Nigger 911 operator hung up on calls

A former 911 operator who hung up the phone "thousands" of times on people attempting to call in emergencies in Harris County, Texas has been sentenced to jail time.

Crenshanda Williams, 44, was found guilty of interference with emergency telephone calls Wednesday after "systematically" hanging up the phone on residents of Harris County, KTRK reported.

She was sentenced to 10 days in jail and 18 months probation.

Williams reportedly had an unusual number of "short calls," which were no longer than 20 seconds. Prosecutors, according to the Houston Chronicle, determined she hung up on "thousands" of calls.

In one instance, emergency caller Jim Moten told KTRK he called 911 in 2016 after he spotted two vehicles speeding on a highway where people had been killed from speeding weeks earlier and thought his call had dropped after a few seconds.

Court documents, according to the news station, stated that Williams had taken Moten's call and, before he could finish explaining his emergency, she reportedly said: "Ain't nobody got time for this. For real."

Don't you love living in a diverse society where your life could hang on some incompetent shitskin or nigger?

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Omg you racist bigot, diversity is our strength don't you know?

Probably saved the taxpayers thousands

>"Ain't nobody got time for this. For real."
>sheboon tongue
Checks out

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imagine naming your niglette after Crenshaw and ever expecting her to stay out of jail

Well yeah she's fired now so they no longer have to pay her for not doing her job

>calling 911 on people speeding
>"aint nobody got time for this"
She did the right thing.

"Ain't nobody got time for this." fuck me she should be beaten half to death for something like this.

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Lazy female niggers go for easy desk jobs and still can't manage to fulfill the requirements of the job? Color me shocked

These "people" expect to just sit around and get paid to exist. Be it behind a government office desk or on their ghetto stoop, all they seem to want out of life is the ability to sit around and do nothing

when this is likely to happen in Starbucks in the coming weeks

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