Starbucks agrees to give niggers free coffee


This is the power of pol

Attached: DbJ7N8gW0AIWb2X.jpg (784x1080, 105K)

Fake news

time to ramp up the "fuck your free coffee whitey you can't buy us with coffee" memes

someone better go in black face

This looks like a nigger made it.

Go shill somewhere else, faggot

>Russian internet trolls
Please tell me it really doesn't say that.

Looks like a Russian internet troll made it.

Attached: 1495653949953.png (1028x1214, 621K)

>muh russians
10/10 They are going to go absolutely insane when it all comes together. Have some oc.

Attached: ChroniclesOfDrWakanda.gif (703x1422, 1.51M)