The absolute state of niggers

>It took Hua Li two minutes and three tries to get help from Houston 911 as a convenience store owner lay bleeding to death on the floor of his store after being shot.

Li was about to walk into a Raceway in Houston to buy a lottery ticket in May 2016 but was stopped by another person’s warning: Somebody was robbing the store.

Li caught a glimpse of a man holding a gun, court documents say. Then he heard a half a dozen gunshots.

He hopped into his car and sped away, and as he put distance between himself and the crime, he pulled out his phone to dial 911.

The phone line picked up, then immediately disconnected.

Li tried again. Thirty seconds later, his call went through to Crenshanda Williams. “Houston 9-1-1-, do you need medical, police or fire?” she asked.

“This is a robbery,” Li blurted out.

Li heard a sigh, then nothing. The call had been disconnected again.

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epic, some chink called Li has learnt to hate niggers too!

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Well, I guess she didn't have time for that.

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>when picking up the phone and taking calls is hard work

The absolute state of MUTTS

>Crenshanda Williams.

All niggers must hang

Haha and nothing will change. The circus must continue! More niggers on welfare! More niggers in the workforce! Lets go!

Link to article?

So the Black lady got jail for speaking better English?
Asians are in on White Supremacy

I hate niggers so much. Wipe them off the earth already.

Ain't got no time for no chang and sheeeit, I'm finna bout to take my break

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911 dispatch being shit is actually a pretty big problem in some states. In my state you could get shot in the face and their is a high chance emergency services won't show up at all. It's at the point where people say to call the police and fire department directly instead of 911.

all these things are great


Why is it always Houston with the most fucked up nigger news stories?

Grape soda sucks

Houston has a lot of niggers and they got a lot of New Orleans niggers during Katrina.

Stop posting the same shit faggot. Sage

>Be 911 dispatcher
>Hang up on thousnads of calls
>Potentially kill hundreds of people who need firefighters, paramedics, and police
"On Wednesday, Williams was sentenced to 10 days in jail and 18 months on probation after she was convicted of hanging up on thousands of calls during the 18 months that she worked as a 911 dispatcher for the city of Houston, according to the Houston Chronicle."
>Get 10 days in jail

>For the good of #diversity!

If I didn't know better, I'd swear Jow Forums was trolling.

Attached: here comes diversity!.jpg (1036x1200, 323K)

“She was going through a hard time in her life, and she was a poor-performing worker at the Houston Emergency Center,” he said. “But punishing her doesn’t do anything to fix the problems that still exist at the emergency center.”
Williams had started working as a dispatcher in July 2014 and had taken thousands of calls, court documents say. But an audit a year and a half after she was hired found that an abnormally large number of her calls had lasted 20 seconds or less, and the city began an investigation.
The disconnected calls include one from March 13, 2016, during which a security guard named Jimmie Moten Jr. dialed 911 from his cellphone to report that two people in trucks were racing on Interstate 45.
“This is Officer Moten. I’m driving on 45 South right now and right now I am at — ” he said before Williams cut him off.
“Ain’t nobody got time for this. For real,” she said, and then the line went dead.
Williams, court documents say, “admitted that she often hangs up on calls that have not been connected because she did not want to talk to anyone at the time.”

link me to a post where someone has said the exact same thing you antsy fuck

>Sentenced to prison
“ain’t nobody got time fo dis”

>“This is Officer Moten. I’m driving on 45 South right now and right now I am at — ” he said before Williams cut him off.
>“Ain’t nobody got time for this. For real,” she said, and then the line went dead.
You can determine the race of the woman who hung up without even having to see her name or picture.

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that sheeits called purple, dumbass cracka

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have to ask now, does she get to keep her job?

Oh, news about niggers being niggers.

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>they got a lot

busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and busloads and Texas greets them with gibs

And she'll be on welfare and unemployment for the rest of her nigger life, smoking blunts and drinking Hennessy on the tax payers doll

Naw mane, she's gonna hafta work for TSA

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i agree. threads like these just reinforce the idea that African Americans are lazy and incompetent.

I literally ALWAYS get a dinduisha when I call 911. Why is this allowed

>have to ask now, does she get to keep her job?

Have some compassion! She was in obvious pain from the beatings her ancestors got as slaves to the white man.

How can she be expected to perform in her job when racial memories are torturing her poor mind.

This is all Whitey's fault!!!

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I love how it's Paris, and not France.

You live in a nigger infested shit holes what other explanation you think there is

>“Ain’t nobody got time for this. For real,”

Why are niggers a parody of themselves?


Im pretty sure thats our border fence they wre chimping out against, they even built a battering ram.

>Why are niggers a parody of themselves?
theyre too shitty to be a parody of anyone else

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I live in fucking washington

10 Days in jail. Unbelivable shit hole

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This is why I don’t bother with HPD, she’s probably not the only one that does this shit

I love diversity quotas and affirmative action

Still not convinced they all need to be deported back?

>that pic

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Thats a serious felony.
>or it should be

user, you are talking out of your ass again.

If you call 911 for a shooting, people show up.

You get extra retard points for thinking of calling the fire station directly. Hopefully they're actually there, and not out on a call or training. By the way, if you call them, they'll have to notify the 911 dispatcher anyway (by phone or radio).

Where the fuck is the quality control?!!!
Who the fuck manages the 911 dispatch callers?
Niggers are always going to nig, that is why they need a smart Cracker watching them at all times
Fire the 911 supervisor NOW!!!!!!!

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wow, what the fuck happened to clint eastwood?

Names are really predictive of future success sometimes, aren’t they?

I imagine “””Crenshanda””” would’ve reacted differently if caller had opened with this:
>h-finna-hep me I needa amberlamps!

What on God's green earth

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>Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
I was sure this was a joke until I went and checked.

Unless theu don't feel like it

any lawfag can tell my dumb ass what charges she SHOULD be charged with? one or 2 sure no problem, but 1000s of calls??

Disgrace to all Carlosposters 0/10

>>h-finna-hep me I needa amberlamps!

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go back to mexico

It should honestly be a felony, $10 she gets her job back with a reprimand because gubbment jobs can’t formally fire diversity hires

Wow, its almost as if you hire someone for the sole purpose of filling a diversity quota you don't end up with the most qualified person for the job.

what is the red thing in the upper right corner?

For those who have never seen the Ghetto Deposition (you will forever have a lower opinion of African-Americans):


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Never, ever fails to amuse.

How does one get away with pic related of your post? Surely her career in politics should be over?

>paid to take calls
>ain't gots no time fo dat


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Here is the longer version, might have better sound.

And it's only ten days in jail. Now that's a crime.

>revving of engine intensifies.

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>If you call 911 for a shooting, people show up.
You are literally in a thread where that didn't happen. Do you know how reality works?

Calling us mutts is fair (although maybe not from a Leaf), but don't equate us with niggers.

I'm talking about the whole system your country set up. I dont know how much 911 dispatching pays but its probably way higher than min wage. Literally picking up the phone, listening to what the problem is and deciding what is the best service that can assist, and she couldnt even do that. As for my MUTTs comment - I can't imagine things like that could happen in a mono country like say Finland. At the very least she'd get fired immediately, not after 1000s of hang ups. But of course in muttland firing that thing would be "problematic".

Is that Barbara Bush or Toad?

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This is why nobody wants to pay nigger burger flippers more than minimum wage. I worked at Walmart for 3 years when I was 18-21 and I can't tell you the amount of times I heard "im gonna work how they pay me" but often times they didn't even work enough to get what they were getting. Getting paid more money isn't gonna stop these lazy fucks from being lazy, it'll just make them that much more lazier. This bitch makes nearly 20 an hour and STILL REFUSES TO DO HER FUCKING JOB.

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Because Jews
Think about, who own banks and media
And who are pushing for "refugees" to white countries
These people want Europeans dead for their own goals, you think they're going to care about raped Europeans?


>Crime in US happens so often that even 911 operators are tired of answering

> charged with two counts of interference with an emergency telephone call, a class A misdemeanor that carries a punishment of up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine for each count upon conviction.

Gets -- 10 days in jail and probation.

Oh lawdy! De white man's justice system be so racist!

It's her manager's fault for not correcting her behavior. If you've ever worked a phone bank or in a call center it is literally soul destroying. Once someone snaps (and everyone eventually snaps) you need to fire/reassign them and hire somebody else. It's the nature of the business.

Jow Forums will argue with me but if you've worked a job like this you know I'm 100% right.

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Wasn't the main guy in the UK photo a rabbi?

This picture never fails to amaze me, why are we and Hungarians the only ones aware that fucking animals belong in the forest not the city streets.

With an increasing 3rd world population, America will experience more and more of its 1st world institutions will cease to function.

Build the wall.

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>It's her manager's fault for not correcting her behavior.

Rest assured, justice was done:

Williams’s supervisor was put on internal probation for a year.

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I had to call the police in ny once, bunch of niggers (4-5 carloads worth) were jumping a handful of 15 year olds. "Need police here some kids are being beaten" *click* Call back "NIGGERS WITH GUNS AT THE MOVIE THEATER" police showed up no shit about 45 seconds later.

>“She was going through a hard time in her life
The excuses are like clockwork

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I mean you're not wrong at all but don't act like your country is better off with regards to "problematic" things and affirmative action type diversity hiring.

10 days.

Should have lynched her publicly.

>public place

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>Grape soda sucks

Nugrape used to be pretty good if you could find it in a glass bottle, but it's been years since I had it so they've probably changed the formula by now.

Yet another black person going to jail for doing nothing.


nice cherrypicking faggot

Its bad here but not that bad. In private sector especially


if we didnt have have niggers the raceway store would not have been robbed

in fact if we didnt have niggers we probably wouldn't have need of call centers

just saying