Doing a project about 9/11. What do I need to know?>

Doing a project about 9/11. What do I need to know?>

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jews did it



It never happened

That’s all you need to say.

Follow the money. That's usually all you ever need to know.

Then study Building 7. Conclude that it is obviously a controlled demolition that took weeks if not months to set up.

Then realize that the entire 9/11 attack was a controlled demolition.

wtc was the prototype for the space elevator which is why it was knocked down

Tesla's earthquake machine

Micro nukes, google that shit


final redpill
the twin towers never existed in the first place.

>What do I need to know?

No plane hit the pentagon.

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>90’s baby here
What’s 9/11 user?

Jews fucked some people and blamed sandniggers

Jow Forums is a bunch of misguided pussies. This good to know for anything in life. Fuck your project.

>What do I need to know?
Follow the jew money
Jews Did 9/11 Proven 2011

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Tons of videos of molten metal and first responders describing the molten metal. Thermite shape charges most likely responsible, placed there by Israeli “art students”.

Focus on what >>>>they

building #7

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fuck it, I'll bite (evidence link)

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Larry Silverstein signed the lease just six weeks before the WTC's twin towers were brought to the ground by terrorists in the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Silverstein contended that the two jetliners crashing into the twin towers about 15 minutes apart should be considered two separate events, which would allow him to collect the maximum from the insurers for each tower, as much as $7 billion.

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where's the picture of the bogdanoffs face in the smoke of the attack?
where's the bog pill?


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All you need to know is in this video

Watch Ryan Dawsons Documentary, it spells everything out you need to know.

Daniel Lewin lead the 9/11 operation
Anything from that site.

>Jewdy Wood Beam weapons -Tesla earthquake machine
>Dimitri Somfadanov - Mini Nukes

Just need some no planes at WTC 1 & 2, and we'll have been visited by all the pathetic disinfo faggots, this place can muster.

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Our call to nuke the entire ME and we used it to flood yurop with refugees.

it did happen


Controlled Demolition, definitely happened three times.

Still not sure what hit the Pentagon. Why not release the footage, 18 years later? (((National Security)))

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watch this, OP.

This is all you really need to know.

>Not a controlled demolition

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Fake news

Post this for the user

1. Thermate was placed in UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) chassis on the 98th floor which was reinforced to support them; testimony described the entire floor full of them, never plugged in for a year. This is the molten metal we saw leaking out the corner of the building and which firefighters describe running down the columns "like a foundry".

2. Stratesec/Securacom was operated by Marvin Bush and had the security contract for World Trade Center until the day before 9/11.

3. The prior week, bomb-sniffing dogs were removed from the building and it had a full power-down "for testing."

4. During this time, workers were seen entering the building with detcord (the wiring for demolition charges) and workers heard lots of drilling and jackhammering, and cement dust was coming in through the A/C systems.

5. After demolition, which was virtually straight down and faster-than-gravity (due to implosive force of air cavitating outward) the entire area stayed molten for several weeks, with a measuarable temperature of over 1700 degrees and a pool of molten metal filling the entire subbasement.

6. Just before the plane impact, a van
exploded in the basement parking lot which cracked several columns, slabs, and windows on the ground floor. A photo of this exists.

7. During cleanup, columns showed 45-degree angled cuts with molten edges consistent with "walking the building" using shaped charges.

8. Cars in the vicinity caught fire from the inside-out (their electronics) consistent with an EMP, and a Russian nuclear commander stated it was known to the russians that plans existed to demolish WTC with burried nukes. Firefighter's radiation detectors were going off at the scene, and responders have died from radiation-related diseases.

Three hours of absolute Autistic Greatness:

>but i wish it happens again

9. The planes we saw were military drones, used for missile target practice; the Northwoods document, signed by Rumsfield, Wolfowitz, Kagan, Bolton, and Kristol) describes this plan, and a retired pilot saw the real plane and the fake plane swapping places overhead. The black-box data shows anomolies consistent with this.

10. The "camp david plane" black box shows the cockpit door was never openned, and the crevasse that the plane supposedly crashed in had existed on satelite photos for years before the plane supposedly carved the scar (leaving burning smoke but virtually no debris.)

11. The Pentagon was hit by a missile followed by a global hawk unmanned drone. The hole left in the building was almost perfectly circular, and the dud warhead (it was a high-mass non explosive slug) was carried out of the building in a large box covered by a blue tarp. Agents on the scene reported smelling Cordite; a rocket propulsion fuel.

12. Thousands of 1-inch fragments of rendered (fat and skin cooked off) bone were found on the roof of the Deutschebank building but the US Army failed to perform DNA analysis and Deutschbank was demolished.

13. British news media reported the Solomon Brothers building (Building 7) had collapsed, while filming in front of the uncollapsed building, about 30 minutes before it did, in fact, collapse -- at freefall speed into it's own footprint -- without any cause of catastrophic structural damage.


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The rubble burned for 2 weeks after the colapae as the molten metal cooled. WTC 7 collapsed from a (((debris fire))).

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>Just before the plane impact, a van
>exploded in the basement parking lot which cracked several columns, slabs, and windows on the ground floor. A photo of this exists.

This and this This criminal government is full of vipers.

Jet fuel cant melt steel. Finished.

there were explosions at ground level, give or take. I don't know about any vans though. Some said the fuel ran down the (non-aligned) elevator shafts into the basement and ignited. Which would mean even more fuel than was consumed in the fireballs and the ankle-deep pools outside on the ground and what was needed to melt the steel. Jet fuel is amazing stuff.

but look for photos and films from the lobby, they're out there.

All that pyroclastic dust flow. That only happens naturally in one instance, a volcano.

Though pyroclastic dust flow happens in nearly every controlled demolition, because of the heat and pressure exerted by the explosives.

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The elevators were hermetically sealed.

Any building designer knows not to create a chimney out of an elevator shaft.

(((They))) put a cover story out as to what blew up the lobby on the ground floor.

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You need to know alchemy.

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>Christopher Bollyn
>Ryan Dawson

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Everything you need to know:

tldw: Nuclear demolition, no planes (computer-generated on video), Israel did it

>maybe if I lie again about mini-nukes and just say Israel did it, they'll accept my retarded tryhard disinfo.

Yeah, no faggot. No radiation at ground zero.

They found lots of thermitic material and iron micro spheres in the dust. There really is no reason to pull mini-nukes from your ass.

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>Doing a project about 9/11. What do I need to know?>
Nothing at all, just copy the blue pilled normie version of event because otherwise you will fail.

>I started a war for Isn'treal then took a job at the World Bank

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Watch this presentation - and that's all you really need to know:

> no radiation

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that a negroid "woman" hired by the 911 agency rountinely hung up on emergency calls due to

>Background radiation

Hey faggot, what about the thermite?

Why the fuck is Jow Forums willing to blame fucking everything on the jews? Sandniggers blow shit up all the time

That's great

>Always the victim

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The site had 300x the amount of tritium as everywhere else. Explain that.

> what about the thermite?

Nothing, use of nuke in the basement does not preclude use of thermite on the upper floors.

However, use of thermite is not enough to explain pools of molten metal persisting for a month. A nuclear weapon on the other hand can explain that.

Another enigma is increased incidence of thyroid cancer among WTC responders. Again, a nuked site will leak iodine-131 which gets absorbed into thyroid.

judy wood- mark passio; google the video i’m lazy

some names:

>A history of terrorism: Menachem Begin, Stern Gang, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty, Isser Harel, Avraham Shalom Bendor
>Oded Yinon, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties"
>PNAC, pro Israel think tanks, wished for a new Pearl Harbor, worked for Bush
>Benjamin Netanyahu called the Attacks very good for Israel and is the author of several books which call for a global "War on Terror"
>Daniel Lewin, A hero IT-genius, Sajeret Matkal super soldier was on board of AA11, first victim of the day or rather one of the hijackers?
>Ehud Barak, was at the BBC headquarter as it happens, names Osama bin Laden before the towers fell
>Lucky Larry "pull it" Silverstein, leased the buildings only month before, won a billion dollar lawsuit, had new building 7 design meeting in April 2000
>Kroll (J.Howard) controlled security at the World Trade Center complex, was responsible for hiring John O'Neill, Osama Hunter at the FBI, who died in the attack
>Dov Zakheim: Pentagon comptroller could never find the missing 2.3 Trillion, possible connected to remote control technology
>Michael Chertoff, then asst. Attorney General, oversaw the cleanup of the crime scene, the destruction of the steel
>Philip Zelikow, 1998 "imagining the transforming event", 2003 Executive Director of the Commission
>Kenneth Feinberg, Shila Birnbaum, Alvin K. Hellerstein, Michael B. Mukasey: litigation of Larry Silverstein, avoided real trials from 9-11 victims, compensation fund, etc.
>Israelis were caught by police on the day, driving around in vans with explosives, month later released
>Bernard Kerik, denied explosives in the vans, got money from Eitan Wertheimer two weeks before
>The complicit jewish owned media

Thermitic reaction is fed by iron rust, the beams were covered in oxidation, and fed the thermitic reaction for months, underground and with out oxygen.

There is 0 reasons for a mini-nuke.

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no radiation
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund -- List of WTC-related Cancers (PDF):

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thermite was used to cut the wile e coyote "impact" holes

Those towers were filled with Asbestos, among many other carcinogens when the controlled demolitions blew them into tiny pieces.

Why don't you take your shitty meme flag off and we'll discuss this.

Asbestos does not cause thyroid cancer. It causes lung cancer.

You're attempting to say more died from Thyroid cancer that Lung cancer?

no not that one, there was one where it had three frames next to each other, and it zoomed in closer and closer on what looked like a face

Bollyn is great with the suspects, but weak on the technical details:
Plane swap and DU-missile on the tower is highly questionable

based Poland
Now think what irradiated asbestos does -- sticks in the lungs and irradiates the person for MONTHS

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there are no numbers in your list of who died of what...
Asbestos is one prime suspect cause of cancer and there is also this: nano tubes in the lungs of first responders

Incidence of thyroid cancer among WTC responders was 3x that of other firefighters and general population.

NB the way they are doing damage control in this paper is amusing.

t. scientist

that is inconclusive
the paper explains that the thyroid cancer comes from "Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers", that is from fire protection material... this is consistent with any collapse mechanism, as long as the towers get pulverized...

Wouldn't call that irrefutable proof of mini-nukes.

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in the 90's we were expecting a missile attack, so we spent billions upon billions of dollars to make "the iron giant" aka anti missile defense, this was in direct response to the fall of the ussr: alot of rising powers especially in the east after the fall were beginning to enact nuclear testing, in 1992 a treaty was signed to desist testing, but pakistan refused for a little. instead of nukes people were investing in missiles, but after the reality of anti-missile technology, everything seemed calm, until that day, when an individualist and suicidal approach from neo colonialism took response: if missiles were not an option: it would be from the inside, and the airports were the LEAST defended area. the inner city and suburbs had more defenses against an attack, but the skies before 9/11 were unprotected from the inside: we had no defense against it, so that's where they hit.they being the rising east. who was the blame though? it was a religious effort that cost almost no funding. what experience did it really take to hijack a plane before 2002? none. it could be done with ease, you just had to be suicidal to do it: because the moment you got off you were as good as dead. and in this case these people WERE suicidal. people like claiming it was a conspiracy when just a few years earlier the oklahoma city bombing happened, no one claims crap. it was real, it happened, it was a little more deadly then the usual home-brewed violence, but it happened from the same source: a cult-like people rose up, took action, and killed people, it's not a new concept, the war afterward though: the narrative people took toward entire countries, the war effort that we used to force them to govern their people and give a signal to the world we wouldn't take that, THAT was what really makes 9/11 significant.

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Weak-ass shillery in this thread -- nuclear demolition confirmed

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>Imagine insisting it was mini-nukes.

Why, dipshit? There's infinitely more proof of thermite.

Not really, they just cite a paper which hypothesises that Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers may cause thyroid cancer with zero proof. They even admit that they have no good alternative hypothesis of the source of increased thyroid cancer:

> Currently, other than exposure to radiation, which was not elevated at the WTC site, there is a paucity of information regarding environmental exposures and thyroid cancer risk [Lioy and Georgopoulos 2006, Lioy, et al. 2002].

This is why Tucker Carlson is Operation Mockingbird:

You think thermite smeared all over the buildings is was turned them to dust? Have you ever seen thermite burn? Thermite vs safe:
Did the WTC look like a fucking sparkler??

Thermite was used to cut out the retarded Wile E Coyote "impact" holes. Yes it was used; no it wasn't the demolition technique

Military grade thermate, would come in the form of a distribution device, one that straps to the beams and releases a channel or stream of incendiary material, purposefully severing the beam.

>What are shape charges?

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Then you would have a whole building worth of steel beams cut beams clattering down into pile -- NOT blowing away in billowing clouds of radioactive dust.
If only cutting charges were used, what happened to all the other stuff in the buildings, none of which was found, all turned to dust, including:
- 22,000 stainless steel doors
- 4 huge generators
- 64 4-ton transformers
- 200 large elevator cabs, with counterweights
- 23 miles of core columns
- 32 escalators
- thousands of toilets, urinals, and sinks
- 6 acres of marble
- 20,000 wooden & steel doors
- 40,000 door knobs
- 20,000 miles of wiring
- nearly 200 miles of copper pipe
- nearly 200 miles of iron pipe
- nearly 200 miles of PVC pipe
- 40,000 cubicles
- 45,000 desks
- 45,000 chairs
- 75,000 telephones
- 45,000 monitors, keyboards, mice
- 50,000 staplers
- 50,000 file cabinets
- 300 mainframe computers
- 3,000 copy machines
- 800 fire extinguishers
- 5,000 vending machines
- 7,000 rolls of carpet
- 450 refrigerators

Your shillery {{{glows}}}

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Shitty, why use a meme flag?

All the beams were conveniently cut into the perfect length to haul out on flat-bed trucks. That's the work of Thermite.

The steel was reported to be shipped off without any inspection, to China and a lesser known shipment went to Cuba. You think China would buy irradiated steel, or don't have a Geiger counter?

I was alive and cognizant, when all this happened. You, probably still shitting your diaper.

But the hijacker's passport survived!

so do Jews user, are you fucking stupid?

What happened to all that stuff, you (((fake-ass American)))? The best {{{shills}}} can offer is a few half-intact cell phones.
I was in my 30s at the time, jacking off to porn when my libertarian drummer called me to turn on the TV.
I finished.
Never has a metaphor been more appropriate.