Why are all White Nationalists/Fascists/Neonazis such untermenschen?

Mfw all chads don't have time for "muh white race."
Mfw you can't name a living White Nationalist who is

>+6ft tall
>Not a sperg
>Good with women
>Has real job

When will the true Arian ideal reveal himself?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why would you care about anything if you are chad? Chad can believe in 2+2=5 and his life won't get any worse from it.

let me name 4 Off the top of head
>Brad Kroenig
>Jordan Barrett
>Sean O'Pry
>Alex Lundqvist

>2+2=5>Unironically coming from the guy living in 1984 land, top kek

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You can really name a lot of obscure male models off the top of your head.


Not a chad if he doesn't make +6 figures.

No one making +6 figures thinks 2+2=5.

>+6ft tall
>Not a sperg
>Good with women
>Has real job
Sounds like you are just listing your porn search keywords. Fuck off nigger

>Manley detected
>Soyboy detected
>Sperg detected
>Faggot detected
>Brainlet detected
>NEET detected
>Poorfag detected

How does it feel being an untermensch?

Haha they all look so embarrassing, also their haircuts look like really crap imitation undercuts

Most men are just average looking you closet case faggot.

Thats so funny. /pol is literally room 101

fight me faggot

Attached: ben-swann.jpg (1920x1080, 1.64M)

>Brings up looks.
Looks weren't even mentioned in OP you absolute faggot. You read into it bc you're an uggs loser with no hope and no future.

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This is White by American standards

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>Ben Swann
>White Nationalist
user, I...

Nordfront is full of chads as are most european nationalist groups

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Gets all the ladies.

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European groups actually aren't that bad honestly.
Case in pt Golden One.

Dat hair doe.

look at that tiny tie
what a faggot lmao
does he think he's a clown or smth?

I hate niggers, faggots and jews as much as the next guy but these assholes did us no good.

Only the bottom of the barrel idiots take part in public events like this. They don't get anything done. I'm sure both sides are funded by Soros.
The point of these things is to broadcast a feeling of national tension in the MSM.
>violence breaking out between Trump supporters and anti Trump protestors
Its really horrifying to see how well trained the NPC characters are. The NWO rings the bell and the animals begin to drool. Its maddening.

Im 6 foot 1
At least 9/10
Fine with girls
Never reveal my power level in public
Is 140 iq sophisticated enough for you?
Can slam dunking a tennis ball count as athletic?
Have a great job.
Im not racist but i am proud of being white and of german descent.
Op wont believe me but thats why he made this thread, because he is terrified of his ego crashing into the realization that someone he prides himself on looking down upon (white nationalist) might actually be superior to him.
Keep searching for your inner talent op. Im sure youll find it, some day...

Now give me your response op. Im looking forward to hearing it.

>lying on Jow Forums

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None of those girly looking faggots is a wn, what are you talking about

Thomas Rowsell

>you can't name a living White Nationalist who is (bla bla bla)
umm try again sweetie :^)



You go right ahead and believe im lying if that makes you feel better. Dont let anything or anybody pop that pustulated ego zit of yours ;) your mommy said you were special so thats all that matters right?

We aren’t, excise the hebraic tumor that makes you think those deluded thoughts. There are righteous and self-aware NS who strive for success and work towards physical and mental goals. We are everywhere.

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Greetings from Florida MDI. Sieg heil. Take your broken self and create a new self. Never give up. Every day is a battle to become better. You can be remade, refined. Listen to your gut. Listen to the past.

No defeatism or demoralization, only moving forward. It starts wirth you and your personal decisions to become better, to preserve the sanctity of the ancestral fire. Life is so short, hasten and perform your duty.

Start a strong white family user.

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Ive been saying this for a while. True Chads are normies, inherently apolitical. from hard work and discipline virgin shoegazers, incels, and blobs must become something else. Perhaps they will never have the easy skills with women that a chad does, but they can have refined bodies and minds to become the supreme activist class.

Many of us fit those criterion, you just don’t see us, as it should be.

>Florida MDI
Quick rundown?

Cute fanny pack

No White Guilt on youtube
Mel Gibson also

It’s a pistol.

Heroes of the Reich

Attached: 1_yFyP43GxuA9_QxTZKCuauw[1].jpg (2000x1358, 376K)

If you’re in Florida download Signal for your phone and email [email protected]

>+1 respect
1911 master race checking in.

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I'll make a note to.
Many Cubans/Latinos down there?

No, I’m space coast barrier Island. It’s a rightwing stronghold.

Because no one who isn't a loser is a white supremacist

>polo shirts and khakis
>expecting to be taken seriously

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Below average white bois can't cope that America doesn't give them handouts anymore, also are really insecure about black men fucking white women - so, they band together and create corny white nationalist groups and talk about securing the future for their children as if any white girls would really sleep with their lame asses in the first place

>3 of the 13 men in that image look slovenly

I think you already know the answer

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why are you a fat gross mutt who doesnt have half the criteria you mentioned ?

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They just dont reveal their power level

>right wingers are losers
Yeah, says the aids infested tranny

This is how jews typically attack WN's. Let's put leaders of the Jew nation under the microscope. They are pathetic nerd weaklings like the terrorist Israeli leader called Yahud Barak.

Most of them could probably wipe the floor with you

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You won't find any. Chads have better things to do then act like a victim and blame all his problems on other races.

>Mike Cohen
That jew glows in the dark.

Chads and Staceys generally don't have time or brain power for any politics. And though you do meet a lot of interesting people in politics, you also find a lot of people who are so boring, ugly, mediocre, or all of the above and more that makes them repellent or at least uninteresting to most people. A lot of them choose an arbitrary belief system that lets them feel a sense of belonging and a sense of intellectual superiority because they have something they can talk about for hours and a group of people they can talk about it with. They now can even look down their noses at people which they couldn't before, typically those who either don't know about their ideology or disagree with it. Your typical Chad or Stacey has good looks, athletic ability, and probably a couple other superiority points, which they don't have to open their mouth or even crack a book to prove.

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“Blaming other races” is a loxist canard. It’s not about blame, NS do not blame they move forward and correct their personal flaws as best they can. There is no blame. There is only history.

This is a typical Jew misrepresentation of WN politics. For many people, trying to feel superior to others isn't the primary motivator but it is about defending your nationality from bastard sons of whores like the jews.

The White memory chip has been reactivated. We are the minorities on planet Earth.

That's curious. The JIDF and israelis stopped posting in this thread.

You will be trampled underfoot in time. We cherish harvest and work. Building lives and families and communities you do not comprehend that work and mock it. You are the real hateful ones you are accusers and the antagonists.

A sample of things to come, too many are beginning to know.

Hmmm. Source on that? I've actually seen a lot of shills desu.


Schreibt man übrigens groß, du scheiß Untermensch.

White =/= only nordic, snownigger

>Can slam dunking a tennis ball count as athletic?
no wtf kys. I can dunk a tennis ball and I'm your height and extremely unathletic.

Slam dunking a tennis ball should be grounds for summary execution. Like wtf are you doing.

Genau. Wie kann Man denkt "ich bin kein 56%!" und schreibst als so. Für Meiner Landsmann selbstdenken ist zu schwerverständlich.

It's because they're angry that their mom is dating Omar and they can't find someone to love them.

MDI Fl. Isn’t O9A glow-in-the-dark BS. If you are space coast NS and aren’t a puss contact that proton account.

Spergs and puss’s are welcome though. They usually refine into the die-hards.

This is pretty much right. Although the uglier ones tend to go left because that side likes to throw hierarchy and aesthetics out the window.

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Chad and stacey archetypes exist in peoples hypothetical discourse than moment to moment reality. If anyrhing “chads” and “stacey’s” are becoming more self aware of thr changes happening around them. Chad and Stacey scenario used to be the normalized framework for our culture and it’s coming back. The beta uprising was part of a larger psychosocial awakening that is paving the way towards the upheaval of the talmudic colossus dominating civilization. I used to be broken but I have been rebuilding myself, reinstalling critical behavioral architecture. I am full of hope the blazing black white sun of Truth unfolding Saturn’s cube.

>be me
>6'5" Dutch chad
>Train 3 days a week
>Women are only for fun, not enough time for a relationship
>Sophisticated enough to be aware of my country's issues and identity
>Working in michelin restaurant

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>tfw your only allies are degenerate weeaboo faggots, cringy kekistani cuckservatives, and tattoo-covered ex-convict gang members
Are these the men with which we are to save our people?

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We are everywhere.

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You can ascend from the abyss. If you can climb back out of the chasm you can climb anywhere brothers. Focus on the simple and good things climb higher each day, you are clay and if you work hard enough you can become anything. Do not forsake the simple and small good things you can do, if you approach with humbleness and respect to the cosmic hearth you will be granted the mantle of the sovereign. Don’t give up or forget the path your blood has trodden.

It's because when we have all those features we risk a lot going out into public and being open about it, you idiot.

best Waffen SS song

I dont really see a problem with the young men in your pic related. Some of them could hit the gym a little more but not untermensch quality

They just sound better in German

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This is a meme...you don't kno any white nationalists in real life...i do and sure there are a few mutants but it is almost main stream now...the normies are flooding the scene

>When will the true Arian ideal reveal himself?
The true "Arian ideal" shat himself to death.

Attached: Arius.jpg (734x1600, 309K)

What is a "true Chad"?

>Jesus Christ
>Neil Strauss
>Gaetan Dugas
>Marquis de Sade
>Genghis Khan
>some jerk you knew in high school
Are any of these guys "true Chads"?

>Has real job

my ancestor :)

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you're descended from Arius?

kill yourself heretic

Holy shit! It’s John Cena

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Douglass Mackey

all those guys look like spergs

they are compensating for their personal shortcomings by believing in belonging to a master race


What does the theological question of Christ's human and divine natures have to do with this shit? I know, it's only one of several spelling errors, but Jesus, man, learn to Fucking spell!

Sorry detected.

>undershirt two sizes bigger.

why can't these slobs at least learn how to dress.

> be 5'10
damn well better wrap it up and just hand everything over to the 5'4 latins

Except talmudists believe they are the superior race. They believe that and it is the driving impulse behind dismantling the White race.

Most guys don't really fill out until they reach about 25. They usually look like skinny dorks until then. Especially if they have challenging interests that consume a lot of their time unlike your traditional bovine joe six pack retard who is usually just into muh food and muh dick by the time they are 14.

Just take Bill Gates, he was a skinny ass until he was probably 30-35.