Is this normal?

Is this normal?

I used to love watching saving pvt ryan, BoB, the Pacific...

But now, I cant watch that shit without anger and the thought that we fucked up. The more i look into the more i feel like i was rooting for the wrong side.

I'm a marine veteran, and even now I feel like I made a mistake. you ever feel this pol?

I think dun fucked up fighting for the wrong cause?

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Ren and Stimpy was made by a pedophile. You should delete those memes.

I'd reconmend you watch the movie Brüderfeinde
No more brother wars

>tfw your whole nations histories been a lie since the Jackson days

feels bad man

>I used to love watching saving pvt ryan, BoB, the Pacific...
Consuming (((entertainment))) is bad.
If you really need some form of entertainment read something. Try Milton's Paradise Lost.

was it really? its one of my favorite cartoons
can you explain whats its about?
I dont know what to think man. I respect those who serve because I feel like they were brainwashed like me, yet at the same time I feel i was misled

Can you go back to reddtt?

I've read that. but thats besides the point user, the point is cant watch that stuff anymore without feeling anger that so many brave americans lost their lives to the (((cause)))

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>questioning the execution of the war
No you should celebrate the valour of those who fought and served faithfully
>questioning the intentions of those who instigated the wars
Now we're talking.