I'm just a guy with an appreciation for my heritage and a desire to see my race thrive...

I'm just a guy with an appreciation for my heritage and a desire to see my race thrive. We're not different in any material way.

Why should I take the blame for the actions of other who share a trait that I happened to be born with?

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not an argument

Good luck, it's hard when others judge and do not known your struggle. Maybe put these fliers up?


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Fucking leaf, year of the rake is coming faggot

How long have you been lurking here?
Fuck off. If you’ve read at least a thread or ten about the same shitty little waahhh I’m a joo muh existence threads that spawn here daily you wouldn’t bother with this.
But let’s be real. You’re a shill, a leaf and a Jew. Three strikes now please leave and take your dead horse topic of a thread and shove it up your fucking ass David

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are all white people this violent and unreasonable?

>We're not different

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You shouldn't.

All the more reason to make aliyah and devote your energy to building a country where you won't be persecuted for being Jewish.

Jews have no future in Canada. The Liberals who invited the whole Muslim world to settle here, and the apostates who bankroll their campaigns, have seen to that.

You're lucky. Christian Canadians have nowhere to go. Go. Don't look back.

I've been lurking long enough to see through the boogieman shit.

You just need an excuse for your failures, so you pick a target and hammer at it until you have a """convincing""" argument (ie. one you want desperately to believe)

It's the exact same shit with feminists and the patriarchy.
It's the exact same shit with niggers and whitey.

You just lack the self-awareness to realize what you are doing.

You realize that you can be ethnically white and religiously jewish right? Jewish isn't a skin colour.

>All the more reason to make aliyah and devote your energy to building a country where you won't be persecuted for being Jewish.
I'm pretty set here in Canada honestly.

I don't see the anti-jew narrative ever catching on outside of the fringe.

>white people
So you admit jews aren’t white. Good, maybe there is salvation for you yet troll.

depends on how expensive gas happens to be.

It's a fashion statement.

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NO are you insane? do you know how many m3 gas you need, the cost alone now a days.Never mind what effect is has on the climate, better dump them in sea near fukushima.

It is worth it.

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Lol. They will call it antisemitism. Cuz reasons.

it's ok to be jewish in israel

Redpill: some Jews are alright

I worked for a Jewish guy and he was great. He hooked me up with another job and always gives me good references

Do you know ANY Canadian history?

French Canadians have been Jew-haters from day one, taught Jew-hate from birth by the pedo-controlled, anti-Semitic Roman church. The PQ wanted a "sovereign" Quebec so they could expropriate and expel Quebec's Jews.

Pierre "the Tapette" Trudeau opened the floodgates of the Third World to import not only Liberal voters but people who hated Jews even more than his own tribe did. And the apostates let him do it, too.

Yes, anti-Semitism was only ever a fringe belief in English Canada. English Canada is dying, and the Liberals are killing her. What replaces her will have no place for Jews even as slaves.

I'm closer to Russia than I am to Quebec

It's not like they have any substantial effect on Canada as a whole.

i like to date lonely nerdy Jewish girls and when I sodimize them I whisper in their ear " my goy dick is a pork sausage and your Ravi is ashamed of you*

>desire to see my race thrive

This only becomes a problem when it's at the cost of my race, which for a lot of Jews, it does.

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for a lot of Jews, it doesn't

Have you tried focusing on people who share the common trait of wanting to destroy your race?

Instead of focusing on people who share the common trait of being Jewish?

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As a Jewish woman myself the hypocrisy of Jow Forums astounds me on this topic. Wh*tes must be controlled.

I do. It's just the part played by Jews in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.

Don't think I don't want to see Merkel in a guillotine

Put these up - it'll really get people thinking.

my goy dick is a pork sausage and your rabi is ashamed of you

what do you think I'm doing here?

>taking anything that happens in Quebec seriously

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OP, there’s nothing wrong with being. You and I and we all exist by virtue of a procreative process none of us have control over.

What we have a problem with are the elite Zionists who use the Jewish diaspora as a shield on top of using sovereign nations as their proxy financiers and armies/Human Resources.

Jews like you should join us in calling out and condemning the Zionists just as we call out the Jihadists.

Alas, this JIDF board is hell bent on eliminating any sense of solidarity against Zionism. So don’t let the dumb fucks get to you.

>What we have a problem with are the elite Zionists who use the Jewish diaspora as a shield on top of using sovereign nations as their proxy financiers and armies/Human Resources.
and your solution to this is to be the exact thing that they accuse you of being?

Okay so no-one is going to address the elephant in the room? Fine! user lets talk, okay, this is an anonymous forum and I understand, I really understood where you are coming from you dont want split the jews apart and cause concerns. It can be so hard to accept after so much anguish, a burden on your shoulders you would like to lift off, something to get off your chest and something that would make you sleep so much better than before and you would never go back to. Jewnon, you know it, I know it and we all know it. I mean is so obvious, glaringly obvious and its life changing. Thats why we are here today gathered to hear your heaviest confession. Jewnon, the time has come just say it, say those words its going to be alright. Just admit that you love black cock.

blacks don't really exist in Canada

at least outside of Ontario

Nobody gives a shit about Zionism. We just don't want to pay and bleed for it.

I want the America that was stolen from us through lies and deception (Hart Cellar). Admittedly many gentiles were involved. And I want the central bank abolished.

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Its perfectly ok to be jewish, just not in my country :)

It's ok to be Jewish as long as you don't shill against white folk, simple as, but then again i'm probably castigating a Leopard for having spots, we want to be proven wrong.

You will bear my child and like it.

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its a big country user

I probably wouldn't run into you

>It's ok to be Jewish as long as you don't shill against white folk
would you say the reverse is true?

Is it not ok to be White and shill against Jewish people?

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how does this make you feel?

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Anti-Semites and their propaganda are the cancer of Jow Forums. There's no reasoning with them, their believes are based on meme conspiracy theories, rumours, stereotyping and cherry picking. Anti-Semitic propaganda is utterly inconsistent with the realiy and common sense.

Most white Identity people are pro-Jewish Zionists these days, it's muslims and blacks that have it in for Jews way more. Jewish-White enmity is just enabling mutual destruction by aforementioned.

what about this one

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that's the same actor

the noses match up

and these guys

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You caught me

It turns out that the Jews are a diverse group of people who want different things.

Looks like anti-seminitism is inherently flawed.

I like to think that "muh {{{joos}}}" faggots are larping, but they're really not.
The whole jewish conspiracy is based off of the fact that Ashkenazi Jews are massively overepresented in positions of power. The explanation is that there is a conspiracy, with malevolence and nepotism involved. The truth is that Ashkenzim have an average IQ of 115, which is 15 points higher than the "standard". This means Jews would be massively overepresented in the genius, and generally higher IQ percentiles, which would, in part, explain the aforementioned overrepresention. Let's say there are other, unfair factors like nepotism involved. This wouldn't necessarily mean that every jew is to be held accountable for this. There is no addressing the individual with these people. It's the equivalent of blacks blaming all their problems on whites.

Secondly, they believe there is a conspiracy because Jews tend to 1. Be far left, or at least left leaning; 2. Shill for multiculturalism, diversity etc; 3. Tend to be in the elites which are for retarded far left causes (like soros); 4. Were the predominant race involved in the founding of the Frankfurt School.
The explanation for this would be:
Jews are left wing because they haven't been treated very well by the right, they shill for aforementioned ideas because they are often far left, they are in the elites because of aforementioned reasons, and tend to believe and fund retarded far left causes because of being far left. They created the frankfurt school as a reaction to their persecution in Germany.

The whole problem with this board is that they forget about the individual and focus on the group. They forget that the thing that western civilization got right, was the individual. It's how the west was able to completely out-compete the east. If you point out these inconsistencies in these meme conspiracies, they immediately call you either 1. A shill, or 2. A jew. These people don't have a lot going for them... (1/2)

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something like that

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>and your solution is to be the “problem” (((they))) accuse others of being?
The fact that ZOG projects all their own sins upon their enemies who identify and condemn their sins is not evidence that I am guilty of what (you) nor (((they))) accuse me of.

Try harder with your next retort, senpai

My God. You really never have been to Ottawa, have you?

All the civil servants are French Canadians and shitskins. A white man without French is lucky to be given a job making the coffee. Nobody with a Jewish last name need apply at all.

And guess what? They blame Israel and the "Zionists" for all the world's problems.

You really trust anybody in Ottawa to give a shit about the blessed Charter rights of Canadian Jews, unless it's some Bay Street apostate who gave the Liberal Party a fortune? God, my sides.

which makes them bitter. They want to feel accomplished in some way, so they look towards the accomplishments of their race and say "look at all we haz akomblished :DDDD". In reality, they haven't done anything substantial, and just want to collectivise in their bitter resentment to blame somebody. It just happens to be the case that Jews are doing really well, so they're an easy target.
Instead of improving their lives and putting things in order, they focus on blaming the jews. They have fallen for the ideological trap.

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so all the "gas the kikes race war now" business

fake Jew shills?

Hey, its not personal. If i met you in real life i very well may like you. But people need to govern their own kind. Your culture and people do nothing but interfere with mine. They contradict each other.

Just go be Jewish in Israel

in what sense?

The difference is we want to see our race thrive just by being allowed to thrive, while the Jew has wanted to thrive while being jealous of what others have. They've been that way since Judah sold Joseph off to slavery out of jealousy for what Joseph had.

The problem is competition (((user))). As long as we're doing the best for our people, were gonna end up fucking each other over. It's just the way of things unfortunately.

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Jewnon you are in the denial phase. I am sorry that you didnt come forth and take the weight off your shoulders and get it off your chest. There is literally nothing wrong with jews loving black cock. We hope all jews both jewish males and jewish females come forth one day and admit that they love black cock to the world at large. It would be so empowering for them to embrace it instead of putting on others.

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>shill for multiculturalism and diversity
By your own admittance you acknowledge my grievances with these fuckheads. I don't want to live in a diverse country. I don't want to live in a faggot loving country. I don't want children being given hormone therapy. And if you trace all this shit back to its root, it comes back to Jews and the Frankfurt school.

Middle Eastern American wars/aipac and the federal reserve is just icing on the cake though.

>inb4 no one addresses this post

Im pretty sure white NatSoc and jews dont mix right? In that sense.

what about the white people that arent nazis?

well shit, that does sound pretty tempting

do you feel like you're winning?

Yes because you won't engage with me.

Those white people need to have their own country that isnt a part of mine either. People need to be able to choose their own groups to be free.

that doesn't sound a like a winning strategy

Has it been working for you?

In the sense that we put our own country first.
In the sense that we believe in guilt on the weight of physical evidence, not two or three (Gorillion) witnesses.
In the sense that we believe in freedom of speech, including hate speech.
In the sense that we believe in the right to keep and bear arms

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gosh, sounds like a safe space

Maybe SJWs and Nazis have something in common

It's not my strategy it's yours. You come on here and ask why we are all evil nazis, I list some of my grievances and you don't respond to any of them.

You're all in it together, jews are a huge mafia expanding at the expense of everything else. You have to go.

Oh.. that is just wonderful I am so happy for you to reach the testing stage. You deserve it.

>In the sense that we put our own country first.

>In the sense that we believe in guilt on the weight of physical evidence, not two or three (Gorillion) witnesses.
you're the first one to bring it up, user

>In the sense that we believe in freedom of speech, including hate speech.
Where have I indicated that I disagree?

>In the sense that we believe in the right to keep and bear arms

It sounds like you are incompatible with Jews who hold certain views, not Jews as a whole. I mean shit, how many whites would disagree with you on those points? Do you need to be surrounded by people who suck you off an agree with you at all times?

>It's not my strategy it's yours.
If its working, why change it?

This is why I hate Jews.

Im perfectly ok with not having safe spaces too, which means war :) I can go either way. My line has always been bred for war. I dont believe in justice. Just cold hard Darwinism... and i think its beautiful :)

I don't know, I'm not high up enough to know just exactly how things are going or where they're going, if anyone is. Doesn't matter really. We'll never stop. Even if if this is just one last gasp out of a dying people, we'll never stop. Not until we're all dead. As I said, this is just the way things are. Of course there are personal reasons to hate the jews, but even if there weren't, this conflict was inevitable.

Jews is an ethnicity.

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Too bad kike your people are evil incarnate and you are not a larping shill faggot then you know enough to divest yourself of all "pride" for the sickness which spurted you into your mother's genetic disease oven aka womb.

All kikes who do not take responsibility for bad kikes are bad kikes and will be treated as such on DOTR.

You're frustrated that they won't handicap themselves to suit your needs?

Sounds like the same reason niggers hate whites

>Just cold hard Darwinism
Agreed user

Let's see whose genes get passed on, my 56% friend.

It's an ethnicity and a religion.

You can be ethnically jewish and subscribe to another religion

You can be white and subscribe to the jewish religion.

Does that confuse you?

I'm frustrated they won't fight their own fucking wars and get their greedy paws out of white banking institutions. And I'm frustrated they won't stop pushing multiculturalism and diversity. This adversely effects my race.

Which coming full circle

Whites are the only people who have and continue to protect Jews from everyone else, with Whites gone, Jews will be the next Whitey but this time vastly outnumbered.

where are the whites going to go exactly?

I thought we were supposed to get a subservient mixed-breed subclass at the end of all this.

yeah but they have all the shekels so they don't need numbers

Goyim, I will be nice firend.

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You should put that poster up in Muslim neighbourhoods, that way when they chimp out people might actually wake up and see how savage they are. Though since it's Canada they'll probably just break their spines bending over backwards trying to suck the cocks of Jews and Muslims at the same time.

Into the Oven.

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It amazes me how true this is.

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Well, they will be absorbed if the agenda pans out save for the Amish, then the Jews will be absorbed and will eventually merge with the subclass you mentioned, society will be dull and boring with oppression merely being economic and hierarchical. The Jewish plan is broken, meaning it is doomed to fail and will backfire harder than an Austin Metro.