Would landmines constitute a better barrier against illigal immigration.
I was always of the opinion that "The Wall" was bad policy because it is too "visible/symbolic" and therefore makes the polical fight more difficult. Modern technology and proper application of law can do the job just as good if not better.
no cause congress would say its inhumane
and if there was ever an emergency like yellowstone blowing its lid millions of americans will have to flee south into south america to survive it would be a barrier
we would just annex them and conquer them but mines would make it hard to cross
it would be more cost efficient to issue "border defense" lisence to people for a small fee
people with the license can hunt any illegal in a certain area without fear of prosecution
Obviously they would never use actual mines.
But they could use sensors and patrol vehicles.
walls are lame. landmines are expensive. we need a massive ditch filled with venomous snakes, scorpions, and komodo dragons.
Gassing the whole of Mexico would be the best option. Imagine the white ethnostate you would be able to create there
No, landmines are retarded. You should know Jaque, doesn’t a farmer get blown up in france from a WW2 landmine every few years?
I dunno, landmines work pretty good on the best/worst Korea DMZ.
we should get rid of the UN first, then there'd be no one to care