When people of color move into a community, white people tend to move out...

When people of color move into a community, white people tend to move out. This phenomenon—known as “white flight”—is well-established in sociological research. It has, however, been much harder to come to a definitive conclusion as to why this happens.

On one side of the debate, researchers say that white people leave increasingly diverse neighborhoods for racial reasons. These white residents, the argument goes, are extremely sensitive to the racial makeup of their neighborhoods

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A new study concludes that racial reasons lead to white flight. Researcher Samuel Kye analyzed both working class neighborhoods and middle class suburbs for the report, recently published in Social Science Research, in order to provide a more accurate assessment of whether socioeconomic contexts or the growth of minorities independently trigger an exodus of white people.

The report not only tied the persistence of white flight to race, it found that a large amount of white people leaving a neighborhood is more likely to occur in a middle class one, rather than a poor area.

The study used US census data from 1990 to 2010 to examine white flight among suburban neighborhoods in the 150 largest metropolitan areas. Kye developed a criteria that identifies all neighborhoods that have lost a critical percentage of white residents, and distinguished between neighborhoods experiencing white flight from those undergoing a decline in the overall proportion of white residents due to rising diversity and stagnant white population growth. The study defines white flight as what happens when an area loses at least 100 white residents and at least 25% of its white population over 10 years. Kye found 3,252 instances of white flight from the 27,891 suburban tracts in the sample.

Race was not only a strong predictor of white flight, but occurred to an even greater degree in middle class neighborhoods than in poorer neighborhoods, according to the study. The findings challenge the belief that white flight occur as a result of socioeconomic reasons as middle class neighborhoods do not display the disadvantages in neighborhood quality that drive out white residents.

White flight is often reduced to a black and white issue, but the study showed that this phenomenon continued to occur even when it’s Hispanics or Asian residents diversifying middle class neighborhoods.

The study found that white flight becomes more likely in middle class neighborhoods when the presence of Hispanics and Asians exceeds 25% and 21%, respectively. Overall, areas that saw white flight lost on average 40% of their white population over a decade.

This is a troubling pattern for the future, Kye notes, adding that white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”

>extremely sensitive
They're extremely sensitive to their property values and the relative safety of themselves and their families. If a bunch of nips moved into my neighborhood I wouldn't give a damn.

>Kye notes, adding that white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”


And for whom?

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>“a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”
what the hell does that mean?

They are actually reverse-gentrificating.

I will never understand how people can up and start new lives in unfamiliar (in the people sense) places. I can't even fathom living far away from my family (nuclear and extended).

yep we moved. got tired of the nigger across the street coming out every morning and getting his paper and then shitting on the sidewalk before going back in.

Without whites, they won't have money for them programs.

With negroes and liberals, you can't win. You leave these criminal infested dirty ghettos and inner cities, omg white flight -- they're so racist. When whities move in and clean up the place and drive up rent/prices (obviously renovating an entire town isn't cheap or free), omg gentrification!! Das wacist too!!

We can't fucking have nice things. They complain about living in filthy ghettos, then when you fix up the place so it's attractive to normal people, they complain too cause rent will be driven up. Fuck the commie leftists, deport them to some socialist/commie country like venezuela or china. Fuck the negroes, ship them all back to africa.

because non-whites are rootless creaturas

You have to understand. You're supposed to be white, move in, and tolerate shitty ghetto life. Improving the area means pricing worthless people out of the area, and we can't have such an evil thing. Worthless people who have ZERO value in life are valuable(somehow) too!

Until the next ice age when nature starves the dark useless fucks to death. OOPS!

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The report not only tied the persistence of white flight to race, it found that a large amount of white people leaving a neighborhood is more likely to occur in a middle class one, rather than a poor area.

So the reasons are economic. Wow that was hard.

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Niggers move in. They are loud, they don'g take care of the house they live in, there's conflict between neighbors, the police start showing up more often as crime increases, property values start going lower, white people say fuck these stupid black people and they get the hell out of there. It's beyond insanity that more people don't acknowledge that blacks act and live like animals.

The parasite loses its host.

I moved from my hometown the second the niggers and spics started moving in. I can't even recognize it anymore. The culture and everything is gone. There's nothing left but shitskins and crime and the elderly.

>if blacks can't live in a white area their entire lives suffer
I sure wish niggers could do shit on their own -_-

lmao imagine hating white people so much you get mad even when they leave you to your other mixed brown retard clan

Access to whites equals access to gibs. They prop up everyone else by funding social and healthcare services

>the group that kills itself and only looks like it doesn't suicide itself because its diluted looks worse when concentrated

Stick around and it's gentrification. Leave and it's white flight.

You're a racist no matter what you do. Probably should just kill yourself.

It means that being a nigger carries about a dozen negative statistics and predispositions

America's social contract post-WWII has been: give minorities money, or the minorities riot. It's all well and good - until you run out of money to give to the parasites that infest your cities.

Whites abandon areas with high crime rates and animalistic mudraces.
Also of note the alphabet niggers are keylogging this website. Guess I'm on the list. Fuckyou crooked langley

I feel like this faux issue is the result of academic detachment. If any of them, regardless of color, lived through it the mystery surrounding the phenomenon would dissolve. The first thing a person of color does when they work their way into wealth is the same as anyone else; they move to a better neighborhood.

Humans are naturally xenophobic and always have been. We distrust people who are unlike ourselves. We don't enjoy being around people who don't share our values. Only relatively recently did we start to pretend otherwise. This proves that even as we try to stop ourselves we can't override the tendency.

>white people are less likely to be criminals for racial, not economic reasons

>commie country

you are more retarded than a nigga

it seems like this is breaking down. the gibs are still flowing, yet the blacks are burning cities, tearing down whitey's statues and shitting on his flag anyways.

their entire social movement is predicated on the basis that at the end of the day white people care about what happens to them.
>oh hey whiteboi, maybe america was great for the white crackas back then, but what about us?!

i sure hope they end up pushing everyone into not giving a fuck about their grievances anymore, but i wont hold my breath

what a mystery. it really boggles the mind.

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working-class poor people can't afford to move, and even if they could change apartment, they don't have the time from working all day and taking care of their kids

kill your faggot self

Whoa, whoa. That's some problematic rhetoric there, fella.

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Imagine you're a nigger or spic who finally got enough money to get a mortgage in a middle class white neighbourhood. Then all the whites move out and the property prices crash with it, but you're stuck with the mortgage

This. Without whitey around to build everything, and to pay taxes for everything, then Sancho and Sambo don’t live as long.

they are admitting they need whites to do everything because niggers can't do shit. what i like is how they keep focusing on "white flight" when asians have been doing the same in california. they either pick up and leave when niggers and mexicans come flooding into their communities or they force the niggers and spics out.

This was my first redpill. Realizing this dynamic was what saw me start questioning the left-wing narrative, got my reddit account banned from r/ShitRedditSays (by IdesOfLight personally, no less), alienated me from my friend group, got me to read a whole lot of books academia doesn't like, and lead me through r/niggers and r/Coontown, the Chimpout forums, TRS, MPC, and finally here.

Theres no mystery in Australia for instance ive heard stories of whites having to be relocated out of minority housing neighbourhoods because of constant threats of violence.
Having worked with minorities even in a white collar setting its basically always a prison rules type environment.
Its just not safe even if you can deal with it longterm the stress and bullshit you put up with costs you in time, money etc.
My advice to aware whites is to stay the fuck away from minorities. Don't be fooled by "based" exceptions.

That's not what happens though. What happens is some do-gooder says a neighborhood needs more diversity and gets a low income housing program to black the neighborhood up.

Simply put, niggers leach.

When white people leave areas, they take their productivity, cleanliness, and money with them. The result is that neighborhoods lose property value as your standard 'woke POC' refuse to clean up after themselves and burn down every fifth or six home. Crime skyrockets as niggers choose to mug the few remaining white people and beat the handful of smart niggers for 'acting white.'

The result is that, without white people taking care of things, these neighborhoods become third world shitholes just like everywhere else blacks are the majority.

TL;DR - Blacks cannot maintain even a second world country without the aid of white people.

Ah yes, good point. The country run by the Communist Party for 70 years clearly has no right to decide what's communist or not

> Segregation = Bad
> Gentrification = Bad
> White Flight = Bad

So... what do??

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Same. I was a lolbertarian for quite a long time, and seeing articles (from the same publication, no less) complaining about both at the same time confused me. Then my sophomore year of college I was roommates with a nigger, which was my second big red pill. That was when I started reading American Renaissance, which pretty much shattered my entire worldview in the course of about three weeks.

No shit, most Whites don't like nigger chimpouts & crime.

Why do white people mow their lawn?

There's nothing wrong about whiteflight, cities are overpopulated rat experiments.

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>white flight contributes significantly to racial segregation, which is “a key predictor of reduced life chances—across health, academic, and economic outcomes.”
so you're saying I can kill niggers just by flipping real estate?

That's not what happens. What happens is that urban blight spreads block by block. The handful of blacks who 'acted white' and got driven out of nigger controlled areas moved WAY out of nigger areas because they know first hand.

The blight spreads insidiously, street by street.

honestly the article is bullshit. trying to push the "dats racyst" narrative. my community i live in here in arizona actually has a few upper middle class mexicans and they're more middle class white than some of the white families here. we really don't care about them because they're actually pretty awesome. people only care when their way of life is being intruded on.

when niggers come infesting into communities they're usually not the ones who want to ACT middle class. but rather want to "culturally" enrich them. same with spics. see marryville az. whole bunch of piss poor spics fresh from the border moved into that old phoenix community and turned it from once a lively middle class community into an absolute shithole of culture enrichment.... that to this day still has packs of chihuahuas that terrorize the communities in maryville. legit, there are packs of actual feral chihuahuas that run around maryville terrorizing people.

so then after awhile of always being surrounded by pure garbage you start to relate everyone that looks like the one who's garbage is garbage themselves. so when they see X, Y, and / or Z moving in they pack up and leave because they believe their community is gonna go to shit.

the only way to fix these "flights" is to make niggers start to civilize themselves (which is what niggers call "uncle tom.") and mexicans to continue to progress to white middle class status and not take a back seat by regressing which SJW's and white nationalist are fighting hard for them to do. and we also have to make sure whites don't start refressing into poors as well because white trash is disgusting. section 8 was a mistake.

It makes sense when you realize that only your non-existence will satisfy them, and even after that they'll still bitch about the huwhite man who ruined everything and is still keeping them down even after areas are 100% diversified.

>racists leave diverse community
Geez, you'd think the diversity squad would be happy

Nice of them to paint monkeys on the doors to warn people of who lives there.

People with money can move more easily than people without money. News at 7.

These fucking academic cucks are so fucking stupid with their virtue signaling anti-white bullshit.

"It isn't economics..."
Poor people can't afford to move you stupid motherfuckers.

>low income housing program
that's called section 8

living with them will definitely turn you

>law abiding taxpayers leave when criminals arrive and shit the place up

I'm shocked.

"white flight" is honestly misunderstood liberal dogwhistle racism against white people.
Fact is whites love nature, rural locations, animals, low populations etc.
Whites go where their culture can be expressed.
Even the libtards unconciously realise this with their hippy go green bullshit and veganism crap.

Whites move in, it's called gentrification
Whites move out it's called white flight

It's just more racism against whites.

So the problem isn't about race, is about mixing social classes, am i right?

The blacks and the latinos are bad when they are poor

White people abandon (((diverse))) communities because the crime niggers bring makes life shitty. You can't even get packages delivered with niggers around.

That doesn't make any sense considering white people have no problem living in large cities like NYC or LA.

makes sense, normally the Whites will trade new longer commute for better security for family

They want you to not exist but also be there to give them free shit at the same time.

>No matter what you do you are racist
No matter what niggers do they are still niggers and no one wants to live near niggers.

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>white people make everything better so it should be a human right for nonwhites to live around whites otherwise the nonwhites will suffer

Ewww why his wee wee look weird?

You are assuming all whites are rich.

>cities have crime and crowding
>fuck cities
>somebody move ins (i.e. niggers), now there's even more crime and crowding
>fuck this
>white people move out of cities
Race aside, people moving out of cities is just a good idea. The fact that niggers are the ones shitting up these cities makes it an even better idea.

>packs of chihuahuas that terrorize the communities
What do you mean?

Why the FUCK would I EVER want to live with NIGGERS?

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read the second part.

>It has, however, been much harder to come to a definitive conclusion as to why this happens.
Nobody in their right minds wants to live around niggers. There. You're welcome psudoscientists.

nobody wants to live next to niggers, what a surprise

>mixing social classes
that's preciously it. look at pic related. do you think upper white middle class families want to see apartment complexes painted with culture enrichment? do you think they want to wake up at 2am in the morning to the sound of mariachi? driving home from work seeing a squad a cop cars in their neighborhood because niggers got to nig? front yards full of weeds and god knows what? once thriving shopping complex turned into a swap meet with food stands seeing e coli infested kebabs?

I think this happens everywhere (without the race connotation) whenever a very leftist government tries to integrate poor people with rich people. It happened in Bogota when a mayor tried to build social housing for very poor people in very expensive neighborhood. People complained about crime, cultural differences and property prices, etc.

This is apparently also happening in Europe as well. London specifically. I also read Oslo, or Malmo, are losing a lot of residents, or they move to a whiter part of the city.

>If a bunch of nips moved into my neighborhood I wouldn't give a damn.

Yes you would. You would have nothing to do with them. They would take over things you take for granted until your resentment built up to conscious levels. You would find your own best interests begin to go out the window as your voting power is reduced and your tax money is spent on stuff of which you have no use/benefit. As your way of life is eroded and you become isolated from other whites who are also trying to fit in, you will all see the writing on the wall and finally move on to greener pastures.

joke's on whitey, detroit used to be just like livonia


>It has, however, been much harder to come to a definitive conclusion as to why this happens.

It's not hard to understand:

>non-whites are more violent
>they ruin neighborhoods and schools

It's not some big mystery.

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Its definately race. Many minorities hate whites. Western governments make zero effort to tackle the issue. So white flight happens.

I moved 9 times over 12 years chasing bigger and bigger paydays. Whites have the skills, and social acuity to make it anywhere in any city, and thrive. If your to scared to leave the nest out will never learn to fly.

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establish impenetrable white strongholds and prepare for a fight

>move away from minority areas

>move into minority areas

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>Its definitely race. Many minorities hate whites.
its only race because whites are being told they're racist for not wanting their neighborhoods to be turned into little mexico city. then when whites tell them "hey if you want to live here and be apart of us, please respect our way of life" they're called racist. and then told they, whites, need to change THEIR CULTURE to be more open and accepting of DIFFERENT ways of life. which always turns into turning their once, thriving, safe neighborhood into little mexico city with rape ganes and packs of feral chihuahuas terrorizing people.

didn't obama introduced niggers into white settlements to "integrate" them better?

Poverty and crime OP, that's really it. Take a look at any inner city neighborhood.

yup, it's one of the reasons why the Minneapolis area has gotten so bad recently.

Part of my true red-pilling as well. It's the realization that one will never truly be absolved of his original sin of being white. When one sees their cognitive dissonance on display(like with the gentrification topic), one sees that he will never be clean; he will always be burdened with whiteness, with the only virtuous path(according to the anti-whites) being the eradication of himself and his people.

Here's a challenge when an sjw states that a given area is "too white". Ask what then is an acceptable amount of whites as a percentage? When confronted with the absurdity of this request, the sjw will often have a fleeting glimpse at the core precept of his own philosophy: the optimal number of whites in any given area is zero.

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You should watch the documentary on the Brooklyn Dodgers. Based ball players talking about how Brooklyn went from all white to ricans, and blacks overnight. Whites fleeing to Long Island in droves. The disgust on there faces was such a red pill as they talk about being spit on by these savages.

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racist minorities basically seek out white societies to mooch off.
Deny they are doing it then respond by getting increasingly hateful and violent towards whites for not being successful (what do they expect they are mooching)
Its the modern form of barbarism.

Nah, they will ban that shit. Soviet Union had something like an internal passport, meaning even within a country, you had to go to the authorities to travel. China, i think, still has this system.

The ultimate desire behind these articles is to restrict your movements, and create a scheme where you can't relocate easily.

Or if you do try to move you are heavily penalized, and afterwards, they will just introduce minorities to all "ethnically too homogenous" locations. So that you can't even chill.

Yes. Places like west Chester, NY and Dallas were targeted

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everybody point and laugh

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Bottom right picture of "Livonia" is actually the Detroit skyline (fucking Cobo Center is right there in the picture). Livonia has also dropped in population to 95,000ish. And arabs are considered """white""" here.

Whoever fucktard made this picture needs to brush up on Michigan geographics.

I believe it. Thank God for the white enclaves that still exist in Dallas.