BBC: Of Course Jesus is Black

Jesus was arrested by a mob of angry government officials and beaten for a crime he didn’t commit. That shit doesn’t happen to white people.”

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>Jews slandering Christ
This is nothing new.

Jews - did jewy arse shit to a jew.

niggers - do nigger arse shit to a nigger.

Whites - do white shit to another white.

>Jesus was arrested by a mob of angry government officials and beaten for a crime he didn’t commit. That shit doesn’t happen to white people.”
happened all the time


Jesus was a Jew and Jews aren't white.

so they're not entirely wrong.

Jesus was a Jew. He was not black. Fuck's sake.


More than half of the posts you're shitposting at aren't even blaming Jews for anything, one of them didn't even mention Jews, my mutt friend.

>((white)) people

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Literally where did I go HURR DA JEWS
I literally called Jesus a Jew because he fucking was
Fuck off kike

(((Jesus))) was a Jew. Why is it so hard for you niggers to accept this?

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Jesus was, is, and is to come Middle Eastern

Pushing the limits of blasphemy every day. Like Jesus Christ would have inhabited a vessel that contained non human DNA? In b4 racism. Look it up. Primate DNA found in Africans tested. It's suppressed information. Macaque, Gorilla, Chimps, even some Marsupials. How did that happen you might wonder? Beastiality.
So, putting it all together, yea, no, Jesus Christ wasn't black.

Jesus was a Karaite Jew.

He was a sandnigger but at least not a nigger nigger

I do not disagree.

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>BBC Comedy Sketch


Fake and gay

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This exact same post with the exact same wording again? This morning wasn't enough for these shill faggots? Sage this shit muh nigga

WRONG. OP pic is a screenshot you fucking imbecile. Link below.

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Not sure if Arab or Latino

Brown trash is brown trash.

>didn't commit any crimes beyond saying things the (((Pharisees))) didn't like
>didn't resist arrest
>Last Supper wasn't frozen food bought with food stamps
Not looking good for this argument.

>comes from a region in the middle east that was populated and controlled by Europeans

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jesus was a kike and he had it coming, just like the producers of bbc are probably kikes and have it coming as well.

>Of course Jesus is black niggah
>White people are just too inherently evil for Jesus to have been one niggah
>You just feel it niggah

That is the tax funded channel of Britain.

The pharisees were the kikes, retard.

Pilate (the government) thought he was innocent and tried to release him, Pharisees said no and threatened to riot.
Pilate had him scoured then tried to release him again, Pharisees said no and threatened to riot.
It was the government sacrificing an innocent person to appease protestors.

Do people forget Isreal was roman empire at the time of Jesus?

Depends. Which English/people are you referring to?

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we need to complain about this,pretend to be muslims and say you found the depiction of prophet jesus offensive they will shit it,if you do it from a christian angle they wont do shit

Amazingly the persecution complex of blacks in the west is eclipsing that of jews, who actually have been persecuted, in Europe, for thousands of years.

The funny thing is that many of them are so into the western SJW narrative that they see themselves as victims of same global whitey oppression everywhere. Some time ago there was even a cringy attempt to start some sort of Finnish BLM after mother and sister of a local black celebrity got arrested after they dindu nuffin, but it fell apart embarrassingly after turned out they were indeed guilty of violently resisting authorities in routine procedure, and were no victims of any racism.

>white shit
Like, giving them jobs and securing an income for their families?
Yeah man, fuck those white people

>that shit doesn’t happen to white people
Do niggers think Julius Caesar was a fictional being?

Im pretty sure the last supper had them all throwing up gang signs in one of the versions.
Sure one of them was a snitch, but the rest din see nuffin

>Jesus dindu nuffin, he was a good boy, came to Jerusalem to get his life on tracks, need more denarii for dem gospels...

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Jesus was a ginger. Just like King David.
>gingers killed by capital punishment by mobs claiming they are sorcerors / witches
>Talmud claims Jesus was a sorcerer.
>checks out
End ginger oppression by monochrome majorities.

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Niggers still lynch people to this day in Africa. Guess that means the Romans were niggers.

Damn those semites with their privileged skins.

Nearly all of the slaves in the Roman Empire were white. Nearly all crucifixions, and anything bad that happened to people, was to white people.

look how dumb you are

I enjoy the use of the present tense as if Jesus dwelt in modern society.

People caught up on the race of Jesus are completely missing the point. His race is "the son of God".

um he was jewish?

A joke which will only work because 90% of people don't even know basic fucking history

>getting murdered by Jews
>stuff that doesn't happen to white people
Pick one.

Black people are going to seriously regret the arrogance they have been displaying since Obama. You niggers do not have it in you to compete with us, even when you are at your best and we are at our worst.

Keep it up though, black bitches.

His father was white.

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What in the actual fuck are you talking about, goyim?

Why does their headline sound like the beginning of an Australian shitpost?

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>Middle Eastern

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Holy shit the guy on the right is so Jew

>Niggers and Jews blaspheming Jesus.
I will pray the rosary tonight asking God to give them all brain cancer. I sincerely hope God gives everyone involved in the production of this show some form of cancer or other lethal disease.

May they all burn forever and ever and ever.

ITT: Bluepilled faggots buy into the myth that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was a filthy kike.

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Chapter 12 verse 20-23 of the Book of Maccabees I

"Arius, king of the Spartans, sends greetings to Onias, the chief priest. It has been found in a writing concerning the Spartans and Israelites, that they are a kinsmen, and that they are descended from Abraham. Now since we have learned this, please write us about your welfare. We for our part write you that your cattle and property are ours and ours are yours. So we command them to report to you to this effect."

According to one reading of Josephus, Josephus makes the same claim:

"Areus, King of the Lacedemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting ... we have discovered that both the Israelites and the Lacedemonians (Spartans) are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Abraham ... This letter is four-square; and the seal is an eagle, with a dragon in his claws"(Ant.12:4:10).

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, AND ARE NOT, but are the synagogue of Satan." (Revelation 2:9)

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Looks white to me.

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When are mods gonna ban shit like this?

>jews- do jewry shit to jews and all goyim
>niggers- do nigger shit to themselves, other niggs and every other living thing around them
>whites- do shit to the last two and is somehow a crime

The Lesbo Post trying to make Jews black this century.

Oh the agony. All we need now are tranny black jews with AIDS who own a den of white adopted kids.

bumping for more dislikes ;)

Jesus BBC is obsessed with niggers

Jews are probably the master race. It’s between them and Russians. So they’re still a very far cry from black. The closest thing on earth to a nigger is literally an ape. Everyone else is more or less bearable.

The ones at the top come from way up north

whats up with the british/german obsession on niggers?

you made your kings and queens black already.
now jesus?

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> an organisation that shares its name with a literal interracial porn category is obsessed with niggers

shocking isn't it?

Aint nothing new jesus always been black yall fucking whites always trying to make every historical figure white like the fucking colonizing shit inbred u are not everyone is white and jesus wasnt white like yall want him to be, whites always be trying to steal other peeps culture yall whack ferrel

> Muh six million light-skinned people
> Muh south african farmers