`Sup cunts.

>>Prison officers are ordered to shave off their beards and are sent home if they turn up to work with stubble – but Muslims are allowed to keep theirs on religious grounds

>>Australia on course to extend jobs run

>>Refugee groups call for new resettlement plan

>>Attorney-general's visa push: 'The more South Africans, the better'

>>Recruitment director defends calling Gen Ys ‘lazy shits’

>>Recycling will be dumped by councils nationwide as costs blow out, government association says

>>Baffled drivers share confusion over Australia's newest road rule, the P-turn

>>Raw chicken under the sink and a pigeon in the kitchen: Popular Brisbane eatery accused of disregarding food safety laws

>>Chief of Army bans soldiers from wearing 'arrogant' death symbols

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Other urls found in this thread:$1.8-million/9674920

>Prison officers are ordered to shave off their beards and are sent home if they turn up to work with stubble



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Who /JUSTed/ here

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Really the aging degenerate boomer wants to play that game?

What's for dinner tonight lads?

I fucking hate Australians so god damn much.




Just woke up with a mild hangover so it'll be something fast food. Maybe fish and chips.

Love ya too cunt.

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>>>Prison officers are ordered to shave off their beards and are sent home if they turn up to work with stubble – but Muslims are allowed to keep theirs on religious grounds
don't care, means I can wear a hood wherever I want, if someone asks me to take it off I tell them it's a religious practice :^)


>muslim exemption
How anyone, no matter how normie they are, can't see that the end goal of illuminist degeneracy and anarcho-totalitarianism is beyond me.
It's so blatant even the most cucked soy boy from hellbourne has to be able to see it.

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This always makes me laugh


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Auspol is kill

>Chief of Army bans soldiers from wearing 'arrogant' death symbols

This one is the most absurd
Army units are aggressive and they NEED to be for them to function and to effective.
Army units are death dealing motherfuckers and they gotta think and be like that.

If the Army is going to turn soft too we're fucked.

Absolutely A U S T R A L I A N
lets be honest, the chinkbantz is strong.

>on the guard's side of the bars
Who are you trying to kid?

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its completely within your power to Unjust your shit up, bro

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WTF that's not the image I posted.

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>Get paid $7 an hour to work 15 hours a week
>Literal only possible job I can physically get to....
>Took me 4 and a half years working there to save enough to buy a shitty old car, because of bills/food etc.

>Yay I have a car, I can get an actual job

>Closest jobs are an hours drive away
>They are all casual/part time peices of shit jobs that are only offering 3 hour shifts.
>Gonna have to drive 2 hours to work for 3, a good deal of my money will be going to fuel and hoping my car doesn't break down.

This is your Daily reminder that boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

Fuck off Moot, go be a Hiro.

Sadly it wasn't a boomer who wrote that, it turns out his a trust fund brat who's boomer parents financed a recruitment firm for him.

Needless to say he now sucks boomer HR dicks for a living.

>not just selling everything and going to be a farm hand in Parkes.
M8 leave the cities. They're shit and everyone there is going to die as soon as the supply chains fail.

>M8 leave the cities.
I live in the middle of nowhere.

some asian pork thing the missus picked up at costco

nobody asked you, seppo poof

Then move to a different middle of nowhere.
There are country towns (about 20K people) with hundreds of unfilled jobs because all their kids buy into the city memes.

Here, have your (you)

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I fucked one of your women the other day. She was a real fucking slut. Her weird ching-chong slit eyes were kinda freaky though tbqh.

How am I supposed to move?
I have $70 in the bank.

that would require it to put in more than 3 seconds of work for which a daily aus/pol/ post is much easier


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>go to
>Pick one
>Call them
>Sell yourself
>Get an advance to get yourself there
>change your life
I mean, fuck, borrows someone's lawnmower and mow some lawns at $10 a pop and get yourself a bus ticket.
Sell whatever it is you're currently shitposting on for the cash.
The sole reason your life doesn't change is because you don't want it to. Break the conditioning user - the only person responsible for your situation is you.


Boomer internet defence force pls go.

>highest youth unemployment
>highest abo populations
What a surprise

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I was born in 1985 m80. First year of Gen Y.
Sort yourself out.

evening lads, let's take a quick look at the disapointment i have in the OP stories

>>>Australia on course to extend jobs run
where's my fucking job?

>>Recruitment director defends calling Gen Ys ‘lazy shits’
is this a "just give them a firm handshake" shit story?
i already get those from my entire family
>>>Chief of Army bans soldiers from wearing 'arrogant' death symbols
how dare soldiers think about killing

i hate you too.

>he doesnt know they only hire illiterate backpackers for farm hand jobs nowadays

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>, it turns out his a trust fund brat
I've seen a lot of recruiters, a lot of them really do seem to be this type. They can't do real work so they become slave traders.

>They can't do real work so they become slave traders.
wtf i wanna open my own job agency now

>I was born in 1985 m80. First year of Gen Y.

pls, you're not fooling me boomer.

>because you don't want it to. Break the conditioning

yeah just mug some bling-infested rich cunt because there is literally no other way for you, you poor cunt
you got a choice and if you don't make it its your fault for not risking prison, see? lol

The defeatism in this aus/pol/ is fucking sickening. Are you that boomer-whipped you won't even try.
>won't even do the honorable thing and an hero yourself.

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like you wouldn't believe

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Rudd's wife is worth something like I dunno, $300m, from doing that. It's popular with girls too, because no real work. Just read resumes and interview.

Another burden for the white man. Having to go through these idiots just for a job. Although some of them are cool. I like the ones that know they are just used car salesman fags and act accordingly and just sell you. The ones that take themselves seriously I could bash them.

Go do a roadhouse job on the Nullarbor or in the NT. They are always hiring, job itself is no big deal, serve fuel to customers etc but the big win is that you get housed and fed by the boss, they take like $100 out of your pay and that covers your accommodation and three meals a day. Do that for a year and save your money, move on to better things.

There is a limited number of Chinese restaurants in Burwood. Might pay your parents a visit.

Use $5 in mower fuel, use $5 in petrol getting there.

Mowing seems to be an alright gig. The going rate is about $60. But obviously need ute and equipment, and it's become popular with a lot of guys, so competition might be a problem.

No doubt they would get paid in cash and skimp on a lot of tax as well.

Not sure why I give a shit about a neet cunt on the internet. Call it altruism, or maybe just my desire not to see my generation fuck itself up any more.

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immagrants and lefty bullshit everywhere, and the whites in nice country towns are all braindead psycopaths from ice.
>tfw you realise Australia never stopped being a prison island.

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tfw only thing keeping me here is family and "friends".

wish i could just bite the bullet and fucking escape

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not sure if srs but #metoo

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Court user here.

I just want to talk to someone. Non of my friends or family know. It all feels so hopeless.

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why wouldn't i be serious?

>Australia is real-world Jow Forums
>Containment continent for all the shit-posters and conspiracy theorists

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>>tfw you realise Australia never stopped being a prison island.
>tfw havent left the house in over a month

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Would betray my race for a go at those gook milkers if I'm being honest, lads.

are you a faggot or a murderer?


you could be bagging me out cause i was having a whinge.. idk

Better choose one so you're prepared for jail lad

Isn't there one happy cunt in this thread besides me? Cmon you whingers it could be worse. Granted could be better but it could always get worse.


If you took is reasonably seriously, made sure you were reasonably fit, you could probably do 4 a day, if you were a mad cunt, rarely drank, rarely ate bad food, played it real straight, 8 tops in summer when the days are long and the grass is growing a lot.

$480 a day, say to the tax man you did 2.

$124k a year, get taxed like you are earning $50k. Just buy some gay old Toyota ute, or a van, would need a pretty good mower and whipper snipper.

How you view life literally changes how successful your life is.

reckon i might go to Syria to play humanitarian and clean up some of the cities like Aleppo or Damascus just as something good to do to maybe throw on a resume or maybe escape to the middle east or something


so what's up?

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Reminder that /auspol/ OP serves his Jewish LNP overlords to distract use with """issues""" like prison offers having to shave and P turns while the CBA bank is literally charging dead people money and Peter Dutton spends MILLIONS of our taxpayer money on his office like a fuckhead$1.8-million/9674920

>but it could always get worse.
it will user, it will.

then probably murder. of me.

all i've worked towards for the last few years will all go to shit and vanish if I get convicted

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I've had that same epiphany lately as well. Maybe because I'm a dumb cunt. Should have had it longer ago. I thought Australians were Australian. They're not really. They're just like cunts from the 1800s.

its because its thursday and not friday / saturday night cunt.

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>Rudd's wife is worth something like I dunno, $300m, from doing that.
This is often overlooked. Rudd was Chief of Staff to Qld Premier Wayne Goss when government decided to gift his wife with very lucrative employment agency contracts.

Why is straya so cool and why can't I get there.

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Hey Tuckers my thread is doing better than yours.




>implying that makes a difference

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>why can't I get there
Because we're full

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what's the biddy?
dealing, stealing, or sexual assault?

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>what is sleeping in


If he's the same user from the other night then it's a false rape charge from the ex.

not rape, assault, and restraining order. fucking fake shit by some assmad bitch fuck me women were a mistake

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got a good jew solicitor who can prove a negative for $100 an hour?

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>implying that makes a difference

is there a single enterprise I can undertake in Australia that won't leave me cucked and emasculated?

Nope. I rang a few places and they want 1-2K upfront. Guess I am become die. Won't livestream sorry

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you dont even have a solicitor yet?
wtf, dont your parents love you or something?
has it gone to court yet or is it still under copper shit?
and if it has gone to court, are you getting legal aid at all?
also, remove all piercings and dress nice, no black shirt and dont stare into people's eyes too much.

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You made it. Reclaim it.

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>class c
for chink or for cunt?

know dem feels


Absolute faggotry my man.
>Meeting irl
>becoming leaders
Take that shit elsewhere this is not the place for it.
Chan needs to lay so low it's all gore and pony fuckers 24/7 for the next year to get rid of the redditfugees.

We've already discussed that in the thread, it's in the Q&A.

This, however, is a shill.

so... real Australians not gook Australians and white kebabs

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Will be Hindley street probably cob

Can't afford private consultation.
Legal aid application was in day after charge.
Will be heard late May.
I'm not an actual bogan, don't stress.

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I've left my house about 3 times since August last year, I may possibly have gone insane