How are you missing this?

This is the reason for the slides.

Real things are happening.
Pizzagate is real, and no one will be prosecuted for it.
It would destroy our collective psyche.
Instead, they will be prosecuted for other things.
Party does not matter.
All who need to fall, will fall.
This is our chance.
It could work, it might not.

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Q predicted this

For those who can read between the lines, lets talk.

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Pasta nig, join. What can we glean from current happenings.
Its the gray we should be interested in.

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Would be nice if that's the truth, but it's unlikely.
The people that will get hurt most will barely be reported on, if at all.
Comey's an odd ball though. Very odd.

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Im sorry about your plane user but the ride never ends

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You've been reading too much Stephen King, dude.

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I've read some, but just for fun.
The truth, as always, LIES in the middle.
Think realistically.
Could the collective mind handle some of the most famous people in the world being involved in the worst crimes thinkable?
But we struck a major blow, somehow.
Mostly through the old guard not understanding what stood in front of them.
The iron is still hot.

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>Pizzagate is real
stopped reading right there.

>inb4 someone says me denying pizzagate is the equivalent of denying pedo rings

post the story, I won’t pay those Jews to read it

lol, that was soooo 2016. keep up faggit

But that's why you should of kept reading.
Pizzagate is Fake News.
A catch all to consolidate thought, then confuse it.
We didn't have a name for pedo rings, then we did, and the name was so stupid it made people think theu didn't exist at all.
Clever, right?

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>We didn't have a name for pedo rings
Except, you know, "pedo rings"

Also this article came out today.
In the Wall Street Journal.
It's a refresher and a reminder.
How do you all not get how this goes yet?

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When Pizzagate is real to the majority of the red-pilled, there wont be a government or entity on this planet that could stop us from hanging these traitors to humanity ourselves.

I'm not going to explain semantics and memetics to you.
Do your job.
Earn your pittance.
Attempt to live with yourself.

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you take the internet way too seriously fag

one of the funniest episodes, all time

Thanks for the bump.
Read between the lines, to find the truth in the lies.
You boys are up to the task.
Ignore distractions.

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boomer nigger faggot

I almost feel sympathy.
Don't forget they all made a choice.
Lots of gray areas.
Some are evil, some facilitated evil, out of fear.
I wonder how understanding people will be though.

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This is lazy thinking, user.

>Pizzagate is real
Stopped reading right there.

>Taking the artificially produced collective conscious of the entire developed world seriously
What on earth are you getting at here? Are you only here to toss slurs?

You type like a boomer.
Larping like a faggot.
Don't say I didn't warn.

Tick tock

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Haha you've got a point.
But the between the lines is where the grist is.
We're the mill.
Q predicted Q.

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Check it.
Things may be different soon if we keep the feet on the fire.

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