are with Mexican and black areas or do all the white people live in places like Beverly Hills?

>what is google maps

Hell on earth.

It’s full of niggers spics and homeless

Went there and NY

LA is exactly like if you took the German autobahn and stretched it out and turned it into a city. The streets never end, and they're full of big Asian cars. It's a lie they're "laid back" because they all drive and are paranoid they'll get ran off the road, also the streets are empty while supposedly there's 20M people there. I got many likes on facebook for the beach tho

NYC is 5x better, don't even go to fucking california. I know all the califags will sperg

If you ignore the poor whites in between.

Crowded and impossible to enjoy.
There are places that would be fun to visit, Griffith Observatory, LA Phil, etc... However, its always impossibly crowded at the observatory, and downtown LA traffic is impossible to navigate safely. Being close to a coastline is worthless if it takes and hour or more to commute from your inevitably tiny, overpriced apartment to a crowded beach covered in the morning's garbage. Granted, it depends on the beach and the time of day, but it is almost always crowded.

Yeah I've heard LA is a nightmare if you don't drive, and for one of the biggest cities in the world it has an appalling public transport system, especially compared to New York and London.

i have heard it described as
"as if you took the good parts of new york, put them in a jar, shook it up, and spilled it all over a shag carpet"

Also, forget taking the 405 anywhere near LAX outside the 9pm -> 2am window.

I have been meaning to take a day off and go for a drive around the San Fernando Valley on a weekday. I want to make a video of just how much Mexicans have taken over and made flee markets in their yards. Fruit stands, the whole thing.

It is a curious thing to see in the traditional black neighborhood that all the industry is staffed by Mexicans. Blacks are just milling about or waiting for the bus but never employed locally.


Even if blacks wanted jobs they wouldn’t be able to get them because the don’t speak spanish

West of the 405, heaven. But hell is pretty accurate.

As someone who was born and raised in this shithole, Ronnie Regan's 1986 amnesty bill completely fucked up our state and over 3 decades became Tijuana 2.0

Trump has been doing everything he can to reserve white genocide but the Marxist are putting up a fight to make sure all whites go down with the ship

Jerry Brown the clown needs a one way ticket to Guantanamo Bay

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I find it interesting with the decline of the Cold War and So. Cal's defense industry so went the middle class. They moved out of the SFV but somehow the property values are higher than ever. All replaced my Mexicans or blacks prices out of other areas.

Looking at pics right after the Northridge Earthquake the neighborhoods looked better than they do today.

its hot
theres traffic but if you know when you can mostly avoid it
theres plenty to do
its expensive
its in disrepair and decay, and no ones doing anything about it
lived LA entire life ask anything ur curious about

Visiting California and only visiting LA is like visiting London and thinking it reflects England accurately

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Whats behind door #2?

You can actually drive faster than 20mph in downtown L.A. try that in Manhattan.

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LA is like taking Charlotte NC metro and copypasting it 10 times over. It's massive but low density. It's cool to drive though. If you don't have a car you will lead a life like dusty female cat on youtube

Mutt central.

Make sure to bring repellent.

Poor whites in LA?

There are a few neighborhoods you can get by without a car. Santa monica and long beach and esp hollywood are very doable without a car, and more interesting than many smaller cities. but you are going to miss 90% of the things that are actually going on there.

I spent 2 weeks there and the people weirdedme out. I am an East Coast nyc-metro native and I found it very difficult to relate to anyone there on any level. It felt like a completely foreign mindset/culture, even more so than, like, someone from London or Barcelona.


Parts are run down and scummy, others are plastic, metal, and glass.

Not a lot of quaint that I ever saw down there.

Everything is overpriced. A mixed drink can cost $20. I paid $15 to get into a party. It was in a tower. You had to pay an increasing amount to go higher in the tower. You still had to buy your own drinks.

All in all, I fucking hate LA.

South and West of the south bay curve(405 freeway) user here.
Born and raised.
Going to Tokyo and riding proper public transport was like discovering the internet.
I'm over 30 but not a boomer, so I remember life before the internet.
Most people were cool on the streets until the second term of obumber, now I'm scared to walk outside after 4pm.
I dont come from money, and my condo complex is roughly 30% black, 30% hispanic, 20% asian and 20% white.

it's close to the beach. like twenty mins to half an hour minutes away you can pick out a fish, have it fried and served with some pilaf by the docks of san Pedro

I quite like LA's aesthetic when I was there. It was absudly gritty, eerie, and concrete jungle looking. Opposite to what I'm used to and I found that refreshing. Lots of literal goblinos tho.

tujunga. nice trips

homeless are fucking everywhere

Quads of truth. With a pair kicker.
Its been getting worse over the last 6 years, no where near as bad is SF yet. We are trying though.

Shit. Pure shit.

A land of 90% 3rd world peasants and 10% hollywood kikes. Streets are half destroyed, graffiti everywhere. RVs everywhere with homeless people that the city doesn't want or help cause they closed the mental institutions.

>t. 818

I saw a hobo jerking off at a bus stop in downtown as I drove past. I kek'd irl.

All I saw were roaming gangs of Polish children trying to bum cigarettes in broken English and starting fights, ganging up on elderly men and women like a bunch of stray dogs. I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by Polish urchins, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the Slavic streets at dawn looking for an angry fix.

The homeless epidemic is out of fucking control. It used to be mostly concentrated in one area (Skid Row) but over the past few years has ravaged countless neighborhoods, even the suburbs. There are favelas all over the place just like Brazil

Most of the housing being built here are high rise condos that go from 600k-3 million dollars

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LA fucking sucks, just nuke us all senpai.

It is large, and evolved around the automobile- so that you need a car to get around. Do not take public transportation, and its full of Jews. Beverly Hills is like little Tel Aviv.

here ya go faggot

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It had a very good public transit system before.

>white areas
LA is 26% white, with California all together being 37% white. And this is the non-mexican-white, because for some reasons, spics, despite hating white people, want to call themselves white.


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The light rail has successfully redistributed the homeless to the San Gabriel Valley.

Depends are you poor or rich. Theres good qualities for each lifestyle. Music scene especially heavier music is well and alive. One of the best places to enjoy food if you dont mind spending money. Its a locals city to be honest.

Now shut down the light rail and leave them stranded.

Outside of a few remaining Anglo/Yiddish areas like Westwood Los Angeles has become much more of a chaotic and dirty latin style city over the past 30 years, compared to more orderly and uniformly prosperous US cities like NYC.

If you like ultra rich enclaves surrounded by crime, traffic and vast swathes of poverty stricken Latin ghetto LA is your city.

They are. It was a one way move.

It's not really a city. It's more like suburban sprawl that stretches on forever across different landscapes.

The commute is horrible. If you own a car it's extremely expensive and you will sit in traffic for hours every day. If you take public transit you will feel unsafe, because there are always crazy and unpredictable homeless doing weird shit. Overall it's a shit place to live because it's so difficult to get anywhere.

The public transit needs a huge revamp but Beverly Hills and rich neighborhoods lobby against those improvements because they don't want to make it easy for black people from Compton to get to the nice areas. So the whole county stays shit for everyone except those who can afford to be chauffeured around.

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It's more or less nicer than NYC - people are (marginally) friendlier and areas are cleaner. If you spend time in places like Pasadena, San Marino, South Pasadena, or the bedroom communities beyond the Valley it's actually pretty nice.

That said, it's a shadow of its former glory. San Diego is much closer to the ideal California lifestyle - only with fewer niggers, spics, and even fewer liberals (outside the city core it's downright red).

LA does have good food though. Gotta hand it to them there.

LA and New York went on completely opposite trajectories.
50 years ago, LA was probably the greatest city in the world, while New York was a dump.
Today, New York is significantly safer and cleaner while LA looks like Rio de Janeiro or Caracas.

Imagine walking around the ruins of a once great civilization. There is beautiful architecture, timeless building now faded and dilapidated on every block. Vestiges of a once great time for a once great civilization, now littered with human shit, used needles, and graffiti in a language foreign to the land. It is depressing to walk the streets of Los Angeles because every where you see the spoiled landscape of what was once a man made eden. Then imagine the frustration as everyone around you walks by without giving these things even a fleeting notice, content to live in the third world squalor they created and incredulous about the fact that they have personally contributed to the denigration of a once beautiful place. That's what L.A. is like.

It has a really good music scene at least. Beyond that, it smells like shit and the bars are way too fucking expensive.

It's smoggy as hell and hot and lots of trash everywhere. It's the Mexico City of America. There's obviously some hyper rich nice areas, but for the most part it totally fucking sucks.

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It's a lot lile Israel

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Wow, apparently Jews are just as prone to scatter garbage everywhere as the niggers.

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Not going to lie, the food is amazing.
So is the weather.
The traffic is beyond soul stealing though.

Los Angeles is just a giant suburb with a few dense areas. Majority is detached single family homes as far as the eye can see... there’s a mountain range that divides the city (Hollywood sign)... and you have film studios sprinkled randomly around... downtown is turning into distopian cyber punk with glistening futuristic high rises and dilapidated at the street level. Everyone is wearing flip flops all year round at the beach cities. The eastern parts of the county are more conservative, the West more liberal and the south is a cross between Mogadishu, Detroit and Tijuana. San Fernando Valley is a numb sleepy white suburban sprawl. Beverly Hills/North Hollywood is the seat of the Jewish kingdom.

Really the best summary of LA is that it’s a microcosm of the world

You can make $10.50 an hour making frappaccinos for celebs before taking an Uber home to your 1 bedroom apartment off of Crenshaw you share with a married couple.

Move to Tucson instead

Jews in los angeles are some of the most rude people filled with self entitlement and try to act like they keep their roots but are just arrogant plastic people keeping up appearance for the "tribe"

This is so true . It was skid row , now its pretty much all of downtown. Its dangerous, its dirty , drug use all around. Luckily I don't have to walk around that area. I'm sure just by going by there you can catch some disease. Homeless are everywhere. Under freeways , street corners . There's this guy that parks his cart of trash and just hangouts smoking all day . On top of that , there's the niggers selling drugs and the prostitutes.

By 2024 they will all be gone or housed. Until 2025 hits then it will be the same again.

This guy has lived here.
Bet you wish tucson had better weather.
Visit kingman, all the upsides of tucson and much better weather.

If you have a lot of money and can get a job then it's one of the best places in the world. There is no middle class in Los Angeles. The streets are the nastiest places in the world go east for a few miles past West Covina and there's the best place in SoCal though it's hard to commute, though you can.

They don't even want the help. They would rather live on the street not doing anything but drugs and living freely.

Everything about it is empty and soulless. It's shallow, gentrified hipster bullshit built to dress up the decrepit ruins what used to be a thriving city. Unless your job requires you to be in commuting distance of Hollywood, there is no reason to be in LA. There is nothing of value there. No heart. No culture. No nothing. It is a great sprawling mass of vacuous waste that could fall into the ocean without anyone noticing.

The gentrified parts are filled with consumers. Not citizens, but consumers. They truly believe in their heart of hearts that they are saving the world by shopping at Whole Foods, but if they looked behind the Whole Foods they would find shanty towns of people living in tents on the sidewalk. But in the smug, narcissistic minds of Whole Foods patrons, those shanty towns are invisible. These semi-conscious consumers mindlessly shamble through their gentrified bubbles of ersatz consumerism, totally and blissfully detached from reality.

There are only white's in Beverley Hills and some areas of Hollywood.
You've never been to LA the poors are all mixed white,black and mexican the rich people are all white or asian

it’s full of pedophiles

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The best thing about LA is that between downtown and Koreatown you can live in future cyberpunk dystopia today! it's actually quite amazing.

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I live about 15min away from LA. Id imagine its like any other city. Everyone keeps to themselves and are always moving/keeping busy their own shit. You see homeless schizos at bus stops just talking to themselves. Shit load of traffic, parking is a bitch, etc.. as every other city.

ITT poor ppl

If you make decent money there’s no better place to live

They say the average Los Angeles resident spends 1/3 of their life in traffic

I know that but olympics are coming. Get ready for virtue signaling on a massive scale to ensure we have a prime consumer market.

The roads are shit too. They never finish construction, making the traffic worse. They're building a new metro line , building stadiums for shit sports team . Overcrowded because everyone wants to live here. Everything stated in this thread is 100% true
t. born and raised fag living in la

Not if you like moisture and plant life.

Parking is expensive too. It sucks when you want to do something but then remember there's traffic and there's no chance of finding parking so you just cancel.

Yeah it makes weekend planning like a burden. Always got to take that shit into consideration.

other cities have functional public transit that is taken by non homeless chizos

Too poor to live in l.a and explore the rest of california?

Stop being poor.

Shittiest fucking drivers. Expect to die if God forbid drive around 60 MPH.

Not just weekends , everyday .

Well, June - Sept is a bastard but the rest of the year is 85 and sunny. 3/4% property taxes and the housing prices are on par with the Midwest. Best Mexican food in the U.S. bar none. L.A. has decent burritos but Tucson has it all.

There's a lot of opportunity and a lot of disappointment. Weather is pretty much god-tier which is why it's so crowded in the first place. 80k/year income is basically the poverty line.

California: God's country ruined by liberals.

LA is shitty even for rich people. It takes like an hour and a half to get from Bel Air to Downtown.

I'm not living anywhere that necessitates driving every-fucking-where. Unnatural lifestyle and community.

The only thing that draws me is the money. Cars, fashion, boutique shit. Women are hot. Variety. But it's full of niggers spics and libtards.

>he thinks burritos are not mexican american
Theres no such thing as burritos in mexico maybe only for tourists in touristy places. Plenty of actual authentic places with real mexican food but you wont hear of those in your hipster magazines.

Fucking nailed it

SFRs as far as the eye can see is verifiable bullshit. The city of Los Angeles, not including the valley, is one of the most densely populated urban locations mostly developed with small assortment buildings up to around 30 units per.

The rest of that is largely true with the caveat that downtown isn't all new build projects and those are mostly the la live area. The historic core area is mostly adaptive reuse grimy lofts. The exterior of these 1910s buildings is beautiful with frescoes and old world craftsmanship. But half the buildings are Indone restricted housing with layabouts leeching of the state while the building next door is $2700 a month for a small studio and having to dodge homeless and needles when walking the streets.

It takes hours to get anywhere, Average freeway speed of approximately 35 mph for 2 hours three times a day.

blame GM


>If you are rich it's a nice place


A lot of shallow women. You know despite it being full of spics, no one has yet mentioned how much fucking chinks are flooding over to LA. They are literally taking over.

depending on where in l.a. you are you will find either traffic and spics or traffic and niggers.

T. Peasant

Full of libtards. That's the thing that sticks out the most. No sense of community. No sense of belonging. Most unhappiest place in the US by far and they don't even realize it.

Yes, chinks are everywhere. They're as bad as Jews. Which reminds me, there's a lot of kikes.