Jow Forums supported the wrong person

He was a true anti-Israel candidate.

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This desu.

But the cuckoldry was very unappealing. But he would yield to the Globalist Kikes eventually.

Miss us yet?

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Bernie cucked on two major issues we care about that he supported in the past: guns and immigration. If he cucked on those, do you think he would have stood up to the deep state?

He's more Jewish than a bagel shop that exclusively caters Bar Mitzvahs

Bernie is an Ikea lamp shade. You have to put it together yourself.

No one cares about Israel. I just want my federal income tax burden lowered.

No thx

>When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor
>It's better to have breadlines than have our poor starve
>There is no reason why we should have 8 brands of deodorant, while children starve

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He's anti-gun and a kike, he literally is the Jew

>gets cucked by BLM activist.
>cucked by Hillary
>cucked hy DNC

But we are supposed to believe he would take on the MIC and the CIA.
Also, I think he has dual citizenship.

No. Bernie was a retard who clearly didnt know what he was talking about. He kept saying "muh denmark! muh nordic model!" when he clearly had no idea what that even was to the point where the PM of Denmark had to tell him to shut up

He also got cucked by two fat dindu bitches, showing what a pussy he is. How is he going to stand up to the banks and wallstreet and all that shit when he bitched out to two fat sheboons?

Also, only muslims and white trash neo-nazi are this obsessed with Israel. No actual humans give a shit. Just continue the obama policy of telling them no

He couldn't even deal with a couple of idiots from BLM. He never had a chance of getting anything done within the US political system.

>(((He))) was a true anti-Israel candidate.

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He's also a jew

If he stuck to his guns (figuratively and literally) he would of been a decent president. But he folded. He didn't stand up for himself. He still doesn't stand up for himself and gets weaker by the moment. I voted for the man in primary, he shit all down my throat

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You bernbots really irritate me. He played you all like fools. A career politician who before that lived off of welfare. He has all these criticisms but he has no solutions. He tweets out the criticism and you dummies project your own solution onto him. All while he never puts out his own solutions for anything. It's always just speculative, feelings based bs but you lot just keep on keepin on with the same tired shit. Face the facts. He's a snake oil salesman.

I’d shoot myself before voting for a kike
I’d rather be dead before voting for a nigger or a kike

Many Jews dislike Israel.

I worked for a Ukrainian Jewish TV producer that didn't give a fuck about the Middle East.

Bernie was a faggot that agreed to give Hitlery the nomination well before the primaries began. What is sad is his supporters are too stupid to realize this. Fortunately Sanders pocketed millions and was able to afford a third vacation home. Yeah Bernie's Socialist policies!

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What Bernie did or didn't believe was irrelevant because he was utterly spineless, anyone who wished to oppose him could simply find a pair of big fat black women to harass him all day and that would be the end of him.


Just think in one of the alternate timelines where bernie won a bunch of diamonds and silks might be keeping him in line. Kek

Our PM is a jewish shill who got into office because of the party holding the majority racist vote were too chicken to take office. Bernie was right about Denmark.

>Ha dah dah dah, Dont ask me questions on Zionism

Maybe, but he fucking absolutely loves niggers and all of niggerdom. Can't have that.

no, he's not.

Fuck off kike lover

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The moment he came out against Israel in the democratic debate was the moment the media turned against him.

LOL I'm on Jow Forums BECAUSE I supported kike sanders . . . i was even willing to accept the gibs machine because he was going to put clamps on wall street nuts . . .he wasn't even gonna touch the war machine but he was gonna redo glass-steagalll and that would've been enough

this here is the legitimate criticim, not 'muh he's anti 2A' or ffs 'muhsocialist'