Some thoughts

This Starbucks shit would be considered fraud, right? We're falsely claiming to represent them, and printing out flyers with their likeness, and that's definitely trademark infringement and false advertising.

So now that websites are criminally liable for the content they host, Starbucks could totally sue the hell out of us, or am I missing something?

Attached: 1502468448819.png (720x528, 1.03M)

who exactly would they sue?
suing Jow Forums would be a lolsuit

Digits confirm it. The hacker known as Jow Forums is going to be on the hook for this just like (((they))) planned.

Our servers are in the US, and Japan has an extradition treaty with us. The human trafficking law basically made Hiro 100% criminally liable for all of this

nice digits
This entire thing is unironically an ADL scheme. With the It's ok to be white campaign, it took us months. The msm picked up on this one in a matter of a few days.

Why would we fuck over Hiroshimoot like that?

I wouldn't be surprised at all if this were the case. We need to get the word out to as many anons as possible. Something's up with this.

Nobody listened to me. I've been screaming honeypot but there are always 5 Starbucks threads 24 hours a day. They aren't even trying anymore with how lame it is.

Go get them boys!

You can do it!

Fire up those twitter cannons!



Do this now.

Print these.


Why indeed? Why would a campaign that take lots of time and effort be propagated in less than a week? Why would hundreds of high quality memes be available almost immediately for dissemination?

And then Starbucks pays out of the nose for these ADL reeducation seminars

This is a stock scheme. Buy the dip.
Trust me.

>Jow Forumseddit spacing
>chimp caps
>meme flag

If you look at the archives at who has been pushing this stuff it's obvious this is either Jow Forums raid or a setup.

Those fuckers might as well glow in the dark. And the scariest part? It's only going to get worse. Fraud is just the beginning. Wait until someone sees one of those generals and goes on a (((pizza hunt))), and people actually die. That's when you'll see the state step in. Shits fucked, yo.

>the state of anons 2018
stop believing a drama queen faggot

Nice quads, but when has Jow Forums ever cared about the law?

Fuck niggers and fuck liberals and fuck all you little troll accounts

Not so. The private business has decided to accept these coupons. This increases the community outreach PR and also serves the public by exacerbating morbid hypertension and diabetes among people of color. Win-win

we never claimed to be them though. If you scan the QR code it says nigger, would starbucks put that on an official flyer?
Hell no. We gave them all the tools needed to know it isn't legit. Not our fault they are literal monkey brained idiots.

Jow Forums is satire, all posts belong to the user making the post. Jow Forums is never at fault.

>you don't mess with football
That 1 time. Every other time, fuck da police.

This is unironically true. Wonder if they will keep track of how much it costs them, if so do they write it off or-

pol pussies never end.