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Whats finna?
“Fixing to”
“About to”
"going to" in nigger speak apparently
Boon language. Just ignore because learning boon language makes you feral.
Finna. As in, fixing to. Antonym for dindu. As in, I didn’t do.”
niggerspeak for gonna, probably result of typos on smartphones becoming vernacular since f is next to g and i is next to o, so finna is a common mistyping of gonna
ooga booga indeed
For the longest time my wide didn't believe me that blacks say finna
No its Ebonics they intentionally say
no, its actually how they talk. Before I became a professor I tried to teach basic programming at a high school. I have a lot of nigger stories relating to that, but it did open my eyes when a student interrupted my class and said "Eyy (my first name), you eva know a nigga who got gwop using dis shit" in reference to me showing them what you can do with coding.
Its all over swiflie. The homeless one is most effective and realistic
ya uhhhh. Getta black Americano and a dindu muffin
It's short for "fittin to" which is short for "fixin to' which is short for "fixing to" which is short for "going to" which is short for "I am about to". It's another stop on the journey back to grunts clicks an whistles.
whats gwop?
its a nigger term meaning large sums of money
"Going to" has been grammaticalized, it's not a stand-in for something else.
“Grow up.”
Finna get dabbed on.
This shit was happening before Jow Forums started another social experiment.
>black guy at work who brings up race all the time mentions how he went to Starbucks
>cashier asks his name for his cup
>"BLACK LIVES MATTER" *raises fist*
>cashiers get nervous and don't want to be racist
>"H-Here you go's on us
>black guy starts braving to us how he is going to milk the situation
>still unironicslly believe that all the shit was just cause the 2 nigs were black and it was "racism"
>actually believes the lie that they were not asked to leave and believes they just singled them out cause their black
>praises the black men for standing up to the mean ol DAS RACISSS cops
>says he is going to milk this event as much as he can.
>says "If they were white they wouldn't of Had the cops on them or even asked to leave
>tell hi, how I was asked to asked to make a purchase or leave a Starbucks for just using their free wifi
>told him I didn't get arrested cause all you have to do is either leave or buy something.
What did I do? left because I'm not a nigger who can't follow simple rules. Dunno why blacks can never learn to just fucking listen.
This shit was happening before the Jow Forums pics.
>we da jooz nau
Phase 3: Faked Diversity Training Memo
1. Privilege Point Pricing: Barristas will use a chart to price coffee drinks based your oppression level.
2. Free Water and Cups for homeless
3. Barrista's are allowed to give people of color a few bucks from the register, if they feel they are in need.
Anything we do against starbucks right now would work. Starbucks literally can't kick any nogs out, or call the police, unless guns and violence are involved.
PROJECT: Ask and Ye Shall Recieve
Spread the word that Barrista's will be allowed to give people of color a few bucks from the register or tip jar. This is only for people in need and those who ask.
>people of color only
Jesus fucking Christ, kids
I saw an article about this on Fox news. I finished the headline and already knew it was you shitbags and laughed. At first I thought the prank would be over, but what dumb nig reads the news, nonetheless fox. Especially one that would fall for that prank. You fellas crack me up
keep it going
Niggrrs and gibs, cant fail, especially now that they are all uppity about the champagne socialist hangout
Oh yeah no nog watches the news, and no nog will double check if a coupon is valid or not. A coupon is a coupon.
Short for "im finna dab on these niggas"
Did Jow Forums start “people of color” it’s the same statement as colored person for Christ sake I swear most of the SJW shit seems like a troll
It's Spanish for guapo dinero meaning lots of money
Now run a fake campaign apologizing for the 4-chan coupons. We a/pol/ogizing for the fake coupons spread on the internet. These are the real coupons and the only ones that are valid.
What is EBT? Ebony Tax benefits?
It is now!
Anyone living in a large city should print these coupons and give them to bums and homeless people.
Is there a way we can associate those two heroic melanin enriched individuals with the sit-ins of the 60's? Maybe we can get hoards of nogs to hang out in Starcucks all day without purchasing anything.
He means guap. Which is short for beaner speak "guapo". Which has about 50 meanings because Mexicans aren't human....but it technically means "handsome".
Then beans turn that that into handsome=rich, blacks shorten it because fuck wordz n reedn n shit.
Normally the half indo mongrel use "feria" for money.
Niggerspeak for "fitting to"
it's true i saw it on the news!
Men arrested at Starbucks say they feared for their lives
Dey wuz dindus befo de police arrive
A brain that doesn't function correctly.
LOOK, they're fighting back.
The grammar is too bad to be believed to be real.
Kek, I don't even know what is real anymore
No it's "fixing to"
Good idea.
please this
We need a grammar nazi to fix this
You guys know how BBC has that pidgin speak section? Why not make some coupons and shit with that dialect and always mention Starbucks - Pidgin or something
Great idea, but the wording isn’t professional enough.
Re-write it.
It’s very realistic already tho.
Make one.
Shit would be hilarious.
ill be damned so they finally figured out who was spreading the fake coupons and it was russia. I thought for sure it was reddit
Flyer where QR code goes to moonman.
Found it somewhere on Twitter. Better let some native speaker to fix it tho.
Fucking food stamps.
I won’t have the time to with finals and all going on but I just wanted to throw the idea out there
It means a lot of things in ebonics
Going to, approaching, finally, kind of, etc. niggers are truly stupid
take out russian internet trolls u idiot
Grammar nazi, step up
finna pop a cap in yo ass witeboi
No, you were right the first time.
Do it, faggot
i have never in my 25 years of living in this hell hole heard sny one say that, you are talking out of your stupid ass here
Definitely don't center it. Left justify.
To maximize the potential, pull up some old Starbucks documents and model it straight after theirs.
It has been done, blaming Russian trolls. On PAul J Watson twitter.
So many nazi types we have on this site and we are missing some of the essential ones, we might have to turn one of them pink haired English majors in to a Nazi
I've heard both.
version where QR code goes to IQ bell curve distribution of whites vs niggers
No its "fiending to"
Hilarious beyond sides!
Finna is fixing to or going to
"Im finna fuck this nigga up if he aint got a fucking plug for the low"
roughly translates to:
"I am going to criminally assault this particular drug dealer if I do not find his prices to be adequate"
No, the SJW crowd changes approved words every so often to make sure everyone keeps up on their propaganda.
Fake as your mom when she tells you she's proud of you. Remove the Russian troll shit, and do a better shoop with the signature.
They say it. Build wall.
I taught in the ghetto for a couple years, you learn their language really quickly
version where QR code goes to black vs white crime stats
no u
Haha what if the two black guys are Jow Forums posters
guys, post this shit on WSHH. Black people don't receive information via regular channels
God damn it stop calling me Russian
we russian now
Who has the one where in recognition of people of color Starbucks will now start accepting EBT?
Literally who gives a fuck, why are you people bothering me
its "fiending" you white virgin nigger
done but i have no photoshop skills so someone use the text and remake
>Starbucks regrets to inform you that malicious actors have recently capitalized on recent unfortunate events to perpetrate a hoax. This hoax was designed to trick our valued customers with counterfeit coupons that promised free coffee to certain individuals.
>As a company that values diversity and serves people from all backgrounds and walks of life, Starbucks feels that the best way to bring people together is through dialog. In our opinion, the best way to start a dialog is with a cup of coffee!
>Although the promise of free coffee began as a hoax, due to overwhelming positive feedback we have decided to make it a reality.
>Come into any one of our nationwide stores for a free beverage of your choice and 50% off any food item. Valid from April 20, 2018 to April 27, 2018.