The website operated from a server based in the Netherlands

>The website operated from a server based in the Netherlands
>boasted up to 70,000 members
>forum where people could share their sexual interest in young boys
>some members would move to more private channels, such as email, to exchange and share illegal images and films of children being abused
>Computers seized from those arrested have harvested huge quantities of child abuse images and videos

Does that mean the trap posters and pedos who spam their shit on Jow Forums are finally rotting in jail? This will significantly increase the quality of this site.

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Trump is the swa-

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>Does that mean the trap posters and pedos who spam their shit on Jow Forums are finally rotting in jail? This will significantly increase the quality of this site.
I hope so. I doubt that the degenerate spam will stop until they find the source of the bots and who runs the shilling operation on this board. Is it directly from Israel? ADL? I don't know.


What about the niggers that pimp out underage girls around the USA.

Iook into it.

Why's there no date on this?

Nah. I can't wait for Jews to get their just deserts. They deserve everything that's coming to them.

Fug, bye boys have to leave my country before it's too late

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>who runs the shilling operation on this board
Why would Israel flood this board with anti Trump pro muslim spam and try to destroy the west, particularly the US, via divide and conquer? Trump and the US are vital to Israel and if anything they would shill for Greater Israel.

The majority of shills are trolls shitposting and then there are also many paid shills from various political interests, for example shareblue style leftist propaganda or kremlinshills. The cold war never ended, Russia is very strongly anti western.

>just deserts

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Maybe because it's fake. I found it on twatter.


JUST deserts

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It's real but even on Google there is no date associated with it. Odd.

Degenerate Toothpaste niggers

Attached: NativeDutch.jpg (349x378, 27K)

>harvested huge quantities of child abuse images and videos
>harvested huge quantities of images
>harvesting images

Strawberry Shortcake is a deSSert. Love and sweets, user.

Because isreal wants to keep america unstable. Just like the us keeps the middle east unstable. They are easier to control that way. Harder to say gas attacks and go fight wars when the US is stable and nationally strong and proud. Cause division. You cause termoil and there will always be some to rally for yoy cause

Even the wording of the headline seems a bit funky

>busted by cops

Do they usually write that way?


of course its in the fucking netherlands. pedo country full of drug users and whore women.