True Aryan Goddess

Instead of memeing Taylor Swift whos every music video now looks like diversity contest. Why not actually talk up the True Aryan Goddess Ellie Goulding whos every music video is White, normal and good

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she fugly

tattoo on her finger=completely degenerate stupid ass kike shill

jesus man relax lol


Never trust a girl that wears shitloads of rings, or one with finger tattoos

Plus the short hair. Why do Jow Forumsshitters have such shitty intuition and judgement in women?

I blame the influx of teenager redditors who brought with them their shitty humor, e-celeb threads, and lack of real world experience that will get burned badly by some whore that will cuck them into suicide.

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Hairy arms and a huge chin

>Fake blonde with a hook nose

She doesn't have the autism. The Taylor Swift thing developed out of general Jow Forums culture with the long history we had with her. It was only ever a deviation of an existing meme which made us like her more than we already did. We didn't consciously decided that we needed an aryan goddess, somebody just pointed it out that she already was

ellie (((golding)))
>hands rubbing

Second post best post. Would not ever touch a woman who marked herself. Dumb dirty cunt

Looks like a extreme Jew.
Name sounds extremely jewish.
OP is a faggot, which deems extremely jewish.
Need i say more ...?

Its just 1 picture i downloaded quickly, and its neat that someone can add stuff like that for looks

Not like any women would look in your direction to begin with

>can’t sing for shit, only breathes in different tones (all the rage for roasties)
>stage performance is low budget poop
>skrillex bf??

No thx

Sorry user Slenderwoman already got her.

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stop worshipping women

woman gets the love from a man, but man gets it from God.

you won’t find salvation within a woman, stop glorifying them. Your job is to save HER. A woman needs a man’s love.

A sad world we live in when the only people you can suggest we elevate to the level of godess are two singers. Two performing monkeys who have never done anything remotely godess like other than manipulate gullible virgins for $ on behalf of record companies. The fact that these these two are the suggestions is a true reflection of the shit society we live in where these fools are elevated so highly.

I was told I look like her

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she got f*cked by skrillex who is part filipino part turkish