Well pol

Well pol

Attached: 2A1A0399-FA03-4A8A-9D12-B6898C18DBEB.jpg (640x697, 210K)

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cool trite empty platitude, bro

>I present you with the cake, and now I will eat it.

It would amuse me if Jow Forums decided to pick this guy up. Just watched the Netflix series.

its not an empty platitude, but it's also not informative enough

superiority is a context, a way of looking at things, and it is not a useful viewpoint

there are thousands of details about individuals that can't be characterized as superior or inferior


Attached: equality.jpg (547x646, 71K)

Boomer cope.

Attached: DVtqgcCW0AA7EMT.jpg (720x960, 98K)

>this guy rolls up to you in his Rolls-Royce and tells you you can be one of the leaders of his cult where there will be tonnes of gullible pussy available

Wat do?

Dude weed lmao


dats deep

Attached: lkenrg;l.jpg (750x1000, 38K)