Hey Jow Forums remember that one time a couple niggers murdered an emergency room doctor who was also a medical school...

Hey Jow Forums remember that one time a couple niggers murdered an emergency room doctor who was also a medical school professor and the president of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine in Indiana over like $500 worth of stuff?

Yeah, me neither

I wish I could figure out why two niggers getting arrested for nigging in a Starbucks has made international headlines while the murder of an Attending Physician and Professor of Medicine gets swept under the rug?

Man someone help me understand this? I don't think I get it lol :S


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Fuck you Jow Forums. His name was Dr. Kevin Rogers

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All niggers must die. No exceptions.

Maybe something about oppressor vs. oppressed? I don't know anymore.

doesnt fit their agenda. they control mainstream topics. this shows the truth, niggers kill and steal. they dont even try to hide it anymore lol their entire "culture" is based on crime. our ancestors knew this but ((they)) want us to seem crazy for stating the obvious

Man I sure do hate niggers


I dont care if dead or exiled to shithole Africa but ALL niggers have to go.

>top doctor dies
*pol: I sleep
>nigs nig in Starbucks

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Black people sure do make it impossible to treat them as equals. I know racism is wrong, but if I admitted I disliked black people and someone asked, I would simply say "Crime." Same with Muslims - I would simply say "9-11."

Also, I don't see how the Starbucks lady did anything wrong. They weren't ordering anything she asked them to leave, they refused so she called the cops. Who cares if they're black? They were breaking the rules and refused to leave. I see no problem anywhere in this. I don't know how they got arrested though. I guess when they cops came they mouthed off to them too. Which is another thing I don't understand. Nothing good is ever going to come out of disrespecting a police officer. Black people are their own worst enemy.

>know racism is wrong
I remember being new

This is Jow Forums news, these facts are too racist for boomers and normalfags.

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>I know racism is wrong
welcome to Jow Forums

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He thinks Mudshits did 9/11. Are you surprised?

Yes. Exactly. Liberals here frame everything in terms of oppressor/oppressed. You're white? You're an oppressor. Black? Hispanic? Female? Gay? You're oppressed. You're a victim and nothing is your fault. In this way, liberals are WAY MORE CONCERNED WITH SKIN COLOR THAN CONSERVATIVES. They assign everyone value based on race.

No, I was the same way.

Hehe. Good one.

Cool bro. Go back to your discord beta cuck circle jerk and take it in the ass from a tranny

I'm sorry. Did they not?

Ain't a joke m8

the JQ takes a while to build up to user.

Synagogue of Satan is the last and most difficult redpill to swallow

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What's a boomer? Baby boomer?

Planning on moving to an all white Indy suburb. Amazingly close to the city incredibly affordable and white suburb. But can't fathom living near this many blacks with access to concealable handguns.

Now you're just fucking with us

Explain why racism isn't wrong. Change my mind.

Why do you think it is wrong

I'm not - I'm a newfag! Be gentle!!

Oh boy. Well you're stuck here now

lurk moar fucking newfag trash

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I just imagine I could've been born black and I think about how much it would suck to have people treating me like shit all the time.

I prefer the term "garbage being."

because those niggers already got arrested? justice was done


Sucks but that's life. Instead of being victims they should lead their communities and speak out about their statistically high levels of crime. Or leave. Mitigation if suffering is not the point of life.

It’s time to start another campaign

His name was Dr Kevin Rogers

It isn't very relatable to many people to talk about a doctor getting killed. however tyrone getting in trouble is a situation everyone in america has seen before first hand

I do. I saw it on local news.

Because being perceptive and realistic shouldn’t be a negative attributes.

So it's "it would hurt my feelings if it was me" right? Fair enough, fairly standard thought for a normie.
Honestly this isn't going to happen in one conversation, but I encourage you to think big picture, and gather as many facts as you can.
The short and sweet version is that blacks, due to evolving in an easier climate, have limited capacity for abstract thought. This means concepts like morality and compassion etc don't come as easily to them. This combined with a reduced impulse control makes them naturally more violent and downright savage. They are a danger and a detriment to the rest of us and can not be tolerated.

>but I know this one cool black guy
Just because you can point to an exception doesn't mean the trend doesn't exist

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Black people used to fight to go to a cafe and buy something.

Now they fight to go to cafes to buy nothing.

>black people once fought for the rights others enjoyed
>now they fight for rights that no one else enjoys

If I went to Starbucks and sat there all day in a hoodie and jeans using the restroom and WiFi, someone would probably say something to me too. Of course I wouldn't do that in the first place, because it's common courtesy to patronize businesses you are planning on hanging out in.

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>Nothing good is ever going to come out of disrespecting a police officer. Black people are their own worst enemy.

But they won. So the behavior gets reinforced, across the entire culture. Howard Schultz's and Starbucks' virtue signalling should be a crime.

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I agree. The problem is we've(they've) created an environment wherein white politicians are too afraid to talk about black culture's problems. No one wants to touch it with a 99.5 ft. pole for fear of being called a racist. And the rare blacks that do advocate personal responsibility are immediately labeled traitors, Uncle Toms, etc. It's ridiculous.

>The doctor who saved your grandma's life after she fell down the stairs isn't very relatable
>The doctor who pulled your appendix out when you were a kid before it killed you isn't relatable
>The doctor who brought back your cousin from the brink of death after his car accident isn't relatable

Fuck off user

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I'm perceptive and realistic. But come on man. How would you feel if you were black?

Have you read The Bell Curve?

Like a nigger.

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Are you one of those retard conspiracy theorists that thinks it was jews or some such nonsense? Fuck outta here with that. Probably think the moon landing was fake too.

Enjoy your stay buddy.

It's on my book shelf right now, but haven't had time due to work.

>>black people once fought for the rights others enjoyed
>>now they fight for rights that no one else enjoys


Are you sure it wasn't them?

I'm so tired of weak CEOs! All these CEOs and Presidents of this and that - a handful of SJWs start bitching about something and they immediately capitulate. It's pathetic. If I were captain Starbucks, I would say - "Yeah. The manager did nothing wrong. That's our policy and it doesn't matter what color they were. Thank you good day." No one has the balls to stand up to these pathological lunatics.

I've read parts. It gets at a lot of what you were saying.

Yep. It was Muslims.

If I turned black overnight, I would still refuse to listen to ignorant music, act violently, and behave in a generally inconsiderate manner.

I know plenty of blacks who stand as exceptions, many are close friends. But the statistics are still there, I see them played out firsthand in daily life, and I refuse to ignore science because I don't like the results that were found.

During your stay here, you'll probably (hopefully) realize things are seldom what they appear

Emergency rooms are basically mexican asylums at this point, you couldn't pay me enough to work in there.



You should finish it. And read culture of critique too

If you don't think there is some (((shady))) shit going on, you aren't paying attention. The Talmud preaches slavery of all non-Jews. Some might also point out the relative privacy, secrecy, and strength of the inner circle of the religion.

Is everything da joos? Obviously not.

This is a slide thread btw

So jews convinced a bunch of radical muslims to 9-11? What's your theory? Enlighten me.

This is what finally did it for me.


Ah, dude... 9/11 wasn't the muslims at all...
enjoy your stay on Jow Forums - you're going to learn more than you ever wanted.

Cool. I will.

Fuck up, boomerkike.

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Of course they make it impossible, if they were treated as equals they would be almost always in the bottom class of society. If they didn't have the myths of systemic racism to hold onto, they wouldn't have a way to explain their obvious inferiority.

The Talmud says that? Where? I know the Koran says to kill all non-believers.

of course not you retard. take your dumb syrian conspiracy theories back to r*ddit. asshole.

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Racism is the biggest sign of unintelligence . If you ever want people to take you seriously. Use better language, racism makes you look weak and lacking in world experience

0.05 cents have been sent to your account

No idea what that means. Great movie though.

Anyone curious about 9/11 Needs to take a very close, and fair look at three different points.

1) No debris of an actual jet liner, or bodies sighted or recorded for flight 93's impact.
2) No debris of an actual jet liner, bodies sighted or recorded on the pentagon lawn.
3) Building 7 fell down neatly into its own footprint at free fall speed due to office furniture fires.


All of these ancient religions don't sit well with me, but are you surprised the most ancient religion is horrendous? I'm not trying to claim all Jewish people practice this, just that is what it actually says.

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Nah they didn't need convincing, they were just a tool. You find plenty of info about it, it's getting late and I'm on my phone

I don't have any conspiracy theories. Syrian or otherwise. And I don't reddit.

get studying bucko

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Neck yourself, faggot.

His name was Dr Kevin Rodgers.

Trump will never do that. He's not saving us from the niggers and spics, fags, trannies, commies. He might save us from the jews, but that won't save us.

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>He might save us from the jews, but that won't save us.
That would be a huge step.

Night then. Thanks for the conversation.

Best of luck, watch out for the black pill

Because they want to make it so nobody cares when you are slain by a nigger in cold blood anymore. Just business as usual

fucking sucks man. High IQ individual worked ass off to achieve super success get's obliterated by the lowest IQ leeches in society.

"As books of law, the Talmuds differ greatly rom the Mishnah in style and approach. The Mishnah states its rules in a straightforward manner, usually not supporting them with scriptural references or other argumentation. The Talmuds (and this is especially true of the Babylonian Talmud) are dialectical: their predominant form is debate, in which propositions are raised, attacked, refuted, and modified through the give-and-take of argument and counterargument."
"Thus for example, if a person wanted to find out about the laws related to Rosh HaShanah, one would go to the tractate called Rosh HaShanah and would find there numerous laws and customs related to the festival. Likewise, if one wanted to find the laws and customs about Shabbat, one could go to the tractate of the same name."

"“Correct” answers emerge out of the process of argument that fills the Talmud and all the books written to explain it. They are tentative conclusions whose rightness is based upon the ability of one school of thought to persuade the community of Rabbinic scholars that its point of view represents the best understanding of Torah and of God’s demands upon us.

As the earliest rabbinic interpretation of the Bible, the Talmud is indispensable to understanding the laws and customs still practiced today. The Talmudic discussion and its conclusions provide us with the origins of our many laws and customs. Studying the Talmud can help us search for the many important issues and values that are essential to a thinking and committed Jew. To study Talmud is to take one’s part in the discourse of the generations, to add one’s own voice to the chorus of conversation and argument that has for nearly two millennia been the form and substance of Jewish law."

Really I need to pry into this shit more and do some digging. A book of law open to interpretation seems fucking counter-intuitive and dishonest. Or maybe people are in denial and not following stated laws that go against modern society in not treating people like objects and animals.

Rape girls, serve the master

Every religion man. Fucking blights and a cancer

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An interesting way to view it, but then you still end up with modern rabbi who preach all of the worst kinds of things. That implies to me the religion's teaching are leading some people in that direction. And if I call them out publicly, I'm anti-semetic. Protected by all the other followers of the Talmud.

>Hey Jow Forums remember that one time a couple niggers murdered an emergency room doctor who was also a medical school professor and the president of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine in Indiana over like $500 worth of stuff?
No, because you and the rest of the the establishment here was too busy boasting about cops doing criminal acts, violating the Constitution, and being general niggers and killers.

For that matter, people also don't remember all the cops that raped and sexually abused minors and children. Interesting what the media reports on, huh?

>Nothing good is ever going to come out of disrespecting a police officer.
>muh feelings

Hang yourself Officer faggot. Cops need to show respect instead of being niggers and disrespectful like they so often are.

this, acting like a fool now gets you rewarded if you aren't white because you can just cite racism. do liberals find it impossible to believe a black person would act unruly in a private establishment and refuse to leave when ask?

the ones in their early 20's do
the older ones don't but are just too afraid of being called racist to admit it


Why does that state have so many black on white crimes? Suspected this crime likely happened in Indiana before finished reading the headline.

They literally think one microaggression against one of their pets is worse than all the genocide caused by communism put together.

>Jow Forums getting outraged over the death of a man who would despise what this board stands for if he knew about it

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>murder is only wrong when the victim is one of us
Typical leftoid/talmudic thinking.

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