Literally, we gave the jews what they want just because of the holocaust! The middle east wouldn't be such an issue if it weren't for Israel. Plus their a dick to their non-Jewish people
Am I the only liberal who thinks Israel was a mistake
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I'm pretty sure most people in the world universally hate Israel and Turkey
You're mistaking liberals for kikes, a lot of liberals are anti-zionist
librals dont like israel. go ask the young turks
I’m pretty sure most people in the world universally hate Israel and Turkey
they got it because of the Balfour declaration made by the Rothschild, and the Havaara Transfer agreement singed by a Rothchild bastard
No, Israel is a miserable apartheid state run by racial supremacists who silence dissent through government induced PTSD. Ask any Israeli the right questions and they will admit they live in constant fear and make decisions they know are bad because of it.
Israel is America's North Korea.
literally the only people that like isreal are jews and boomer americans, has nothing to do with left or right
At this point no secular government in that shithole region is a mistake.
If arabs could just accept Israel there would be no problem at all. But somehow they took creation of Israel as a personal insult.
Because they annexed a country
Why not ask where you should be posting? r*edit
Zionism and Judaism are antithetical to each other and one of the pioneers of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, even said himself that Zionism and Judaism are incompatible.
The state of Israel was established by the UN. Go take a history lesson.
Seeing the appearance of Herzl, the guy practically did not get any semitic characteristics, it would be interesting to see his family tree and see if we can reach a convert
How was it established according to your education?
I think the main issue is that Judaism is a RELIGION. It's not a race and a religion. Jews aren't a race. That only started with Zionism. By claiming that Jews were an ethnicity they say that they have claim to the land of Palestne. Most Israelis are atheist which doesn't even make sense when you think about the fact that they also say that they are God's chosen.
Jews being a race is a psy op.
If i could wipe turkey of the map right now i would. i would return northern Cyprus to to the Greek Cypriots, return Constantinople and western Anatolia to the Greeks, create a Kurdish state and return Armenian land.
No. That's sort of it isn't it. You back Palestine, hate the Jews, Hate Christians, Love Authoritarian Socialism or Communism, use fake Fascism on 4 Chan and Social media along with your connects in the Fake News, spread lies and deceit, say Whites are genocidal maniacs, and try to dismantle anything that opposes you all in the name of Liberalism. Take a liberal amount of cyanide you fuck. Rot in hell.
Yes it was a mistake, but really, what else do you do with them? They don't belong in Europe, yet they have no legitimate claim to Israel. Pic unrelated.
And by bringing the Jews of the world together, they were forced to divide themselves between ethnic groups like the Arabs or Ethiopians. I remember reading that there was in what was now Yemen converts to the religion.
Or the well-known ""Jews"" Russians once the USSR is over
It was Jewish clay originally and is rightfully back. Should you give America back to the natives you stole it from?
The land's nice.
Great scenery, rich history...
Shame about the Ashkenazim. Big mistake that one.
But get rid of them and it's great.
Everybody knows that Israel is our knight in shining armor in the middle east.
America-Uk-Israel alliance.
ultimate domination
death to china
death to russia
Long Live the American Empire
Wake up. You're the enemy in this Prophecy. You hate his children. You're the army of the Anti Christ. I bet you'll line right up when they start fucking chipping you huh?
Its like cancer user, the only option is to cut it out and use massive chemo.
Israel is by far the greatest enemy to the US in the world.
Commie here, can confirm: Israel was a mistake.
Don't the Jews remember the last time they were trying to force God's hand and what happened? It's like they don't realize that when God comes he's going to be VERY ANGRY at the Israelis.
>Britain is the whole UN
Israel was established through the Balfour Declaration, the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the Havaara Agreement and the subsequent defence of the new nationstate Israel by Israelis and Americans using American finance, training and equipment.
Palestine was under british mandate. When that mandate was reaching its end, the majority of UN assembly voted to partition that territory into two states: Israel and Palestine.
I once had a class with a white uber liberal who hated white people and also hated the Jews. He actually gave a presentation on why Palestine is in the right and got virtually everyone to agree with him. No clue what his angle was but whatever
Most libs hate Israel for their treatment of Palestinians
Lots of BS on that btw
Why is it that a lot of liberals hate Israel and yet spew the propaganda fed to them by Jews?
to late no taksy backies.
and a lot of conservatards are pro-zionist
>Yinon plan
>Sampson Option/plan.
The entire planet will be a better place without israhell.
Let's say its loosely based on facts with lots of drama and a motive added for good measure.
Because they don't realize the 1% is the Jews. The establishment they hate is the Jews. They aren't willing to remove their ego and accept the truth.
This, they hate Zion but love Islam.
Israel was a great idea. Building our foreign relations upon defending Israel by investing treasure and military assets into its defense was a terrible idea.
Play this, starting from the 16:12 mark. You will hear the truth
I'm a liberal who's in the same boat.
Oh, you were victims of a genocide? Hey, I'll help you rebuild what you have.
What's that? You want to go back to your ancestral homeland and establish a state for all Jews? Why the fuck would we give you AN ENTIRE COUNTRY for that?
I never understood why a two-state solution keeps getting shot down. These people aren't owed a country anyway, they should be happy splitting half of it with the Palestinians.
it slowed the rise of communism since it was almost always revolving around jews as ringleaders
I fucking love Israel
It is the only country that gets bigger every time you look away
I laughed. Have a (you).
Saudis Arabia and Israel are allies so your argument is obviously fundamentally flawed and that doesn't make you a bad person. The ME will learn to accept differing opinions and make peace and prosperity from that enlightenment.
>Am I the only liberal who thinks Israel was a mistake
No, the left is actually split between Israel supporters and Palestine supporters. And many orthodox Jews see Israel as a heresy.
"we" didn't "give" Israel to the Jews. They bought the land and moved there all by themselves.
That is a lie. Britain gave Palestine to the Jews.
Israel is a Rothschild state built by the British , they certainly didn't buy the land from Palestine
Like it gave India to the Indians?
The Rothschilds and other Jews purchased the land
Just watch the video at like the 10 minute mark.
That's a settlement, what about the state? The rest of the land....
How much of your land did you purchase from the Native Americans before exterminating them and stealing it?
only leftists and muslims hate israel
right-winged people all support israel
>am I the only liberal
You cunts will try to fill every political niche with some pseudo thoughtful nonesens to act unique
The natives welcomed the white man, and often worked together fighting the british, french. Manhattan was famously purchased for beads.
Unlike Palestine, the natives never had a state, there were only groups of tribes, some sided with us some against.
Around half the country was purchased from the French. Alaska, another purchase.
So we didn't " steal" shit, since there was no country here beforehand. A state requires more than just standing there
And if this is so wrong, how can you justify Israel?
die in a fire you jewish rat