But nobody would listen, i will post all the hitler videos i have.
Hail Victory.
But nobody would listen, i will post all the hitler videos i have.
Hail Victory.
Other urls found in this thread:
Happy Birthday
Bump for visibility, people need to see this.
>Following a dead ideology that died in 1945
It is like you are recruiting your own enemies lol
Shut the fuck up profligate.
>If you don't support an ideology that only cared for German interests you are a kike shill
>Apparently you are all of a sudden against your own interests if you agree with a leader about the jews and admired of how much he did for his own country.
no harm in looking at Hitler and NSDAP and admiring it in the same sense that lefties do with red october and the USSR. it gets weird when people LARP in their image publicly, normal americans respond negatively to both flags and ideologies
You just salty cause you can never be an Aryan. Don't spoil it for those of us who are and would be welcome in Hitler's glorious Reich. Now go get gassed subhuman
Aye Brother, we will surely crush these vermin.
tfw you realise that stopping at Czechoslovakia might have been a smart move.
>only cared for German interests
You, sir, are fucked.
What a fucking joke your country is and always was.
>Yo, dem Allies are the real racists
That’s what you’re going with, Prince of Cucks?
Once we CONQUER our lands, we will move on to bomb the uk and especially england worse than dresden ever was, we will use our full military force and the conventions wont be used, just like you people did to germany, will be done back to you.
The return of justice.
Muh constitution… muh guns…
Whatever you say, nigger.
Let me ask you a very serious question.
Are you alright with being wiped out in your homeland, that your ancestors fought for btw, by a hoard of muslims and blacks from africa?
You couldn't even fight back if you wanted too, here we have WIDE open plains and rifles that can hit some nigger at 800 yards, fuck off with your stupid shit, we CAN fight!
*blocks your path*
That man was a satanic utter shithead mason, masons get the fucking gun, and i'll personally follow some fuck out of the lodge when the day of the fucking rope comes, zionist piece of shit.
And the uk is so fucked it's unbelievable, better hide your scissors you fuck.
GTFO with your larping. You watched Ruby Ridge and did nothing. You watched Waco and did nothing. You watched Oregon and did nothing. You watched Philando Castile and Daniel Shaver and did nothing. You watch Trump break every single one of his campaign promises, and you do nothing.
Your government doesn’t *need* to take your guns because you’re total eunuchs.
The ATF could turn up to rape your wives and daughters and you’d slope arms and sing the Star Spangled Banner while they did so; and a year later would be posting selfies of yourselves as ‘happy granpappies’ cuddling your daughters’ piccaninny rape babies.
You’re *****pathetic*****.
Have an Agincourt Salute on me.
>You watched Ruby Ridge and did nothing. You watched Waco and did nothing. You watched Oregon and did nothing. You watched Philando Castile and Daniel Shaver and did nothing. You watch Trump break every single one of his campaign promises, and you do nothing.
>Your government doesn’t *need* to take your guns because you’re total eunuchs.
What are you talking about, i dont give a fuck about a few crazies, we are having an intellectual awakening about the events of world war two in this nation, i've seen it first hand, nobody believes your zionist shit anymore you fucking tea drinker, its over, the year resets to 1776 because now your exposed, the internet was your greatest mistake.
>The ATF could turn up to rape your wives and daughters and you’d slope arms and sing the Star Spangled Banner while they did so; and a year later would be posting selfies of yourselves as ‘happy granpappies’ cuddling your daughters’ piccaninny rape babies.
>You’re *****pathetic*****.
This projection doe, i think you have to be worried about your TV license first.
Hitler was a dope head loser who killed himself
Stop worshipping losers and get some self respect pol.
We dont worship hitler you dumb shit, we follow the thing he created as a means to get out of our (((situation))).
The point, you low-IQ retard, is you rationalise every act of murderous tyranny your government perpetrates because you’re a eunuch—a ball-less, soulless cocksucker, an utterly worthless waste of oxygen. You endlessly—**endlessly**—whine on about ‘Muh guns’ but you do nothing. You ain’t Spartacus and you wouldn’t even be the hundredth to proclaim, ‘I am Spartacus’. The moment someone in authority looked at you, you’d be going, ‘Spartacus you’re looking for? Oh, that’s him over there, HE’S Spartacus.’ Faggot, you’d lick the FBI’s boots clean of Vicki Weaver’s brains.
Did you ask permission of your boyfriend before posting that?
>"you rationalise every act of murderous tyranny your government perpetrates because you’re a eunuch—a ball-less, soulless cocksucker, an utterly worthless waste of oxygen."
This projection is astronomical, listen bud, im not going to argue with you about what's going to happen, i know what's going to happen, i am ready to fucking die, one ghillie suit and nobody can see my ass, your so dumb it's unbelievable, the people still have all the fucking power here, there aren't even that many cops in one area, we could kill every single one swiftly, but they would join us anyways.
So why aren’t you doing something now then, bootlicker? You’ve got your precious guns which you never shut up about, you’re much better placed than we are, so why aren’t you marching on Washington?
Trump betraying his base, reneging on every promise he made, shows that democracy in the US is irretrievably broken and now is the time to break out the guns in defiance of tyrannous government, and refresh that ‘tree of liberty’ with the ‘blood of patriots and tyrants’.
Yet you do nothing.
And you never will.
You are the most craven bootlickers in history.
Soon a national party will come into existence, and then it begins.
>You are the most craven bootlickers in history.
How can you even say that considering where you live, your turn to fight back was 20 years ago.
>Soon a national party will come into existence, and then it begins.
Translation: Soon someone else will do something, maybe, then, maybe, I might follow sheeplike if enough others do something first, but only if the government doesn’t object.
Gawd bless ’Murica! Oh-oh, say can yoooo seeeee—Hush, Martha, don’t you know it’s an honour for our bless-ed ATF agents to pick you for one of their comfort women?—Baaaaa the dawn’s eaarrrrly laaaaattt…
Excerpt from Mein Kampf:
Hitler was right.
Very good brother, we should be posting these videos in every thread.