Hidden Film Parts

Not Easter Eggs, but Meaningful Things.
Just watched Batman vs Superman again, and I paused to read the Kent obituary...
Check out the left page of the daily planet.
Someone dropped some sneaky redpills.

Attached: Hidden Truths.png (1920x790, 1.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=pedophile symbols sunshine&atb=v77-3_q&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/sun-logo-and-symbols-star-icon-web-vector_5426-286.jpg

Could you type it in a green text? Makes you less gay

>Subtle Red Pilling
>Not Expected from (((Movies)))

>On the left a hidden article.
>Right wing in dispair, Superman dead.
>Disillusion on the left.
>Very right page, a Jew destroying all that is good...the man in the middle.

Dark knight rises

Attached: 308E38CA-B0EF-4355-9E24-7CD4F69EF67E.jpg (568x320, 165K)

No way?
I have been de-encrypting "Alien" text in films for a laugh between exams.
So far I created a codex for Dead Space and Star Wars.
There's a lot of hidden shit.

What freaks me out is the Super Bowl 1988 poster in Poltergiest I. That movie was in 1982 and that little girl died in 1988, Super Bowl weekend.

Attached: 1EE5BD83-FC1D-403A-AA3D-4B04C0CC81E9.png (494x296, 319K)

Want a real freak out?
I have been on this 9 years.

Attached: SKDKC.png (1492x820, 52K)

AND...guess who makes King's films??

Attached: Dimension films.jpg (960x597, 28K)

We1n$tien films...

Watch John Carpenter's "In The Mouth of Madness" again.
When he cuts the book covers to make a map...it's upstate NY next to Maine that he points out.
It's also about "Sutter Caine"...
Carpenter is /ourguy/.
Also the bit about "The Black Church".
He is talking about "The Dark Tower" where kids go missing.

Attached: Carpenter.jpg (300x244, 17K)


I think his involvement in "Christine" told him all he needed to know...then he made "They Live".

Bump because nonce.

Uh, if you want to get freaked out even more, look into the likely cause of WHY she died, and you'll go full Pizzagate.

Already did mate.
It's in the SKDKC list...
Wait until you realise Apt Pupil leads into Lord of The Rings...

Attached: Elijah.jpg (436x488, 133K)

Then you have:
X-Men Cast...
Ian McKellen.
Stephen King.
Raped kids.

"Pizzagate", true as it is (it is a registered symbol), and the weird triangles etc...
This shit is kind of hard to be Cohencidence:








Apt pupil always bothered me. Pointless scenes with shirtless boys.

Attached: 3B59B60B-DD4E-42C1-97CF-56D41C0B18C3.jpg (200x230, 21K)

NatSoc were Kalergi.
Fuck them.
Any better way to thin the herd than a brother war?
And you ever read the book "IT"?
They child fuck to beat a demon.

I am revealing power levels.
I should stop.

I think:
"You were never really here" is payback from River Phoenix's brother.
Watch it if you get the chance.

Attached: YWNRH.jpg (300x445, 25K)

>itt: Hollywood brainwashed people think movies are "redpilling" and not predictive programming

BBC calls their schedule "Programming".
Other stations call it "Schedule".
Almond itching.

Studio Canal+ and Film 4 seem to be on the ball.
The difference between "movies" and "film".

Attached: Dead Mans Shoes.jpg (500x281, 86K)

I have the theory that this is why Snyder was taken off the DC films, because his vision was too conservative. Man of Steel and Batman v Superman had a lot of religious imagery.

I liked his films.
Man of Steel was a great film desu.
Can't have white heroes though eh?

Ever notice the lead villains in Hollyweird are English or German?

Very inspiring scene

Want to watch that now.
Was in the mood for a revenge film.
Classic though.
Conservative farm-boy that doesn't even hit back...even though he can rip the planet in two.

From my original OP pic...
Thinking of the term "Disillusion"...
Never thought of the Latin before, or the language in general for the term.
I suppose a modernised version would be "Wake Up Call".

We don't need to hide them here.

I don't understand please clarify

I respect the constitution as much as I do The Magna Carta.
You think we lost without a fight...?
Or do we play a different game?
Brexit changed the world.
Don't doubt our resilience...many have tried for 5000 years.

Self explanatory.
Do you want a paint/crayon by numbers version?
Because I don't want to sketch it.

Magna carta is flawed, harm is loss. loss is harm.

We have chapters on the danger of the Chosen...
In our constitution.
Flaws where?

Been meaning to post this for a while.

Have you seen the recent Stephen King movie 'The Dark Tower'?

Well, there are pedo spirals in the movie (it's the symbol of of the "crimson king", pic related), including on the doors of building in alleyways.

They kidnap children and bring them to these doors with the spiral mark, and then the children are taken through a "portal" to another world. In this world, the children are strapped into chairs that torture them to harvest their spiritual energy (which is only released when they are tortured), and the energy is gathered and aimed at a mysterious force that prevents chaos/hell (including demons) from pouring out into the Earthly realm.

I think that this is all symbolic of how the pizzagate elite kidnap children and rape them. The pedo spiral symbol, the taking children into another "dimension" (underground world of sex trafficking), and raping/torturing them for occult reasons (they consider it a magical ritual).

Was wondering if you'd also noticed this and what your thoughts are. What a piece of shit movie, by the way. Absolutely terrible.

Attached: crimson_king_dark_tower.png (220x166, 9K)

Forgot to mention that the people in the movie stalk children and target them based on how much "shine" they have, that being how spiritually pure they are or something.

Men in vans conduct surveillance on children, choose targets, then kidnap them in the vans and then transport them to doors in alleyways marked with the pedo spirals.

They torture the children to release their spiritual energy, then that spiritual energy is weaponized and directed at a force of spiritual good (a tower that holds hell back from the Earthly dimension), with their objective being to summon the demons into our world that are being held back.

Is that the spider being put into the spiral?
That is also the creature known as "IT" from what I have studied, "The Dead Lights"...
His canon is a bit too...cult.

Need to finish watching it.

Is that "The Shining"?

No, the recent Stephen King movie that came out called 'The Dark Tower'.

It was a massive flop, even though it had been anticipated for years. Not surprised you haven't seen it.


There have been rumors of King being a pedophile for years. A lot of his books have unnecessary sex scenes or shirtless boys. Hell, even It had a child orgy in the book.

I mentioned it in an earlier post, I think John Carpenter's "In The Mouth of Madness" is a direct dig at Stephen King.
His hometown of Maine is the setting (when he cuts the books for the map) and when Sutter Cane (The Horror Novelist) takes children to his "Black Church".
I think after Carpenter made "Christine", he realised what was up.
His next film was "They Live".


No I mean "The Shining" as something in his lore, not the movie.

But I know his entire lives work is based on "The Dark Tower".

It was the most blatant depiction of child sex trafficking and organized rape for occult reasons ever depicted in a film that I have ever seen.

It actually blew my mind that it was central to the plot of the movie, and that they were so blatant about it. All the way down to men stalking children for abduction in vans and dropping the children off to middlemen in alleyways through doors marked with pedo spirals.

I'm shocked that no one has picked up on this yet.

He looks 100% nonce.

Attached: King of Noncery.jpg (2048x1536, 253K)

Dark Tower???
Is this going to make me snipe him?

What is the context of his use of the term "the shining" in his other works?

In this movie, "shine" meant purity and strength of a child's spiritual energy, basically the brightness of their aura.

They specifically targeted the children with the brightest "shine" for abduction and torture, the children with the most spiritual energy and purity.

Basically "The Shining" the film.
Also from The Tommyknockers, it was mentioned.
There was also "The Shine" in "IT" with the child sex shine, it removed the "shine".
Same with "The Deadlights".
That's in every book.

Give me a minute, I'll grab you some screenshots of some of the weird stuff in this film.

Archery isn't forbid here...yet.

Now that I think of it, Randall Flagg was raped as a young boy in The Dark Tower.

In the movie the "dark tower" is a some kind of spiritual force that prevents the demons and chaos from a dimension (hell) from pouring out onto Earth.

They torture the children they abduct, collect the children's spiritual energy that is released during the torture using some kind of occult machine, then direct the energy at the tower to destroy it (beams of energy blow pieces of the tower apart).

The more children they abduct and torture, the closer they get to unleashing hell on Earth.

Movie or books?
I was always surprised he based his entire life work on a book that means nothing to even a fan.
It's Moloch shit.
He was trying to impress others.
Didn't he write like 5 books on Dark Tower?
And every book is based on it's lore.

...was King trying to warn us?

2001 odyssey kubrick
It's literally what ((they)) are planning
I recommend to watch Mystery Babylon from Bill Cooper

I switched it off when they put the spider in the spiral.
I knew something was fucked up then.
I already researched the SKDKC^TM.
After I fell upon a list of dead child actors, I found a MASSIVE leaning to King movies.

That's the question, is he warning us through fiction, or is he flaunting his involvement in those activities in our face?

I think the secondary mate.

I feel bad when I have to hover over your flag.
Sorry about that...the colours and my eyesight.
(Guilt face).
I loved 2001. I thought it was sharp and still amazing 50 years later.
I wonder if Kubrick warned us, hence making all his films in England and not Hollyweird??

King want's to fuck your kids and flaunt it.

You know whom I think is another contender, and also BFF's with King?
JK Rowling. Also kids stuff...that's not really for kids.
The way they went uber aggresive at the right wing was a bit of a giveaway.
Sniffing their farts with their large walls.

So here's a scene at 1:18:10 there they're grabbing a kid in a van (the main character).

Something to note is that these child kidnappers drive around in corporate vans. Remember when we discovered that weird company with the trucks that had the pedo spiral on them, and their company website was totally fake?

Woops, forgot image.

Attached: dark_tower_van_grab_1.png (1275x543, 729K)

This kinda stuff?

Attached: FBI Pedo Finder Pics.jpg (391x539, 36K)

Have a higher res for that shape??

Here's the logo that's on the van at 1:18:14

Anyone want to try to interpret this symbol?

Attached: dark_tower_van_grab_2.png (1267x543, 381K)

I shall apply my autism. 2 tics.

whack this into your URL.
See if you see it too and it's not just my...eccentricity.

duckduckgo.com/?q=pedophile symbols sunshine&atb=v77-3_q&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/sun-logo-and-symbols-star-icon-web-vector_5426-286.jpg

The only letters visible form the company name are "SOM".

Attached: dark_tower_van_grab_3.png (1277x548, 759K)

The green hills are an anus. The sun behind the clouds represents a powerful star trying to be hidden.

Is "SOM" mentioned again in the film, or just that moment?

That image seems to have come up randomly in your search, no indication it's related to pedo symbols.

Not sure.

Bit odd though???

Attached: Fucking Nonces.png (1920x955, 783K)

The parting of the hills seems like so.

Kid looking at his drawings of demons etc.

Looking right now for the scene where they are targeting children in their van.

Attached: dark_tower_drawings.png (1273x553, 1.18M)

By the way, in the movie they call kidnapping children and bringing them into the other dimension "crossing over". They "cross over kids".

This is transferring children from the regular world, into the world of sex trafficking and slavery.

I should be studying...now I want to see every drawing.
Still think Carpenter called the fucker out.

Attached: In The Mouth of Madness.jpg (516x386, 39K)

The full company name is "SOMBRA".

@ 1:09:50

Research this, run the name through gematria as well.

Attached: dark_tower_sombra_van.png (1274x549, 955K)

The Sun is always to the left of the tower in the drawings at day
Sun sets to the right in the drawings.

Attached: Intredasting.png (675x864, 80K)

Okay, so at 1:09:40, the main characters begin interrogating a homeless man.

The homeless man says he was "crossed over" when he was a kid, tortured, then "lost his shine". He now lives on the street and is insane.

The homeless man has a flashback, and he sees the SOMBRA van, and this worker wearing a SOMBRA shirt.

Wait until you see my next post.

Attached: dark_tower_sombra_worker.png (1271x576, 1.05M)

I've always wondered about Carpenter because on one hand he seems so based. But I've also seen him shitting on Republicans.
My guess is that he might feel that way because during the 80s that is when the Franklin stuff was coming out and at that time wasn't implicating Dems.

Then, the flashback goes into an alleyway and the homeless man remembers the SOMBRA workers taking him through a door with this pedo spiral on it.

That's where he was "crossed over" from our world, into the world of child sex trafficking, which caused him to lose his "shine" (spiritual energy and purity).

Didn't we find evidence of pedos placing spirals like this on doors and in areas to indicate where to drop children off?

Attached: dark_tower_spiral_door.png (1271x578, 485K)

>It is well known one mere glance (no matter a living soul stares briefly or longer) into these bright lights can instantly cause death and permanent insanity.
>The Deadlights, when used, are able to cause great suffering to the point of death, and even possibly do things to the affected victim's soul. The Crimson King uses the Deadlights around the once cursed American town of Derry within Maine, in the book "Insomnia" to ascend to another level of the Dark Tower
>The very life essence and even true form of the dangerous extradimensional fiend IT is comprised of the Deadlights themselves and It uses this power to blind his fresh victims (usually human children) and robs them of their conscious minds as It drives them crazy as well as leave them both immobile and lifeless before It takes them away and consumes them
>Forgot to mention that the people in the movie stalk children and target them based on how much "shine" they have, that being how spiritually pure they are or something.
>They torture the children to release their spiritual energy, then that spiritual energy is weaponized and directed at a force of spiritual good (a tower that holds hell back from the Earthly dimension), with their objective being to summon the demons into our world that are being held back.
>In the 2017 IT movie, when Pennywise reveals his Deadlights, it resembles a vagina with the lights surrounding the 'cervix' in a blatant reversal, turning the gateway and cradle of life into a toothy welcome into death and despair
Sweet Jesus. It's all one big allegory. All of King's books work towards painting a picture of the ruling elite and what they do; they kidnap, rape and torture children in order to harvest their spiritual energy to use in rituals in order to feed/strengthen demons and bring Hell closer to Earth. Even the complacent townsfolk in IT is similar to the way people who work in Hollywood are all silent about the depravity that goes on there.

Attached: Deadlights.png (1920x800, 2.06M)

>Even the complacent townsfolk in IT is similar to the way people who work in Hollywood are all silent about the depravity that goes on there.
To their credit, they can't see or conceive of It. See the bathroom scene with the girl.

Damn, that's interesting.

"Theos" = God in Greek.

>"You were never really here" is payback from River
can you give me a quick rundown on the movie? i know the river phoenix story

i think he realised he was in the belly of the beast.
Played along to live...basically.
Escape From LA seems pretty fucking sweet desu.
I read a new re-review from a leftist of it recently.
They praised it talking about demagogue leaders etc... (as if Barrack wasn't a cult of personality).
I just viewed it as an island that couldn't even get their shit together.
It's the size of England FFS.
We would thrive, not gun fight and whore it up.
Reaching a bit here, but if you had my accent...it would make sense.

Attached: Reaching a Bit.png (731x566, 30K)


>This scene is inspired by the actual 1982 hanging of Roberto Calvi (dubbed “God’s banker” due to his relations with the Vatican). The hanging took place under the exact same bridge. Although never publicly confirmed, there are strong theories that Roberto Calvi’s death was a symbolic and ritualistic murder carried out by the black Masonic lodge called Propaganda Due, also referred to as P2. The name of the bridge is very significant:

>“Mr. Calvi’s investigation indicates that his father was strangled, before his body was weighted and suspended underneath Blackfriars Bridge, probably by people who were in a small boat. The choice of bridge may have been significant: the P2 members referred to themselves as “frati neri” – black friars.”

Attached: ledger.jpg (1640x1869, 1.09M)

Child gang bang in the sewers no less and she goes into graphic detail about how big they are or aren't and their technique. I confronted my Stephen King fanboy friend about it they "didn't remember it" even though they supposedly read all his books.


Blizzard is run by kikes and Sombra is a character in Overwatch

Or Russian of course. They've been brainwashing entire generations of goys to hate the Russians. Here I thought we were fighting communism all those years ago turns out it was really hatred of russians.

Deadlights freaked me out as a kid, I didn't know what original it was talking about.
Now I know that it's his canon...I don't think it's canon.
It's fucking ritual.

People are quite good at 'not seeing' awful things in real life, user.

He finds kidnapped children for parents, and if the worst has happened...
He uses a hammer.
Basically a private detective that beats peaedos to death with hammers...
A lot of politicians/directors.
Watch it man...I think he's done with Hollyweird.

The Dark Tower as some other user mentioned is a really good metaphor for child trafficking and ritual abuse of kids. The movie is kind of crap, but it has a really good potential, which is kind of sad that it's wasted, but at least you get a glimmer of it from the movie.

Dead spaces has a fuckload of strange and creepy messages written everywhere.