You will never feel that kind of love

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I'll never feel that sadness either. But I will feel big silicon doll tiddies.

>ywn feel any kind of love

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This. I'm fairly certain that the happiness I would feel would pale in comparison to the sadness I would have to endure. I'd rather have nothing.

neither will she, because she’s fuckig dead

I dont feel anything.

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Why the fuck do people take pictures of others as if they're the weird ones? And I bet it was a female behind the photo

What the fuck is wrong with them?

.>implying im not in love with my invisible gf as well

Sadness would honestly be preferable to this constant "neutrality"

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What a retard, i bet he feel stupid, old fart.

As if i am able to feel something except suffering.

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His wife probably cheated on him for 60 years

Do you know why he still loves her and cherishes the memories? Do you think it might maybe because she was a wonderful woman who took care of him and their children or do you think he has fond memories of her dying her hair purple, aborting their first child and protesting in the streets half naked yelling how men are all rapist? Which one is more likely huh?

It called depression, you should cure it. Consider visiting psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Is this caused by pol? I have been wondering I haven't felt any real emotion in a long time. I can't remember last time I genuinely laughed or had real happiness that I could feel. Its like I've lost the ability.

Look at the bottom right

Imagine being so dumb you sit at the wrong table and then instead of admitting you were wrong and risking making yourself look silly, you just pretend you sat at the right table as you laugh by yourself
stupid boomer

No. you're just a liar.

If you didn't feel anything you would go do whatever you wanted.

Because he have not so much sources of strong emotions left.

fuk you, sentimentalistic twat
Humans are inherenly unhappy and unsatisfied
Would his wife still be alive, he'd hate her guts and spend entire days mowing the lawn just to not see her face

Never. Tfw your crush always looks away when your eyes meet

Im not saying this as an insult, but that’s just fucking cowardice. Live your life how you want, but holy fuck thats a grim outlook.

what made if feel those emotions in the first place user?

It’s horrible. My parents constantly bug me to “move on and find somebody else” but I don’t think it will ever happen. If it weren’t for my job, I’d want to stay in bed all day. Two years gone and it stills feel like yesterday.

Love your country Sven.
She needs your love especially in this time of need.

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Been married over 30 years. Expect another 40. It’s really comfy.

That's why you should marry a women significantly younger than you.

Are you me?

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are missing out by being "forever alone". I dated a lot in my 20's, and it's cool for about 6 months then the honeymoon phase is over and you begin the long journey of learning to hate that person. All of my friends are married with kids and each of them are fucking miserable. You can tell that being alone is superior because your married friends will get angry and constantly question why you aren't in a relationship. They want to drag you down with them. It is jealously they are experiencing because they don't get to do whatever they want, whenever they want like you do.

This picture is many years old. Even now that guy is a bit too old to be a boomer. Most likely WWII generation.


Based old fart, hope he had a nice life.

All right everyone stop this fucking pity party right fucking now. Sort your shit out and go look for a mate, not some roastie to fuck. No excuses will be tolerated.

Either you made some mitsakes or this fucking (((TENSES))) is fucking unbearable for my mind.

I dont want to spend my life rotting in prison

Go-u tsu za fakku autto, fakingu merikanidzu.

I've been with my wife 8 years now and I couldn't be happier or imagine my life without her. Sorry you couldn't find someone for you, but your personal experiences don't equate to the rest of the world.

dude is like 80. You'll think of shit like this to do when you've got nothing to do all day for years.

the auto corrector switched ''him'' for ''if'', relax you gas huffin krocodile punk

>cure it
Ohh my sweet summer child

Congrats, my point is, Jow Forums is quick to try and get people to get married and pop out a dozen kids. At least 50% of the time it doesn't work out and your life is ruined. That's fucking casino odds mate. And that's just for the competent people in relationships, we are dealing with autists here.

I do feel that kind of love now - found my wife when we were sixteen, we are together for 25 years, never thought about any other woman in my entire life, and I guess that we grow old together and she goes first, I would simply die out of grief.

The woman I've been dating for a little over a year left me the other day on the premise that our relationship stagnated. This woman is the only one I've ever felt an inclination to figure out what went wrong with because she was a virgin before we got together, and she has strong family values that would make her an excellent wife. She left me but still texts me daily because she "Can't imagine life without me" which is just a big shoe in for me.
Self improvement lads. If you ever want a woman to love you, the first thing you have to do is worry about fixing yourself. Start lifting, get a new job, go to school, whatever. Women are drawn to a man that can overcome their hardships and prove that they are strong and capable of taking what they want.
Good luck brothers I truly wish you all find that woman for you someday

>I don't want to live a life, I'd rather just hide away in my shell until I expire forgotten and alone

I prefer Lyrica. So about thats your question - basicaly whole life makes people sensitive to one stimuli and indifferent to others, so his life went that way he can feel something about such pictures.

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>nothing to do all day for years
this is a wagecuck's destiny, after a lifetime of being told what to do they end up not knowing what to do when there's no one left to boss them around.

Love was always the answer

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fucking hell, and you're the one complaining about my spelling, you sound like you're fresh off vr chat Ivan, complete with typical armchair philosophy.


Well, not again, anyway. But it was good.

I love myself bitch. What now?

I agree with you, but I also see so many misanthropes here trashing women as if every single one of them are backstabbing leeches which isn't true. I do consider myself lucky but trusting Jow Forums's advice on women will never land you a woman.

nice try roastie

She was making fun of him too when she posted the pic.

who cares? what the fuck does this have to do with politics?

why so many Jow Forums shitposting threads lately?

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I've dated my fair share of roasties but the good ones still exist, and they are just as disgusted with roasties as we are

I don't care lol

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Im not complaining about your spelling. I just toll that i cant understand you.
>, you sound like you're fresh off vr chat Ivan,
I have no money to get VR gogles and my name is not Ivan
>complete with typical armchair philosophy
You one of (((THAT))) guys who trying to develop useles hypothesis each time he meet something first time?

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Can you fucking please stop talking like a slavbot and start using some fucking english here please.

Why should I?

Your entire country exists as an invasion buffer between us and Russia so I would be a little nice to Ivan if I were you

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Oh finally, you've been listening to all those post and thread I've been making about this for all those years, good jub my little murimutt, you've done well, you can do a flip now for a cookie!

Sure thing Ivan

hey yo, we're all having fun roasting each other here, fuck off memeflagger

The real clinical depression will never go away, no matter how awesome your life will turn out later, you can only diminish its effects.