The NRA is a terrorist organisation, prove me wrong

The NRA is a terrorist organisation, prove me wrong.

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When was the last time the NRA was indicted on charges of terrorism?

Your turn. Faggot.

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No thats Jow Forums

Burden of proof?

Who have they killed in order to promote better gun legislation?
Wtf am I doing

1 post by this ID

The NRA is led by money leading to their crimes being overlooked due to the government wanting more money. The NRA is using the desire of wanting to kill and is making money off of american citizens being killed.

Wake up conservotards!

That didn't answer my question.


Glad to see you moved to Jow Forums like I told you to instead of /b/

this is some seriously low quality bait. I saw your shit tier attempts to troll over on /b/ too

It does. Government wants more money so they wont charge them with anything. Continue throwing insults, stooping that low proves that you are in fact loosing this argument :)

Different guy.

>meme flag
>being a faggot
OP is really doing a great job of baiting.

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Friendly reminder that Israel is our greatest ally as well as the only democracy in the region. If you dont stand with Israel, you cant stand with America! #maga

It didn't lol

Well it's just that we intend to kill you and your entire family of you try and take them.
Also, you can make microwave guns that can shoot down drones.

You just can't take them.


Nice try at trolling me. I am against killing for financial gain.

what crime?

BLM is a terrorist organisation

I said it. It's a SHOULD be a crime but the government won't make it a crime as it would loose then a lot of money.

You are a faggot


not relevant to this situation and low quality bait

>posts image

You don't prove things wrong before you prove them right. Faggot. Also sage.

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You made the claim. The burden of proof is on you, faggot.

Pablo Escobar also funneled money into the US but we still charged him with terrorism.

Game set match

So nothing?

Hahahaha yeah sure you are lying faggot. You just post all of the same stuff with the exact same fucking image that's literally saved with the same title.

So they are a terrorist organization because they are committing crimes that only exist in your head. Good to know.

Not as much as the NRA does. The NRA has it's roots in politicians.

That literally makes no sense my dude. Learn how to format a sentence.

Daily reminder that more people are killed each year by 'personal weapons' then by all forms of shotguns and rifles, much less the much obsessed 'assault weapons'. The attempt to disarm the populace over such a puny number of deaths is treacherous and the NRA is right to fight against the group of whiny, effeminate idiots who try and take them.

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Took the image from the /b/ guy and decided to use it to make a legitimate argument, not bait like he did.

Wow, good job either missing the point or trying to bait me. Either way I'm not responding to you 2 anymore

The NRA is a bunch of nigger lovers who want more niggers to be armed.

What should be a crime? As far as lobbying money is concerned the NRA isn't even in the top 20. So if they're an unstoppable juggernaut how are they so much more efficient with their money than literally every other lobbying group?

Learn to format a brain. Faggot.

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You got rekt boy. NRA is a totally legitimate organization of heroes.

Most deaths by firearms. Not even pistols should be allowed

>OP sucks dick night and day
>prove me wrong!!

Yet again, you seem to have no grasp of basic english. Go back to estonia what ever shit hole that is

Prove you're right first

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Found the David Hogg.

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>they break laws I've made up in my head
How's middle school going?

>NRA has roots in politicans

Bitch please watch the cocaine cowboys, the colombians basically ran Miami in the 80s. Plus they basically built up the city skyline from scratch, and you need to grease alot of political and private wheels to move that fast.

Ergo your argument is invalid and youre guilty of a no true scotsman

Except you forgot firearms have no direct correlation with murder.

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1. Firearms are used more frequently in defense then in homicide.

2. Attempts to ban firearms do nothing to the homicide rate. The English did everything short of a full-ban and are now resorting to banning butterknives.

3. Given the tyrannical tendencies of today's Left it would be utterly insane for someone on the Right to cede their weapons at this point in history [or indeed any point, but specifically this point]. The English arrest nine people a day for 'internet hate speech', and recently arrested a man for teaching his pug dog the Nazi salute as a joke. You people should not be trusted with firearm confiscation [nor should any people, but especially not the modern Left].

The fact of the matter is that firearms in society are a net-gain for anyone who isn't a would-be tyrant.

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We dont have to convince you of shit, asshole.
the nra will be the least of your worries in a little bit.

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Big man keyboard warrior threatening me over the internet. Damn, you must feel hard.

I'll just leave this here.

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Maybe try not always being such a raging bag of dicks

still waiting for an example of the nra doing anything even remotely close to this definition

Drugs kill more people than guns and drugs are already illegal, its not even a close figure. Firearm is the defensive response most likely to result in no injury to yourself in the case of assault to the tune of hundreds of thousands of defensive gun uses each year. There is also a virtually unmeasurable reduction in crime averted simply because a criminal is unwilling to go commit crimes if he runs the risk of getting shot for it.

Wow the NRA is directly responsible for 1.5 million deaths?

Ah yes the much vaulted communist technique of 'blame generic deaths on our rivals so we can pretend our hundreds of millions of deaths don't matter'

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The NRA has killed fewer people for political reasons than the democrat party. Prove me wrong.

Where are they even getting the bottom number? If I was generous and gave America the current rounded up gun death rate of 10,000 per year for the entire time the NRA existed it wouldn't come close to that.

>collect money
>push for broader and broader interpretations of part of the bill of rights
>give no fucks about the resulting chaos
By the way I'm talking about the NAACP

Just Seth Rich is enough to prove you right.

Sucking dick: confirmed gay

Son, I am disappointed. This is not an argument at all. It is not terrorism to fight for rights, especially when people like you, evil, exists.
I love that option field, guess why...

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Just like communist "deaths" (famine) are caused by sactions from capitalist nations and then used as evidence of muh "communism is murderous"

This guy is taking everyone for quite a ride lmao

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They’re legal, not committing any crimes

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Ah yes the much vaulted communist technique of 'blame generic deaths on our rivals so we can pretend our hundreds of millions of deaths don't matter'

yes we terrorize jews by not complying with their propaganda

>David Zogg

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I agree. We shouldn't ever register our property.

No they aren't. Prove me wrong.

>The NRA is a terrorist organisation, prove me wrong.
Give us the name of one NRA member that committed an act of terrorism.

Give us one terrorist statement from the NRA.

No one is this fucking stupid.

yet here we are, 80 replies later...

>yet here we are, 80 replies later...
Jow Forums is a shitposting board now. Has been since the election.

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Prove it IS a terrorist organization by definition of being a propaganda wing that fuels extremism and also illegally funds said extremism and you can shut them down forever!

Problem is, faggot, they're just a lobbying group and nothing more. Maybe getting a gun to shoot yourself in the face with would be a good start for you.

The NRA is a terrorist organization if you are not an American.

If NRA is not a terrorist organisation, then ISIS is protected by the second ammendment.

So ISIS are patriots to you fine americans then.

al qaeda is a well regulated malitia

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ISIS is a well regulated malitia

they have never taken credit for an explosion

because they are a bunch of pussies

The CIA hasnt taken credit for overthrowing any governments but they have done it a bunch of times.

has anybody tallied how many times this thread appears each day?

> meme flag
... must be trump cucked

meme flag?
what does that mean?

Anyone who uses a meme flag displays that their first intension is misinformation. Dishonesty is the first action committed when a meme flag is used, and thus any information presented afterwards should be considered with the initial context of dishonesty. In situations like these, I like to keep handy a bushel of sage.

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Burden of proof is on you, you child molestin pedderass

must be a mutt

deus vault -
>meme flag
>treat like retarded leaf