I'll start, i got multiple tattoos and regret all of them now because i feel degenerate... hate thinking about it and how i would've been without them, your turn.
Lets talk about our insecurities and help one another faggets
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I spent 14 years in prison over a fucking misunderstanding. It fucked up my whole life. I deeply regret it.
>feel degenerate
good work /pol, you made some helpless pasty white leaf lose confidence in himself.
>b-but we were trying to make him feel like the alpha white supreme aryan!
this "degenerate" shit is ridiculous, /poltards. for tattoos? you sound like old church ladies
OP, so what if you have tattoos, perfectly normal. man up
t. nigger
But faggot, if you're gonna be degenerate at least own up to it and improve or something instead of whining to spergs on the internet
I’m an autistic loser with no friends and a 24 year old virgin. People tell me all the time how beautiful I am, but I’m too autistic to ask girls out. Every time I’ve tried I’ve fucked it up by being weird. I also have schziod personally disorder and bipolar.
Y’all are unironically my only real friends
Tattoos are not perfectly normal and you should feel insecure about yours.
You feel degenerate because you have multiple tattoos? Absolutely pathetic. You take this place way too seriously. Start living in the real world.
I am a total weak cunt. Can't even handle 3 bulging disc in my back, im always crying like a bitch when the spasms start. I think I am going to lose my job because I haven't been to work in over a week. If I wasnt such a weak cunt I would be able to work through the pain and soldier. But I am too weak to do that.
>14 tucking years in prison
You better have a good story
It was a fucking accident and they claimed i raped two people.