What do?

Bringing back 2017.

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Why don't you actually advocate plans to save the White race instead of just triggering anti-Whites?

this on all levels

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Because the flaws are on fundamental level.
You'd have to redesign the human animal.
Morality is little more than reproductive imperatives reframed. Biasis are subconcious. Morality is variable based on circumstances. The human experience is defined by psychological priming.

You cannot create an "ideal" society without excising humanity.

put them somewhere inconspicuous. like the underside of a picnic table, or in an alley

You dont get to "fix" it. You just get to choose whos on top.

And honestly "fixing" it would probably make it worse. But these corcumstances will not endure forever.

Right now pointing out contradictions to normies is jusy a form of cult deprogramming. But it will never be totally effective. It just primes them to accept the change that is both coming and inevitable. It was ordained by god. It is immutable.

Why don't YOU, fatso?

This white boy who poses as a black man online gets it. Chaosh is a ladder.

nice copy-past from (as it seems) another thread.
But said:
>advocate plans to save the White race
there was no talk about "fixing anything" or "ideal societies"

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That whole campaing was largely based on the silk screening propaganda of the 1960's french communists. (Who changed it weekly)

Someone picked "its okay to be white" because of the success of the 1980's "its okay to be gay" campaign.

But no propaganda is effective forever. Create something new. The point is always to create a diologue. To deconstruct the current zietgiest.

The Archon Memes were always in charge and still are, they create their own habitations on non human timescales.

Your influence is negligable on theit plans unless you effectively neutralize them (which you cant).

God will bind lucifer for 1,000 years, then he will again be loosed upon the earth. Your memes are just part of this.

Your actions in service of the Archons not your personal Volition.

Triggering anti-whites is a byproduct of awakening whites. I don't care about the former

So... just post the simplest Jow Forums redpill memes IRL?

You dont get it. We deconstructed the systems of white privledge.

Like any revolution and occupation of foreign terretories.

1. Iconoclasm (destruction of their monuments and icons statues bibles churches etc)
2. Revisionism (destroying rewritting erasing their culture history and philosophy)
3. Demographically replacing the indiginous population with loyal foreign nationals.

You just didnt know this is what was happening because we erased it. And ignorance is blindness.

You Guards for the safety of you and your children failed.

There is no going back.

Thats what "civil rights" was, thats why we talk about systemic discrimination, whiteness, and privledge. Why we remove your monuments and statues, why we import foreigners.

This is an occupation. And its already inevitable.

That depends on what you want to accomplish.

Understanding truth is hard work, it is extremely difficult. Thats what makes satire and redpills extremely effective. They point out contradiction and hypocrisy.

Of course propaganda (which propetuates false ideas) uses this same mechanism of human illogicality to produce irrational and/or harmful beliefs.

Memes are programming. Human response cycles usually with a two depth response inititive. (Sometimes one) like "its okay to be gay".

But once you understand truth you can no longer be lied to. But this equation to seek "truth" leads people into perpetual cycles of cognitive dissonance and outrage (24 hour news cycle). Youll never teach people truth. They are to stupid.

And even if you tried to tell them, they would literally kill you.

Its "okay to be white" was just memetic programming.

So user. What do you want? Do you really want to stare into the abyss and find wisdom?

Let us here the conclusion of the argument, if there is a god, serve him even at great peril, and if not eat drink and be merry for all is vanity.

those acid tabs, or what?

They erased your history, not our history.

They are inverting the system of white supremacy. You wont awaken whites ever because the system has already been dismantled.

Your outrage is futile.

Dream on, cuck boy.

Not a SINGLE THING you typed is true...you only wish it was.

Poor thing. You think the values dissonance we created was your own doing?

You think your value system and beliefs are your own? We made them. We implanted them. We erased you. And refashioned you in our own image.

It is a matter of historical record.

Are you actually a nigger? You never know on the internet but you sure sound retarded so I’m guessing you might be

based Kanye

The best jokes are always based in truth.

And nothing makes people more angry than telling them truth.

>white supremacy
That only exists in the middle east my ebonoid friend. Your masters and mine are the same.

>its da Jooooz!!!

Id expect nothing less. They are no more in control than the redheaded irish.

The sytems that are created are functional on the wrong timescales. Our true essence is much older and more powerful.

They are in charge and they will create their own habitations.

White supremacy is but one example.