>In a study of mind control and psychological warfare, it is not enough to simply review the latest technology of coercion, the most recent gadgetry and techno-junk littering the hardware and supply depots of governments and cults. Far more dangerous than these appliances is the praxis behind them, the underground current which informs the modern project and this modern era. For life in our modern era is little more than life in an open-air mind control laboratory where a form of human alchemy has emerged to transform the mass of targeted percipients—targeted merely by virtue of their being urban dwellers plugged into the electronic and digital pageantry of the Establishment's system-of-things.

>And what sort of creature inhabits the modern domain? Who is the modern man? The puppet-masters say he is the smartest, most advanced individual to ever strut the planet, the most relatively liberated being in history. But Louis-Ferdin and Celine said it well, "What does the modern public want? It wants to go down on its knees before money and before crap!" The public have been trained to do this by two principle methods: direct "speaking" archetypal messages of pure terror ("psychic driving" as the CIA's Dr. Ewan Cameron termed it), encoded in massively publicized "lone nut" mass murders, and the sinister flattery heaped upon them by their masters in the cult of civilization and progress.

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Other urls found in this thread:é_Manuel_Rodriguez_Delgado

>The acid test of a human being's freedom and will to protect the quality of his life, lies in a person's attitude toward his oppressor. What is modern man's attitude toward Wall Street and the bankers, toward Dan Rather and the ignorance bestowing media and advertising man, toward Lincoln and Truman, FDR and Reagan, George Bush and Johnny Carson, Exxon and Monsanto?

>As one writer has observed, "The most amazing thing about the American people is that they are constantly defending their worst betrayers." Who then is the modern man? He is a mind bombed patsy who gets his marching orders from "twilight language" key words sprinkled throughout "his" news and current events. Even as he dances to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, he scoffs with great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control emanating from the media and government. Modern man is much too smart to believe anything as superstitious as that!

>Modern man is the ideal hypnotic subject: puffed up on the idea that he is the crown of creation, he vehemently denies the power of the hypnotist's control over him, even as his head bobs up and down on a string.

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>What we observe in the population today are the three destructive symptoms of persons whose minds are controlled by alien forces: 1. Amnesia, i.e. loss of memory. 2. Abulia, i.e. loss of will. 3. Apathy, i.e. loss of interest in events vital to one's own health and survival. Amnesia, abulia and apathy are nearly-universal among us today and gaining a greater foothold with each passing day.

>Japanese philosopher George Ohsawa stated that there was only one incurable sickness—arrogance. If a patient does not regard himself as sick he cannot submit to a cure. The arrogant man does not need to see—he already sees almost everything and what he thinks he has yet to learn, he believes "the experts" will one day show him. Who are these "experts"? They are not really doctors of the soul. They do not have the man's interest at heart. They are in fact his worst enemies, his most cunning manipulators who lead him to do their bidding like any slavemaster since Egypt.

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>Flattery: The First Principle of Mind Control

>Why then does he revere them? Because they flatter him. This is the first secret of mass mind control and can be observed as the foundation stone of virtually every false religion, party, cult, philosophy, system and training. How can modern man free himself when he is told that he is already a demi-god, that the problem lies only in finding a pure enough economic or political system worthy of his high-minded brilliance?

>If we look closely we will see that this mind control principle is so basic and simple it is almost stupidly so, to the point that we marvel that anyone would be seduced by it. But it is all a matter of attention, as we saw in the parable of the mountebank and the clown. Arrogant hypno-patsies have been told by their masters that they are "Demi-gods" and demi-gods are never deceived or distracted. They're too smart! And by their arrogant self-satisfaction they blind themselves to the simplicity of the device that ensnares them and that is when "the real sales pitch begins."

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>What the Alchemical managers have bred over a millennia is a human race of the most wretched stupidity and ignorance unrivaled in thousands of years. These blind slaves are told they are "free" and "highly educated" even as they march behind signs that would cause any medieval peasant to run screaming away from them in panic-stricken terror. The symbols that modern man embraces with the naive trust of an infant would be tantamount to billboards reading, "This way to your death and enslavement," to the understanding of a traditional peasant of antiquity.

>I doubt any medieval man would have much difficulty in feeling a sense of overwhelming foreboding in the face of the Soviet hammer and sickle symbol. Yet most modern, literate people obviously don't know a thing about what that symbol actually represents except on the most profane level as the implements of the farmer and the worker.

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tldr things I already know.

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>Shitty amerimutt conspiracy theories
Cmon nigga they're boring and lame.
Also takes about 2.5 seconds to figure out how stupid they really are.
Fluoride in water? Incompetent government.
Chemtrails? Water vapor dumbass.
Jews? Those are real and are behind everything that is wrong with the world.

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Whoa, dude. You're like woke as heck.


Classic book. Thank's for reminding me of it. I will take a skim through it again.