How does it feel knowing white skin and high iq will no longer be limited to Europeans...

How does it feel knowing white skin and high iq will no longer be limited to Europeans ? With crispr you can edit your dna, everyone will be white within a decade

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>It takes genetic engineering for other races to be equal to whites

what was the point of replacing whites if they make other races clever enough to resist socialism?


Yes because non whites didnt migrate to Europe. Does it matter ? With genetic engineering everyones gonna be tall, white, light eyed and intelligent.

white men found a way to get rid of subhuman filth by genetic engineering.
gratulation achmed, your children wont be sandmonkeys, thanks to white men.

Uhh the Japanese invented it

>How does it feel knowing everyone is going to be a 9 foot tall ubermensch

Feels good

Tbh I couldn't care what skin color you have, what is reprehensible about shitskins is their behavior. And black people hair. Shit is nasty.

we should make people smaller not larger. Less food needed and easier to launch into space

Feels good because world will be so much better when only populated by people like that.
Thing is that transnational elites want exact opposite thing - to reduce world's population to subhuman state. This is why Holocaust (real) has to happen before what you describe could be a thing.

japanese are not white?
kys achmed

Not gonna happen.

Why would it not? Given the choice would you not produce a race of 9 foot tall, hyper intelligent ubermensch?

>other races will self-genocide and admit they were jealous all along
it will feel pretty good

crispr was found by a chick from birkley and a Portuguese guy found how it can be used for gene editing

Japs did the first crude plasmid editing in bacteria.
All real advancements since then have come from the west

Race is not important. Neither is intelligence. What matters is morality. And anyone who would intervene in an unborn child's genetic code simply to play with their appearance is a moral failure as a human being.

Why? If we can make people that are physically and intellectually superior we could remarkably improve the human race.

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Good, now everyone can finally be equal

Unfortunately genetically engineered humans is still in the sci-fi fantasy tier of sentient AI and faster than light travel.

> Race is not important. Neither is intelligence. What matters is morality.

Yes it is. For one thing, without intelligence one may lack the capacity for abstract thought. Without the capacity for abstract thought one is incapable of understanding, much less cultivating a sense of morality. Pic related.

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You're hopelessly naive. I want you to run three Google searches.

1. "plastic surgery addiction"
2. "gender neutral child rearing"
3. "furry fandom"

Connect the dots and realize the kind of thing that people will do to themselves and their children with this technology. People who have sane values are and always will constitute a minority.

High Intelligence has detrimental effects on both an individual and societal level. Most psychopaths are highly intelligent, Mort intelligent people are depressed. Gene editing should only be used to remove things like down syndrome or genetic defects, not to change appearance or make someone smarter.

Like going though some code and fixing the bugs, but new code should not be added, as it could lead to even worse unforseen bugs

>multi-factorial inheritance concept
>that also is impacted by environmental factors
>that also deals with methylation
>and also would require accessing fetuses in utero
>completely adjusted by a technique to perform small segment DNA changes

This is why we need basic science education. You retards don't understand shit.

What is the point? May as well just use donated sperm and egg cells from Chads and Stacys to create a baby.

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you are seriously exaggerating what CRISPR can do
IQ is not governed by any one gene
this tech is in it's infancy and will be heavy regulated before IQ editing is a thing
The total dominance of the gene drive is another concern
once you introduce the edited gene into a population that gene drive will cause that gene to be expressed for all progeny for every generation from then on out
basically clones
human evolution would no longer be a thing

You're trying to explain genetics to retards. Save your time, mate.

That's fine, having more white people isn't a bad thing.

>with genetic enginerrjng everybody will be white
So you do want all non-whites gone then?

Can you make mine a 5 foot Asian qt3.14 waifu with big boobs?

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Please do explain to a fellow retard. How can editing a gene disable future adaptation?

That part he worded poorly.

When you edit a gene, there's more to it than just "edit" and forget. Your body has mechanisms that control which genes get transcribed, when, and how often. These range from transcription factors: promoters, silencers, methylation which hides DNA, and post-transcriptional modifications: splicing, subunit binding, etc.

Simply changing a gene won't guarantee a result. Here's a crude example:

A gene that codes for something good in a neuron is added through CRISPR. However, this gene segment contains a nucleotide sequence that a different gene also contains. This gene segment contains a silencer. That silencer now binds your new gene segment and is forever shut off. You now need to address that fact.

The next issue is passing down genes. That's a whole different issue and I don't really wanna type it all out. Make sense?

>everyone will be white within a decade
That's literally what we want.

>everyone will be white within a decade
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>implying anyone would hate Africa if it was full of white people

yes user we can edit your DNA so you BECOME that

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i definitely worded that poorly
but i was trying to keep in mind that these are retards we are dealing with
i figured "evolution" would be a word they may have seen once before

Nature finds a way to undo all of your good works.
Constant gene edits will be needed to maintain the design.

Some genes activate/inhibit other genes just for being there.

Not entirely true. A simple re-addition of a micro-deletion could be a quick and stable fix.

Take Cystic Fibrosis for example. Caused most frequently by a single trinucleotide deletion that codes for position 508 phenylalanine in the CFTR gene. Simply readding that section would be 100% stable and would solve the issue as well.

I wish to be a blonde loli/JC with alluring curves. Is it possible? I wanna get a bobcut and bare my shoulders and neck on bus drives for perverts to see

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That is not the problem databases and ai will do that work for you. The problem is the altering of the gene in the first place.

You should probably stop posting.

At what point do you see the results of a gene edit? For instance could you edit a fetus and abort it if something went wrong, or would you need to wait for maturity to see if you achieved the desired result? I guess I'm asking how much of a trial and error guessing game is this going to be, and wouldn't that be prohibitively unethical to pursue in the west?

>sperm from Stacys

Some gene errors might be correctable. Thats still and unknown. But Catgirls and super humans not so much. Editing has a price, thats the point.

South east asians are white achmed. Even hitler said so.

Entirely depends on what you try edit. Some things we can test for fairly early. Others take time. Down Syndrome, for example, is detectable crudely in the second and third trimester. We check the AFP and B-HCG levels. Same goes for neural tube defects.

Other things like organ atresia (a tube ends in a blind pouch) may not be detectable until after birth. Some things like lung readiness are only check-able at week 35 of gestation.

It's very much a trial and error process. But we can increase our likelihood and confidence intervals depending on the procedure you're attempting.

Where did I try bring up catgirls and super humans?....

Technically yes but the easiest way to do this is by transplanting your brain into a new genetically engineered body. You can shrink the skeleton of an adult animal but doing so on command is fucking time consuming.

nice cleavage

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>the cost of this treatment is massive, and has to be tailored for every individual
>it will most likely not be inheritable.
>We are expected to shell out the money to uplift some monkeys.
Yeah, nah. We got enough stupid white people who need uplifting, you can pay for it yourselves.

That's just East Asians. South East Asian's are countries like the Philippines and Thailand, most certainly not White. Japanese, South Korean's and some Chinese are fine. Not those yellow mongol / Manchurian rape baby Chinese though.

Thanks for the insight. Are you working on a specific disorder? Though I understand if that's a bit too specific if you're part of the only lab in the US working on it or something.

I'm an MD. I used to work in a lab that focused on gene additions to anaerobic bacteria. Our goal was to produce energy using gene modifications in the organisms to link several cellular cycles together. I can't go into specifics since it was DARPA funded, but it didn't work too great. Something in the process was producing a toxic byproduct and trying to assay and determine what it was wasn't worth the funding.

My current research is on hallucinogens. Again, can't go into too much detail, but I promise you that in 10-20 years the field of depression management will be completely different.

I think it's adorable that people believe genetic engineering will permitted for use on human beings in our lifetimes. Look at all the pushback against GMO food. People object to messing with the genes of sterile plants, what the fuck sort of reaction are they going to have to GMO people? If it happens it'll be real quiet, someplace well outside of the West, and very hush hush.

Well I'm sure plenty of depressed autists here wish you luck in that endeavour!

Hate to break it to you, but every country capable is already doing it. China is the most vocal about their usage, and their lack of ethical regulations certainly helps their progress. Surprisingly India is actually doing a lot of work on it and doing decently (some of them stole our data but I'm not bitter....).

It's not really all that hush hush. The extent is, but the practice itself isn't.

I still don't want niggers in my country

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>simply to play with their appearance
it's not just that though, why are you playing dumb?

We actually need genetic manipulation to continue as a successful species. Maybe not right now, but in the evolutionary near future. Some of the morphological changes that we can expect in humans include
>Weaker bones
>Weaker muscles
>Smaller Jaws
>Softer teeth
And I hypothesize smaller brains. The ready access to computers and information from the internet has reduced the utility of short term memory, as it only takes a minute to reconfirm information. When we developed bipedalism, we gained a weakness by orienting our vital organs forward (rather than down and protected) and became less balanced. We also don't have many biological defenses such as large teeth, high speed, or sharp claws. Material culture offset this imbalance, allowing us to shed biological defenses with those that we created on our own. I think the same principle will apply to our intelligence; the more sophisticated our technology becomes, the less we need our own biological mechanisms.

created by whites.

Utopia here we come


Crispr is only good for mutating things you don’t overly care about. It’s only 95% accurate if that. The rest of the time it’s inserting or cutting out god knows what gene or regulatory region. Multiply by a couple million of cells, welcome to cancer town.

Research, not general applications. What scientists can do in a lab while only answering to their IRB will always be more than what the government will let go retail. The OP is talking about elective enhancement of broad sectors of the human population, not some mostly animal test subjects hidden from the light of day until publication and then euthanized.

>make everyone white and smart
I'm supposed to be opposed to this?

It makes me want to evolve beyond white;

>Ideal TOPite Genome (Annointed:)

We can do this easily now, because we can induce SNPs;

>The team concentrated their research on single mutations in DNA, AKA single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs. SNPs are the most common style of variation within the human genome. Over 10 million SNPs exist, and some of the most famous include heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimers
>The researchers wanted to take a closer look at connecting SNPs with largely hereditary diseases. However, in order to do that, the team needed to compare a 'twin' cell that was genetically matched in every single way. The trick was getting twin cells to differ by only one SNP

>everyones gonna be tall

Not me.

Tall people are ugly and die early;

>Controversies surrounding the potential utility of GH in treatment of a geriatric patient are fueled by increasing evidence linking GH and cancer and by remarkably increased lifespan of GH-resistant and GH-deficient mice

Short people live longer. Genetically engineering yourself into the perfect tiny trap is healthier.

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You don't care about living in a homogenous society? You would rather your nation slowly browns and replaces itself? Minorities are acceptable in small numbers

>And anyone who would intervene in an unborn child's genetic code simply to play with their appearance is a moral failure as a human being

Random genetic chance created the appearance of each person. Sexual selection intentionally removed valid people from the gene pool over appearance.

Why is it wrong to use CRISPR to accomplish what my descendents could in 100 generations?


>2. "gender neutral child rearing"
>3. "furry fandom"

The genes that make someone a good trap (5a-reductase, GH) also make someone long-lived, healthy, and resistant to Androgenic alopecia. Aromatase excess syndrome is natural, and certain men were born with it.

What's wrong with someone selecting for cute traps? No surgery, just boys born cute.

See . Also;

>In this Q&A, Hui Yang discusses his research published in Genome Biology, using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing techniques to delete entire chromosomes
>Thus, an entire chromosome, including sex chromosome X and Y, as well as an autosome, could be deleted

My intention is to become a red-eyed, red-haired pale-skinned female with a long skull, long-limbed African/Equatorial build and HAPA face.

Yes, see . Also you can email me at;

[email protected]

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fucking kek

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You might consider doing something about that mental illness while you're at it.

>Feels good
Wouldn't 90% of Russians be culled though?

010c: Xq; AR (CAG(n = 36;) Position: 67545318
>There was on average a 1.7% decrease in activity for each additional glutamine repeat
>The mean CAG repeat lengths were Afro-Caribbean 19.6 ± 3.2, Caucasian 21.9 ± 2.9, Hispanic 22.6 ± 3.1, and Thai 23.1 ± 3.3
>A significant association was identified between transsexualism and the AR allele, with transsexuals having longer AR repeat lengths than non-transsexual male control subjects

Transsexuality is literally a phenotype. What mental illness?

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if this technology was able for everyday people, some options would be restricted.

>intelligence, creativity and skills would have a bar limit
>looks would be a freemarked
>there would be laws for how much you can modify your body
>illnesses are required to be removed
>certain jobs would require genes specialized to that certain career

and probably more shit i cant think of now.

So you're saying it's treatable, good for you.


if you can genetically engineer yourself why would you want them born a nigger?

Tay was so cute...

I'm a literal mutt and have an IQ of 130, both my parents aren't white and my black father is at 150. Also fuck off with your gentics and IQ when the main factor with IQ is ones up bringing.
Further more any high IQ person would know that IQ is only relevant when comparing children as the creator has intended.

Excess CAG repeats evolved naturally. Transsexuals can and have passed down excess CAG repeats.

How can transsexuals pass on the specific mutation that causes transsexualism, unless it isn't maladaptive?

>People living in low IQ shitholes will have their IQ fixed and start fixing their problems instead of relying on the west/asians for life support

This is a problem how exactly?

CRISPR can only remove information.